Additionally, if you have recently updated your contact information with our office, please make sure to also update your information with the EEOC through the third party administrator. Our office has filed an emergency motion for reconsideration of the EEOC Judges decision in order to ensure that all claimants have sufficient time to complete the paperwork. We currently have no information regarding the nature of the EEOCs website or the notice, so unfortunately cannot yet provide answers to questions you may have, but we will provide a detailed update as soon as we have additional information. As of July 15, 2019, we have filed a legal brief (Statement) and evidence on behalf of all Claimants who are represented by our law firms. Activity 1. nrp class action: 7.82%: nrp class action settlement: 5.18%: Domain Registration Data. To the best of our knowledge at this time, the Postal Service has disputed every class member claim (in whole or in part). Other members of the class must proactively file claims to prove they are members of the class and will then also be entitled to relief. USPS asks that the EEOC simply take their word that all Class Members were properly notified in March 2018, despite evidence to the contrary. You can access the Declaration (with instructions) by clicking here. The EEOC Administrative Judge responded that she was not able to comment on those issues at this time, but emphasized that she (and others within the EEOC) are working on this matter each week and are committed to moving things forward as quickly as possible. We continue to respond to each call and email in the order received. Like the other recent conferences, this one focused on the spreadsheet that the parties have been compiling for the last several months, at the direction of the Administrative Judge. Thank you for your continued patience! The Judge issued an important order today approving the use of Special Masters to assist the EEOC in reviewing the 28,000+ disputed claims in this case. To recap: in July 2020 the Judge issued an order setting up the use of Special Masters to speed up the claim review process, but USPS argued that the Judge lacked authority to use Special Masters and could not force USPS to pay for Special Masters; the Judges recent order, citing our legal briefing, brushed aside USPS objections. Clients who would like to submit questions for us to address, please send your questions via email to or send us a letter to Thomas & Solomon LLP, 693 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14607. Please also send us a copy of the forms as the Postal Service has NOT sent copies to your attorneys. As we learn more about the Administrative Judges plans ahead, we will provide updates on this website. The Order also states that the process to be used is that the Postal Service is to submit their legal brief and evidence by March 19, 2019; and that Class Member claimants are to submit their response briefs and evidence 20 days after that (although the Order notes that extensions to the deadlines may be permitted). The effect of the House of Lords' unanimous ruling was to uphold firmly the doctrine of corporate personality, as set out in the Companies Act 1862, so that creditors of an insolvent company could not sue the company's shareholders for payment of outstanding debts. Class Counsel has proposed a process based on a successful approach used in numerous large-scale class actions. Whether you get any money and how much is determined by the EEOCs decision on your claim. However, in the event the case settles at some point in the future, we would seek to have the Postal Service pay all of the fees in this case so that the class members do not have to pay those fees from their individual recoveries. We strongly encourage timely cooperation if you receive the notice from the EEOC. On February 26, 2019, USPS attorneys filed a response to Class Counsel's Motion for Entry of a Case Management Order. We eagerly await the next conference with the Court and will provide an update when one has been scheduled. The status conference scheduled for September 26, 2019 was cancelled by the Administrative Judge. My Supervisor complained about my limitations. Pursuant to the Judges order, we will present the USPS attorneys with a list of all pages that were missing (or otherwise unreadable) from the USPS production of NRP Activity Files for Claimants who hired our law firms. If you need another copy of the Disability Form to complete, please contact us at 585-272-0540. We will post status updates on the claims process on this website. Our email address is and our fax is 585-272-0574. Otherwise, the Postal Service and other employers will continue to discriminate against workers with disabilities. We share your frustration with how long this is taking, and we share your anger with the Postal Service's continued efforts to delay justice in this case. After that, the Special Masters will have no more than one year to issue recommended damages and relief for each claim presented to them. USPS actually tried this in 2013 in this case, and the untimely appeal was rejected. If you have already hired our firms to represent you, we will be filing a legal brief in support of your claim. We keep track of our clients' contact information, and we can provide that to USPS or the EEOC Administrative Judge when they need it. Summary: The requirements of correctly constituting a limited company. Continued patience is therefore required. We have notched many milestone successes in this case since 2006. On February 27, 2019, the EEOC Administrative Judge issued a Case Management Order. During the call, we voiced the frustration of our clients as to the continuous delay tactics used by the Agency that has made this process nearly fifteen years long and not yet complete. As previously reported, we have filed an extension request with the Judge. We understand that this has been a long and frustrating journey, but as your attorneys, we will continue to take every action possible to help the Judge move this process forward! If you have previously retained Class Counsel to represent you in your individual claim, we will specifically name you in our appeal from the FADs, and you do not need to submit a separate FAD appeal notice to the EEOC. At the present time, though, because there is no settlement, we are prepared to represent you on an individual basis to make your claim for recovery with a fee agreement on that basis. Do you need to file an individual appeal from the FAD? Please note: we are using email to send these forms to our clients to the greatest extent possible. If you have retained our firms to represent you, and if you have received forms recently from USPS, please call us immediately at 585-272-0540 to discuss completing these forms. A copy of the Case Management Order is available by clicking here. We are asking that everyone return the paperwork that we have mailed to you so that it arrives in our office by no later than March 25, 2019. The Administrative Judge has asked our offices to provide any evidence that claims were timely. My co-workers made fun of me, and told me that I would end up being sent to work for Walmart. Unfortunately, we are not tax attorneys, so we suggest you contact your financial advisor. To see the Motion that was filed, CLICK HERE. We were not involved in the process of USPS accessing Pittman settlement documents, and those documents do not directly relate to the NRP Class Action. By doing so, the EEOC Administrative Judge is hopeful that unnecessary delays are avoided. The EEOC has repeatedly stated that it is not necessary to provide medical support in order to obtain an award of compensatory damages. If you retain us, Class Counsel will review that information to ensure that you are provided all the relief you are due, and file an appeal if necessary in order to achieve that result. The EEOC Decision in this case recognizes that many class members had no option other than retirement, separation, or resignation as a result of the NRP. If applicable to you, here are some possible short statements that can help explain what happened: Click here to see the latest news on the case. With this fast, favorable decision by EEOC-OFO, the course is now set to have the claims review process commence in the very near future. And they have all been able to complete a review of large numbers of claims in a reasonable amount of time. When we have additional details on the EEOC's hearing process for this case, we will post those details on this website. We wanted to reach out and give a quick update on the case, and answer some questions that have been raised. NRP Class Action is being handled by Thomas & Solomon LLP. Our law offices have also been impacted by the Covid-19 situation. During the coming weeks, we will not only be analyzing the spreadsheet for the Agency's compliance with the Judge's Order, but we will also be supplementing the spreadsheet with the information the EEOC has asked us to compile. 6. As always, we greatly appreciate your patience during this process. Our offices and the Postal Service also worked on adding additional claimant information to the spreadsheet. Therefore, if you have not already provided us with a Disability Form (Supplemental Declaration Regarding Disability), you must provide that form to us right away so that it can be filed by March 31. You can email the documents to, fax them to 585-272-0574, or mail them to 693 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14607. Attorney website: Attorney phone #s: 585 272 0540 or toll free 877 272 4066 The 30 day window to file a written claim (measured from the date a class member receives notice from the Postal Service) provides a short time period. Thomas & Friends Trackmaster JAMES MOTORIZED Train Tank Engine 2009 WORKS! The most important thing right now is for you to complete the Declaration to the best of your ability, as accurately as possible. Please check this website for updates. The types of relief you could be entitled to are based on your particular situation and may include lost pay and benefits, reinstatement to your job at the Postal Service, along with reinstatement of any accommodations the Postal Service withdrew as part of the NRP. Just do the best that you can with any information that you know. NO ONE SHOULD BE REQUESTING A FAD and THE AGENCY SHOULD NOT BE ISSUING FADs.. Meaning, the Agency has identified certain individuals they believe did not submit a timely claim to NEEOSIO. Please continue to check this website for updates, and thank you as always for your support and patience throughout this hard-fought case. 520-2008-00053X. The 30% contingency fee therefore covers the additional work we will perform on your behalf to help you get any money and other relief you may be entitled to receive as a class member. We remain extremely grateful to all who have hired us to represent their interests in this fight against the Postal Service. As before, our plan is to submit the NRP Activity File documents, along with all the other evidence related to your claims, plus a legal brief, by the July 15, 2019 deadline set by the Administrative Judge. The McConnell Case (NRP Class Action) | Injured Federal Worker Thomas & Solomon LLP - [About the Firm] 693 East Avenue Rochester, NY 14607 (877) 272-4066 (telephone M-F 8:30AM-5:30PM EST) (585) 272-0574 (facsimile) (585) 625-0274 (new temporary facsimile) NRP Class Action Update December 2020 added by on December 14, 2020 View all posts by Rick Owens As mentioned in our March 4, 2022 update, the EEOC Administrative Judge was joined at the last conference by an EEOC data person, as well as another Administrative Judge. As the Judge noted in her decision, the value and strength of the lawsuit is that there are so many people who the Commission has found to have been harmed by the NRP.. The next status conference with the EEOC Judge is scheduled for August 2019. Postal Service, EEOC Case No. For example, family members might provide statements confirming that, after you were reviewed pursuant to the NRP, they noticed that you were sad, distracted, and angry, and that this was different from how you were before. Our team is standing by! Nevertheless, todays Order reflects the Judges strong desire to move the process forward decisively. Please continue to check this website for updates. In order to access the recorded message, you will need to call a special phone number. If you are represented by our offices, you have received (or soon will receive) an automated telephone call from us, providing you with the special telephone number for you to call and hear the recording. If you have any updated contact information and have not yet provided it to our office, please call us at 585-272-0540 or email us at . In other words, please do not contact the EEOC or the Postal Service about your claim without checking with us first. USPS Class Action Claims | Home Introduction. We will continue to vigorously oppose the Postal Service's attempt to shield information from Class Members and the EEOC Administrative Judge. Our 30% fee will not be applied to any part of your recovery that you are required to pay back to the United States due to alleged overpayment to you by OWCP or OPM or Social Security. 600 17th Street, Suite 1705-S The Order states that the process to be used is that the Postal Service is to submit their legal brief and evidence by March 19, 2019, and then Claimants have 20 days to submit their legal brief and evidence. Appeal pending. The claims process is still moving forward. As soon as the Judge issues a written ruling on our motion for extension of time, we will post updated information on this website. Lawsuit reveals that nearly 44,000 US Postal Service workers have been We recommend emailing such letters to us at or faxing us at (585) 272-0574. We will provide an update to the website as soon as the Judge issues a decision. After that, the EEOC Administrative Judge assigned to this case will issue an order regarding the claims determination process. The Judge has indicated generally that a reasonable extension of time will be allowed, but the Judge has not yet issued a written order. Yes, we can email you a copy of your responses, but please be aware that the survey information came through to our office in an excel file, so the responses are not necessarily easy to follow. We had asked that the Judge order USPS to provide the NRP Activity Files for every Claimant directly to the Judge and the Claimants themselves. The Judges Order says, no claimant is entitled to a FAD until the AJ issues a decision on the disputed claims. NRP Class Action Against USPS Updates Fax number: (585) 272-0574 New Temporary Fax Line: (585) 625-0274 Current Developments Update - April 18, 2019 Status Update - Motion Filed to Force USPS to Submit NRP Files It depends. Recently many claimants have been asking about the timeline as to when claims will be evaluated. The Judge partially granted our motion. We hope that we are now a big step closer to seeing actual relief provided to all those harmed by the NRP. A lengthy status conference was held with the Administrative Judge on May 13, 2019. Second, the Administrative Judge also discussed the group of individuals that the Agency has now identified as untimely. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at or call us at 585-272-0540. There may be better options that would work in your benefit. The EEOC may award you up to a maximum of $300,000 for proven harm caused by the NRP, including damages for pain, suffering and emotional distress. Following a status conference on March 20, 2019, the EEOC Administrative Judge issued an order. In this way, todays Order marks a significant advance toward individual relief awards for each claimant. There is no way currently for us to get you back in your position until the EEOC Administrative Judge issues an order. Contact Employment Law Firms In Rochester NY | Contact Thomas & Solomon LLP I was told that I would be sent to work for Walmart; or Additional Continuation Sheets and Witness Statement forms are available by clicking here. As a reminder, if you have any additional documents that you would like to be included in the final production to the Administrative Judge, and you have not yet provided them to our office, we must have them by March 6, 2020. Please Contact Us if you have any questions, comments or if you need information. Nevertheless, please keep in mind that the Postal Service can, and probably will, appeal every decision by the Administrative Judge that is favorable to any claimant. Updates - NRP Class Action Lawsuit On February 27, 2019, the EEOC Administrative Judge issued a Case Management Order. In addition to issuing this order regarding NRP Activity Files, the EEOC Judge also explained that she is in the process of organizing all of the documents and information submitted by all claimants in this case. My Supervisor complained about my limitations. As a result of the Covid outbreak, and in accordance with state mandates, Thomas & Solomons office is currently closed. EUC! If claimants appeal is heard by OFO, the Agencys decision can be upheld or the case can be remanded to an AJ in that claimants geographical area to determine damages. If you receive a Final Agency Decision related to the McConnell/NRP class complaint, please provide our office with a copy as soon as possible. Our attorneys continue to work on this case, and we are in regular contact with the Judge. The Judge has indicated a desire to resolve this issue promptly, if possible. You may email our office at or call us at 585-272-0540. We all owe much of our success in this case to the unity, strength, and perseverance that the Class has shown in the face of unceasing attacks by the Postal Service for more than ten years. Thomas & Solomon - Employment Attorneys Rochester NY The USPS attorneys sought to use the USPS March 17, 2021 appeal as a way to stall the case further and challenge the Administrative Judges authority. She said that not all claims will receive a hearing, but that the EEOC would choose certain claims to be heard by EEOC Administrative Judges. We encourage every Class Member claimant to fully participate in this stage of the case, so that you can maximize the relief available to you. At the conclusion, the Administrative Judge directed both sides to submit certain revisions to the spreadsheet by no later than October 21, 2022. Our submission may be viewed here. Again, there is no need for you to take any action at this time regarding the possibility of settlement. Attention: The McConnell Case (NRP Class Action) has been resolved in favor of the claimants: ie Postal Employees. Under our proposal, the claimants who have already obtained partial concessions from USPS will receive the benefit of that relief now, while continuing to seek full recovery through the normal EEOC claim-adjudication process set forth in the Case Management Order. Please continue to monitor this website for further updates. USPS continues its stubborn opposition to providing money relief to claimants. The law firm Thomas & Solomon, which fought the case in front of EEOC, has launched a website (link) to help impacted employees file claims, predicting USPS will fight back against every single individual. In our view, this order reflects the Judges determination to press forward as fast as possible despite all efforts by USPS to delay and disrupt the claim review process. The Judge stated that she is in the process of organizing all of the claim records, and that she hopes to begin reviewing the substance of those claims later this Spring. Trackmaster Thomas & Friends Train Tank Engine - Red Passenger Coach The bottom line remains as before: there is no indication at this time that the Agency is prepared to make any settlement offer to any claimants. The EEOC Judge, on the other hand, has clearly demonstrated a desire to move forward as efficiently as possible. Separate Legal Personality (SLP) is the basic tenet on which company law is premised. Please also send us a copy of the initial claim form and any supporting documents you submitted to the postal service, the dispute letter, and the Final Agency Decision. Salomon v A Salomon & Co Ltd [1896] UKHL 1, [1897] AC 22 is a landmark UK company law case. We believe the Postal Service must be held accountable for the consequences of its discrimination. The judge may wish for a live hearing to determine the proper award for your claim. While Covid-19 continues to keep our office building closed, please know that we are still actively working on this case from our homes. Please note: the Judge emphasized that the EEOC wants to have the most current contact information for each claimant. We promised the Judge we would do everything we can to help the EEOC issue claim determinations as soon as possible. You should receive a form in the mail by March 18, 2019. In the coming weeks, our offices will be working with claimants to gather the necessary information for the Administrative Judge. This same deadline (April 30, 2019) applies to all supporting documentation you would like to submit to us. Each state has different laws governing this issue, and we recommend that you consult with someone in your area about planning your estate. The final appeal decision in the case was issued on March 9, 2018, and is available at We will work to ensure that the EEOC again swiftly rejects the improper appeal, and work to have the EEOC Administrative Judge press forward with an efficient review process without delay. Please continue to monitor this website for updates on the case. 2. Please note: if you previously sent supporting documents to us, you do not need to re-send those documents to us. The EEOC agreed with our position. Since the Agency has produced their portion of the spreadsheet, our attorneys have not only been working on their portions of the spreadsheet, but have also begun raising concerns with the Agency as to deficiencies in their portion of the spreadsheet. The judge noted that there would need to be hearings to address questions on some claims, but that she believed that she had sufficient information on some claims to issue relief decisions. The Class is represented by Thomas & Solomon LLP, and Kator, Parks, Weiser & Harris, PLLC. It is also ok to provide a persons position title if you dont remember a persons name. NRP Class Action Lawsuit Update - December, 2020 Posted on December 14, 2020 Status Update We wanted to reach out and give a quick update on the case, and answer some questions that have been raised. We are sending these forms to our clients because the Judge has raised a few questions, and these forms will provide the Judge with clear, concise answers. Please continue to check our website for updates in the coming weeks. In the past few days, we have received a very large number of calls and emails related to this case. Such production took place over several months back in 2012 and 2013. The claims, evidence, and legal briefs for all of our clients' relief claims have been submitted to the EEOC Administrative Judge. It is possible that several of these statements may apply to you, so be sure to mark all statements that apply in your situation.Second, you should consider providing additional information in a Continuation sheet. Similarly, the Administrative Judge has indicated that she is working remotely on this case (and others). View the brief trailer from 12 Years a Slave (2013).. Thus, by the Fall of 2021, the EEOC will have a large volume of claim valuations for this case, which will accelerate the EEOCs valuation of all the remaining claims. We do not yet have any estimate on the length of time that this process will take. Experience demonstrates that fair settlement in a case like this cannot be achieved without lengthy, complex negotiations lasting months or even years. Because this is not a settlement, we are agreeing to represent each individual class member who retains us through the individual EEOC claims process. By doing so, the EEOC Administrative Judge is hopeful that unnecessary delays are avoided. My Manager told me that I might be sent to work for Walmart or another company. This has been a long and hard-fought battle against the Postal Service, but the end is in sight. If you wish, you can specifically request that USPS take into account your payments from OWCP when calculating any backpay that is owed to you. The Judge also set a briefing schedule for a sanctions motion recently filed by our offices against the Postal Service. Todays Order is somewhat complicated, and it is possible that the Judge will issue revisions as the process moves forward. We also noted that even their responses to the EEOC Administrative Judges questioning was further demonstration of their pattern of behavior: delay, deny, delay, deny.
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