What a dream, or better, what a revelation! Pilate could not sufficiently defend himself and was consequently imprisoned in Gali about 37 A.D. From there he was sent to Vienna, where, owing to his humiliation and remorse, he committed suicide. After some time I came to love this fertile and rich province which my husband had to rule in the name of Rome, the master of the nations. . rev2023.3.3.43278. I saw Him in my dream last night. For already great affliction cometh upon the priests and upon the writers of the law; because they delivered unto thee the Just One. And Csar said, For what cause then didst thou perpetrate against him such daring and doing, not being ignorant of him, or assuredly designing some mischief to my government? Also, take the, Hello and welcome to the site! Heavy dark and threatening clouds in various shapes scudded over the sky, and lightning came from the colliding clouds, followed by the unreal echo of deep thunder. She was still more beautiful in the heavenly restfulness which lay upon her but her forehead was of a pale pinkish colour like the rose which had been placed on her. Have you ever wished to take part in Christs salvation and redemption? The nger of death had left its traces round her eyes and her concealed lips. When Pilate heard this he slew himself with his own dagger, and by such a death put an end to his life. But I prayed in my heart, for I knew that it was he whom ye delivered unto me, that he was Lord of created things and Creator of all. In Jerusalem I was surrounded with tokens of respect and hand clasping : however, I lived in greater loneliness because of the pride and contempt with which the Hebrews met us. I followed Him, without His knowing. As for Pilates wife Claudia, two Orthodox Churches Coptic and Greek have venerated her as a saint martyr since early times. In deep apprehension of what might unexpectedly happen, I took my son by the hand, put a thin coat on him, and ran to my husband. And another mightier work he did, which was strange even with our gods: he raised up a dead man, Lazarus, who had been dead four days, by a single word ordering the dead man to be raised, although his body was already corrupted by the worms that grow in wounds; and that ill-smelling body lying in the tomb he ordered to run; and as a bridegroom from the bridal chamber, so he came forth out of the tomb, filled with exceeding fragrance. In the foremost row I recognised Semidas father; but instead of the depression I expected him to wear on his face, he showed a denite expression of hope, which I could not understand. Even in this wild country surrounded by the shores of the sea, and full of stoop rocks-where we sought protection, even here we can hear the indignation with which people mention the name of my husband. Thank goodness we have over 5000 pieces No 6000 of the New Testament in 7 different families. Note how God does not leave unpunished the oppressors who persecute His children. When the throng saw him again, they immediately started to shout their brutal demand: Put Him to death, to death!. I wanted to ask him for more details of the happenings. Then those unhappy men asked the rocks and the mountains of the earth to swallow and to cover them. Which was sent to Tiberius Csar in Rome. Her letter mentioned also the resurrection of the saints on the occasion of Christs death on the cross. By such roads as are not easily described, we journeyed with our personnel, engaged as servants. Oh, beyond any doubt, He suffered, but He suffered gladly, and His soul seemed to me to be carried to invisible heights as a consuming pure, The hall in -the courts was crowded, and looked like a foaming stream whose waters increased by an inf, ux, beginning at the mount Zion, where the Temple stood, and. My heart ceased to beat for an unknown reason. For example, how do you know Pilate "was never at peace" with Jesus' crucifixion? It took a pandemic to remind us that in the end, the things that keep us safe are our homes and family. They were forced during three and a half years to swallow those bitter pills which the Nazarene flung in their faces whenever He met them in public; and, being so extremely weak and cowardly they did not find courage enough to take measures as might have been desirable. The 5th of the Calends of April. The Letters of Pontius Pilate - Rejected Scriptures The gospel speaks of his teaching and wisdom, and how people were amazed when they heard His word. Omissions? Pilate ignored it. I did not want to disturb Him by my presence, so I contained on my way. Evidence that Pontius Pilate Converted to Christianity When Jesus was crucified it was that cold for ice? I say, should it ever happen that the religion of our ancestors were substituted by the religion of Jesus, such a change night come into force by the noble tolerance shown on the part of Rome. There is no way for us to confirm the authenticity of the apocryphal accounts. Free shipping for many products! The Jews allegation that Jesus taught the people not to pay taxes to the Emperor has been proved unjustified by Pilates report. In the seventeenth year of the government of the invincible monarch, the Caesar and Roman Emperor Tiberius, 201 years after the Olympiads; in the beginning of the five thousandth year after the creation, in the 4147. nd the statement, uttered with utmost discretion, that Pilate gave sentence that it should be as they required. Luke, 23, 24. The insolence of the crowd grew with every moment. For the defence was the advocate Reicliswev, prosecutor Dr. Blandeisler. Thereafter, the president permitted the counsel for the defendant, advocate Reichswev, to speak. And when this decree came into the East Country, Licianus obeyed, through fear of the decree, and laid waste all the nation of the Jews, and caused those that were left in Judea, to go into slavery with them that were scattered among the Gentiles, that it might be known by Csar that these things had been done by Licianus against the Jews in the East Country, and to please him. It presents the following description of Claudias dream. Dear and beloved reader, have you ever thought that you might be one of those on the path leading to Christ-the path of Golgotha? People call Him Prophet of the Truth, but His Disciples hold that He is the Son of God.that is to say, the Son of Him who created the heaven and earth and all that has ever existed, exists, and will still exist in all eternity. What a dream, or better, what a revelation! Again, another who had a withered hand, and lived in suffering, and had not even the half of his body sound, he made whole by a word alone. The statues of the Emperor have been besmeared with stains from Golgotha. and that by the spirit Nina these voices had been mixed with the howling of hunted animals. The Emperor heard of you (from Publius Lentuluss letter) and I, his obedient representative in this district (Israel), am extremely glad that he granted you this freedom, of which you have availed yourself, and which you so well deserve. It was indeed He whom I was very impatient to see. Once these issues have been addressed, the article can be renominated. The prosecutor continued grimly to accuse the martyr, basing his arguments on the documents he had brought with him. One of the Roman centurions was insulted, so I requested the Prefect of Syria to send me directly one hundred infantry and as many cavalry, but he refused to send me these troops. For the children of light shall be cast out, for they have not observed the things which were preached concerning the Lord, and concerning his Son. The Sadducees were prompted by two reasons: they hated Jesus and wanted to free themselves from the Roman pressure. 28th March. A LETTER from PONTIUS PILATE'S WIFE Y ou ask me, dear and faithful friend, for an account of some of the rumors which have already reached you concerning Pontius and myself, and you appear frightened at the mystery by which we are enveloped. The truth is that the Romans could not have killed him, if He had not let them. Life lessons, Bible study, Christian news, and more. He ew on cherub wings and a fiery ame executed His orders, and He stopped on a cloud. Then the audience went quietly away.. The result of Pilate's wife dream was not the saving of Jesus Christ's life. The Result. When Pilate heard of this meeting, which, in his opinion, was directed against the Roman authority, he made use of this opportunity to revenge himself on those whom he previously hated because of their lawlessness. The Samaritans reported Pilate to Vitellius, legate of Syria, after he attacked them on Mount Gerizim (36 ce). He said to the Pharisees and scribes: You are malicious by birth; you are like unto white sepulchres. They perished. Bible lessons blended with science, theology, modern-day life lessons and logic. 2. Jesus of Nazareth spoke as any Roman would have spoken, and not as a Jew. My only consolation consists in reading them again and again. but I could not cry for him. owing down to the Praetorium; and every minute new voices joined in this hellish choir. Crucify Him! The original of this letter it to be found among old manuscripts in one of the vast libraries in Italy. What is your request? Salome stood by her side, benumbed and almost without any feeling. And when he had been crucified, there was darkness over the whole earth, the sun having been completely hidden, and the heaven appearing dark though it was day, so that the stars appeared, but had at the same time their brightness darkened, as I suppose your reverence is not ignorant of, because in all the world they lighted lamps from the sixth hour until evening. I replied that in my opinion Jesus was a great philosopher, such as great nations often produce. Edition Notes. but he passed by, saying, He whom we killed was really the Son of God. When you are able to appreciate the Holy Scriptures and Gods Law, than you can follow them as they direct you. In the seventeenth year of the government of the invincible monarch, the Caesar and Roman Emperor Tiberius, 201 years after the Olympiads; in the beginning of the five thousandth year after the creation, in the 4147th year according to the Hebrew calendar, and 4037th year, according to the English reckoning, and 784 years since the foundation of Rome, 580 years since the liberation from Egyptian slavery: At the time of the great men of the Roman nation : Lucius, Suetonius, and Marcellinus, and the administrator Hilaretes Palister, at the time of the Governor-General over Judea, Comus Flavius, and at the time of the Governor of Jerusalem, the mighty and great prince Pontius Pilatus, and at the time of the procurator over Galilee, Herodes Anitpater, and at the time of the great Archpriests Ananias and Caiaphas, Aliasus and Mailus, the elder of the Temple Raban, and Amabelus, at the times of great judges in the town town of Jesruslem: Simbinakasas, Pompilius, Rufus, and the municipal commander Joctenus : I, Pontius Pilatus, procurator of the Roman Emperor, in the hall of the great princes, do pronounce and confirm the sentence of death on the cross to be inflicted on the man called by the people Jesus Christ, the Nazarene, a rebel against Moses Laws and against His Majesty the Roman Emperor Tiberius. So Judas, Pilate, and with especially severity Jerusalem, have all received their punishment. At first he did not think it a sufficiently important document to be copied, but some years later he mentioned this document to W. D. Machan, and the latter, inspired by an ardent desire to know the contents, wrote to the German student who, in the meantime, had become a professor in Westphalia (Germany), and requested that by mediation of the latters connections with the Vatican, he might have a copy of that valuable document prepared. It appeared that He was ready to judge the people assembled before Him. Will we still love our husbands and wives after death? YHWH had a Wife? The wife of Pontius Pilate advises her husband We should listen for God's voice in whatever guise it takes. According to some historical documents, it has been assumed that Pontius Pilate, like Judas, ignoring the forgiving mercy of God, committed suicide. Did Paul/Saul teach Christianity with Jewish traditions to Gentiles like what we see in Messianic Judaism today? As far as Christs trial, his dispatch to Herod, and the latters reconciliation with Pilate are concerned, Pilates letter confirms in detail, all the statements of the Gospels. Pontius at once left the court hall and came to me. I was warned that a disaster would befall this man. Csar, hearing that Pilate had come to Rome, was filled with exceeding wrath against him, and caused him to be brought to him. The surviving Apocrypha give us no further details about the lives of Pontius Pilate and his wife after Christs resurrection. Without happiness, but also without apprehension I went away with my husband who on the score of age could have been my father. Some days later the High Priest came to me and excused himself. A wooden pectoral cros, Pectoral Cross for Clergy He spoke to the storm and to the fish in the sea; and all listened to Him. but he passed by, saying, He whom we killed was really the Son of God. I'm not entirely sure that a question about authenticating provenance for a [dubious] document is entirely on-topic here. Sign up for the Bible Blender newsletter and periodically receive the latest Christian news, Bible study articles, modern-day life lessons, new product announcements, and more. Determine therefore, with a body of soldiers, to go to them there at once and proclaim their subjection to bondage by this decree. I nd it impossible to explain to you how I felt when I viewed Him. My husband, weary and under compulsion, was forced at last to yield. The first, the righteous, were raised by Him to the great eternity of divine salvation, but the second the wicked were thrown in a fiery sea. Oh, what a distressing and lamentable spectacle it was to see the old man cry! This unique document we shall quote in the following pages. And at their voice all the mountains and hills were shaken, and the rocks were burst asunder; and great chasms were made in the earth, so that also what was in the abyss appeared. The danger grew every hour. I, however, remained in indescribable sorrow and sadness. Now, of all accusations brought against Jesus, not a single one could have been proved and documented, for Pilate himself, by using the words: He is innocent, and con, rming this statement by the washing of his hands, substantiated Jesus innocence. My maid-servants caught me by the hand and led me to the window which opened on to the court of the tribunal. And when Pilate came to the place he prayed in silence, saying, O Lord, destroy not me with the wicked Hebrews, for I should not have laid hands upon thee, but for the nation of lawless Jews, because they provoked sedition against mss but thou knowest that I did it in ignorance. Whatever was the case, there is good reason to believe that Pontius Pilate eventually became a Christian. No community reviews have been submitted for this work. In His rosy-coloured face neither a spot nor a wrinkle appears. Verily, I say to you, He continued with emotion, as soon as the roses of Sharon come into flower, the blood of the Righteous will be shed. The name Claudia is also mentioned in the second epistle to Timothy (4:21), which some scholars of the bible attribute to the wife of Pontius Pilate. And I saw through him the image and the cross, stained with the blood of Him whom he, as an unhappy and lawless judge, had sentenced to death. I had taken as wife a girl from Gali. See. Sometimes they spoke to me of the God of their ancestors, and read parts of their holy books. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Alternate Christian traditions named her . To Licianus who holdeth the first place in the East Country. Never has there been a heart so daring and fearless as that of this warrior. And a woman who had an issue of blood for a long time, so that because of the discharge all the joints of her bones were seen and shone through like glass, for all the physicians had dismissed her without hope, and had not cleansed her, for there was in her no hope of health at all; but once, as Jesus was passing by she touched from behind the hem of his garments, and in that very hour the strength of her body was restored, and she was made whole, as if she had no affliction, and began to run fast towards her own city of Paneas. If the tradition is true, she dreamed of the countless recitations and liturgical chants of . From the beginning of the proceedings many jurisconsults, who were specially invited to take part in the re-examination of this trial, were present. Oh, what great salvation is promised to us, it wo follow God! 1. Edited by Alexander Roberts, James Donaldson, and A. Cleveland Coxe. In this masterpiece of history the official document where Pontius Pilate reported Christ''s death to Emperor Tiberius; went on to explain that it was recorded by the Roman historian, Valleus Paterculus, and was finally discovered in the early 1850''s in Rome''s Vatican library. Three parties were united against Jesus: Herods followers, the Sadducees and Pharisees. The letters or inscription refers to the "The House of David" and could firmly be dated back to the 9th century BC due to an ash layer dated 733/722 BC caused by later Assyrian wars. Then the emperor commanded him to be kept in prison till he should take counsel with the wise men what ought to be done with him. Deliver Him to us, so that He may die on the cross!
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