Measured temp after 1 boil; it was steaming, but my meat thermometer read only about 140. re: Companies like BioGaia will perform clinical trials to make sure the CFU they are recommending are safe and does not cause any side effects down the line ( say 10 or 15 years later). I used Meyenburg goat milk from grocery. Which is why Ive opted to make a full cream/ 1/2&1/2 fat yogurt in the first place. We also add prebiotic fibers to the fermenting mix to both ensure greater microbial numbers, as well as thicken the end-result. I am game but not sure what I am doing wrong. Ocetosin tends to naturally slow down as you grow old and I am sure there is some reason for this, after all the human body is build smart but boosting this with reuteri as you age, will it cause any damage to organs. We used unhomogenised organic milk. Are the benefits due to: CFU amplification, and/or the exogenous metabolites, and if so do the metabolites vary by substrate, and perhaps time? David wrote: Does this mean that you plan on having your yogurt analyzed at some point for species, strains, and CFUs?. This "yogurt" fermented with two unconventional strains of Lactobacillus reuteri achieve effects that include: Smoothing of skin wrinkles due to an explosion of dermal collagen Accelerated healing, cutting healing time in almost half Dr. William Davis: How to Heal Your Gut with Delicious Homemade Yogurt You could start with a coconut milk based yogurt, and if theres no adverse reaction, use some starter saved from it for a dairy version trial. ________ Blog Associate (click for details). and if so, what was the temp when the culture was added? My machine cant handle the quantities youve had success with. (We start by making a slurry, as inulin or potato starch will form hard clumps if added to the entire volume.) Learnings will be reported. Do you refrigerate it at any point? Their business arrangement with Biogaia may preclude it. Additionally, dont use any of the other grains. What am I doing wrong? It is based on the Docs comments, tweaked a bit for what works best for my setup. Put in machinepulled off cup after 12 hours [kinda resembled slightly thickened milk at that point] and let the machine go for another 12 hours. Stir until well-mixed. It appears that its ultra-pasteurized and has VitaminD3 added. We run one anyway. re: Does the 2 tbsp you reserve for future batches get refrigerated?, Absolutely. I dont understand the 24-36 hours mentioned here. I bow to your better knowledge. If your efforts fail to yield thick yogurt, check the temperature of your device. Black spots, and of course obvious mold growth. ________ Blog Associate (click my user name for details). I needed to stop yogurt after 30 hours (needed to leave house unexpectedly for rest of day) but everything looked good poured off about 2 cups of liquid, which left behind yogurt that was soft but pretty much in one piece. (And, to be sure, we really dont know what the optimal generational strategies are yet.). The yogurt is thick, delicious, and contains a marked increase in bacterial counts, though I have not yet performed a formal count. Hi there: I have tried twice to make this in my yogurt maker (Kinetic yogurt maker from Mercola), stays at 43 degree centigrade)- twice and it is totally liquid. There are many reasons that the modern microbiome has been disrupted in the majority, perhaps all of us. Thanks for your wonderful help. What presumptions are those instructions making about cultures, and substrates (liquid base, and any added carbohydrate)? And this yogurt is so much richer and better tasting than products you buy in grocery stores. The non-microbial ingredients in the tablets are irrelevant after the first batch of yogurt. (Take a look at your bowel flora analysis from Thryve, Viome, or Gut Zoomer, for instance, to see whether you have L. reuteriyou likely do not before consuming the yogurt.) Barb has overcome her own gut health issues through healthy eating. Aside from one notable incident where I put a towel around my yogurt in the oven and then turned it on and forgot about it (do not do this, folks!) Bio: Dr. William Davis is a cardiologist and New York Times #1 bestselling author of the Wheat Belly Undoctored and Supergut. What culture? You can check progress. - I havent tried using the lid. He is Medical Director and founder of the Undoctored program including the Undoctored Inner Circle. re: I do eat sauerkraut and pickles with no reactions, love those.. The inulin will cause an inconsistent texture in the slurry. I wonder if this is making me constipated. Dont use a blender with your yogurt, as this kills the living microbes. Ive made maybe 12 batches of the stuff with varying degrees of success. Cover the milk & let cool to below 42C (107 F). Ive personally been making one or another of the program progurts for years now, and nothing has raised an eyebrow. Aquick look turned up nothing in connection with the Biogaia Gastrus product perse. A little research showed that lymphocyte numbers are increased following oral delivery of Lactobacillus caseu which is evidence that probiotic stimulation can increase the size of lymphocyte populations. Super Gut - Protein Power Those proportions look correct to me, but Im no expert at this. Didnt get a clear look during the machine cycle as the outside cover was pretty heavy with condensation. Also add a daily probiotic supplement such as Synbiotic 365 ( Buy from, $45 ) or BioGaia Gastrus tablets ( Buy from, $28.99 ). We have been discussing how, by fermenting dairy or coconut milk products with Lactobacillus reuteri ATCC PTA 6475 and DSM 17938, . I dont know what effect that would have, if any. Ive made too much curds & whey for my liking. Can we improve on taste/texture/bacterial counts by altering fermentation temperature, choice of prebiotic, or other conditions?. Dr. Make your own L. reuteri yogurt - Dr. William Davis It can be a challenge to hold the milk at a high temperature for so long. So if any of the damaging dont-cares can be beaten back by simple steps, you can either choose to address them, or brighten some Malthusians day. Sam A wrote: It seems as if BioGaia has changed the formula or a large batch of their stock has been exposed to heat and doesnt come alive., Where did you order it from? One tablet consists of a minimum of 200 million live L. reuteri Gastrus. I would like to participate in this L.reuteri experiment, but strongly suspect dairy as fuel for an auto-immune response. Susan wrote: I wonder if this is making me constipated.. Not sure whether those matter, but I have suspicion the UHT might raise incubation time. I am going to try fermenting longer and see what happens. Ive made this with coconut mild (full fat in the can). Is that true? ________ Blog Associate (click my user name for details). I should be clear here that I am a total newbie to yogurt making and even yogurt consumption. I looked at the user manual PDF for that, and cant tell: . We bought a sous vide unit for precise temperature, ferment for 36 hours, started with gastrus tablets, then used some yogurt from current batch for next batch, use the inulin you recommended and half and half with no other ingredients. As the milk cools, a layer ofskin will form on the top. Sign up to get the latest on sales, new releases and more . Which of these would be the suspect, if not both, isnt clear. I used 1 tablespoon of sugar also. The CEC Yogurt Plus starter? Note that we begin by making a slurry to make sure the prebiotic fiber does not clump. That wouldnt be my presumptive explanation here. Because the process of heating made such a vast improvement, we wondered if cream was required at all? When a company patents a product doesnt that mean they had to change its original structure in some way in order to get the patent? I ordered the LR Superfood and L.Gasseri Superfood starters from Culture Food Life, and the instructions that come with the starters say to ferment both at 100 degrees. Im concerned that my L. Reuteri coconut batch temp was around 90 at times and up to 110 at other times. I have read that resistant starches are where when consumed the oats behave as fiber and not a carbohydrate. (Just Google BioGaia Gastrus to find a retailer.) I have had a lot of success. Don't use a blender with your yogurt, as this kills the living microbes. What happens if the culture is inadvertently killed is not clear to me. It completely separated into curds & whey. The low temp just slows growth (but invites contamination). Thank you dr. Davis for clarifying that confusion for me. For someone with a known whey sensitivity, or having encountered a weight loss stall, reducing whey intake is worthwhile ________ Blog Associate (click for details), Hello! To eat Dr. Davis' way, start by avoiding wheat and processed sweeteners or starch. All the hits I got were about the whey, which is usually discarded, having potential as a biofuel. We got a couple of candy thermometers to measure the temps and discovered his yogurtmaker, when set on 110F, was keeping the mixture at 120-125. This is recent, still being enhanced, and is not in any of the books to date. After sitting in the refrigerator, the curds dry out and become a semi-solid mass. Whether Lactobacillus reuteri ATCC PTA 6475 yogurt has specific benefit in unresolved SIBO is not yet clear. Were any other inflammation, immune or infection markers checked? Now I have all I need to make the L-reuteri yogurt. re: Also, why do you incubate for 24 or more hours?, See an earlier reply for my personal view on that. If it does concern you, the oil can easily be driven to nil. Half and half isnt available in Australia, so, in our first L. reuteri yogurt post,we did our best to recreate half and half by combining full cream milk and full fat pure cream. Dr.Davis keeps an eye on the matter, for example: Have We Discovered the Fountain of Youth? (I didnt save any of it.). I will order through the US distributor and report back! Some people have re-seeded their yogurt by adding a few more crushed tablets of probiotic after several rounds of yogurt-making. Dont worry: The end-product should have little remaining sugar, as it is fermented to lactic acid. He is Chief Medical Officer and co-founder of Realize Therapeutics Corp. that is developing innovative solutions for the disrupted human microbiome and author of the book Super Gut. I have since read the Wheat Belly book and started that journey and am starting the Super Gut book now. Danielle Rigney wrote: When is the ideal time to separate the whey from the curds? Kimchi doesnt give me any reactions in my stomach, but I dont like the taste, its too spicy hot for me. Or you have been exposed to glyphosate that, while an herbicide, is also a potent antibiotic that kills off healthy microbial species. Do make sure the coconut milk contains only coconut (and perhaps water). Even it I dont have the winning solution yet, I can take the inulin. re: I will order through the US distributor and report back!, If you arent in the US, I dont actually know if they export. Reuteri ATCC PTA 6375. Im a bit concerned that we could see a BGY fad explode, resulting in severe shortages of this probiotic (and who knows what response from Biogaia). You will also want to verify setting it on 180F actually holds it at 180F. While it is still warm or can it be done anytime.. A portion of your first jar of L. reuteri yogurt the mother batch - can then be used to re-inoculate your next jar of L.reuteri yogurt. From our feedback, this method produces reliable results. How could you notice thicker hair after so short a time? Even better, filter through a coffee filter or cheesecloth placed into a colander; place the setup into a large bowl or pan and allow the whey to drip out over 4-6 hours, lightly covered. Ive been looking through the ingredients and it has hydrogenated oil in it, it is well known that these managed substances are very harmful to our gut biome, also it does not say if the sweetener is plant based which will be fine, or the other, I must say these ingredients make me very hesitant and will not partake until I am reassured otherwise, can anyone help me out here because I would love to give this a try. Thats probably a fine starter for a practice run. ________ Blog Associate (click my user name for details), It is the case that in making this recipe (with a dairy base), the resulting product (in my households experience so far) stratifies into about 50% yogurt and 50% whey (and the whey has the consistency of cream). Its pretty quick, within the hour, sometimes even before I finish eating it. Im going to make another batch with Trader Joes coconut milk that doesnt have the food additive in it and see if that makes a difference. Their product is called Gastrus and combines the ATCC PTA 6475 strain with the DSM 17938 strain. ________ Blog Associate (click for details). An investigation has been opened on gaining insight on these questions. My yogurt at 24 hrs is usually quite firm so I stop.. Will the bacteria continue to multiply and have food to eat if I go to 36 hours? I am game but not sure what I am doing wrong. They just say to avoid yogurt. The lowest it will go to is 104. Inner Circle strategies accomplish dramatic changes in health: reduced inflammation, reversed insulin resistance that could lead to diabetes, and many other benefits. I tried to make a quart following directions on this site and after 24 hours it separated into a LOT of whey with a little not-great-looking yogurt on top. Dont listen to conventional yogurt makers who confuse what we are doing here with conventional yogurt-making: two very different things. Or they dont understand what we are trying to achieve here, even believing that the benefits we seek can be achieved with conventional yogurtno, not even close. Thats actually a main goal of using any deliberate probiotic displacing adverse species and strains. To ensure the yogurt stays abundant with the L. reuteri strains, and not a breeding ground for other, unwanted bacteria, we recommend starting a fresh mother batch after 4-5 re-inoculations. What happened? Dr. William Davis: Everything To Know About Healing Your Gu Davis started his own wheat-free experiment and asked his overweight, diabetes -prone patients to do the same. What are the pros and cons of eating/drinking the whey? Just trued some and no amount of mixing could get rids of the clumps (curds). Mixed in the sugar and made a slurry with the goat milk. re: My question is, what does this mean and is it good or bad?, Insufficient data so far, and I havent studied lymphocytes at all (its not a marker we routinely track in the program). In large glass/ceramic bowl, combine 2 tablespoons of liquid with the inulin, sugar or other prebiotic, and the crushed probiotic tablets. Would a tablespoon a day do it?. direct from the US distributor (Everidis),, Run that cycle unless you know you dont need to. I bought inulin, hoping that would work. Hair and skin effects are reported anecdotally. Ive been pulling off cup for this, which may be more than is needed. You want to verify it does not exceed 110F by more than a couple degrees because it ruins the fermentation. I do my best to just avoid it. what added carbohydrate (e.g. William Davis, MD, cardiologist and author of the #1 New York Times bestselling Wheat Belly books, as well as Undoctored and, most recently, Super Gut, brings the unvarnished truth about many health conditions. Meet with Dr. Davis . This person is encountering the same problem: I have made many batches that turned out great, so I am really disappointed. did you run a pasteurization cycle? Make sure the temp has fallen below 115F/46C before adding the culture. Dr. Davis and the Inner Circle team help people like YOU lose weight, improve health, increase energy and even turn the clock back on appearance. Dont forget to reserve a third of a cup of yogurt or whey for your next batch of yogurt! Despite the uncertainties, I am witnessing some very dramatic changes in the people following this idea. Has anyone noticed this effect? On the other hand, inulin has been trouble-free. Both samples produced equally thick yogurt. Tiffany wrote: These tablets have mint and citrus flavoring. re: I used my Instant Pot Ultra, with the custom setting. At that time I noticed a significant decrease in appetite that has benefited me all these years, so I am not all that surprised to notice much more of a decrease. Set to what temperature? If you have been otherwise doing the Undoctored or 2014+ Wheat Belly program, Im a bit surprised to hear that you didnt have some inulin on hand. Apparently there are several variations on how to make this yogurt. Any insight would be greatly appreciated! There are several reasons why anyone might be avoiding dairy, which is why the coconut milk versions of the recipes have been in development. I do check it, but I havent known what Im looking for. And still do 14 hours. Do not stir the yogurt while it is warm or else is will not set in a perfect mass.15. And what was the temp when the L.r. My Luvele yogurt maker instructions make no reference to cultures and substrates. I also use 2 tbsp. of inulin in each batch. Waiting for approval on Pandora, Apple Podcasts, and a few othersyes, its that new.). See figure S7 of that research (the darker bar is the 6475 strain). LR SuperFood Starter Culture + Prebio Plus L. Reuteri Just looked at the batch of yogurt [?] . I had some of this yogurt, just now and this full fat 1/2 & 1/2 + full fat cream was sumptuous! re: I think the first batch I allowed to get too hot and likely killed the L. reuteri., re: Do you think the goat milk is the issue?. Stir in remaining half-and-half or other liquid. 1) Has anyone on this blog so far experienced the Biogaia Gastrus tablets and their Complete shut-down of appetite, an anorexigenic effect? Its pretty quick, within the hour,. Lisa Killingsworth wrote: Id like to know if it is OK to combine the two yogurts in the same container for refrigeration?. Related questions are: how many generations can be fermented from an initial batch? Condensation will have collected under the cover lid during fermentation. Ive tried it once, and considered the result a fail, possibly due to either/both of: 1. I get the best results using ten minutes at 180F for pasteurization and 14 hours at 110F for fermentation. Cheese cloth is generally preferred. Ive made 3 subsequent batches; the first subsequent batch I used 2 tbs of the whey to culture, the next I again tried 2 tbs, the last I used 1 tbs. I say this because many years ago I got my Dad a yogurt maker that didnt work very well. One more question Bob, so if one uses the Gastrus tablets then 10 crushed into a powder now becomes the starter culture for this special type of yogurt? Lactobacillus gasseri: Super Microbe - Dr. William Davis ________ Blog Associate (click my user name for details). ________ Blog Associate (click for details). I vaguely recall Dr Davis addressing breast cancer & the yogurt. I follow the directions explicitly and get a yogurt (not one that stands up like butter as doc talks about), but how do we know it is reuteri yogurt? 6. At what point do stray environmental microbes spoil the culture? can the 43C yogurt cycle be set to run for 18 to 48 hours? He gave them a list of foods low on the glycemic index. Seems Dr Davis and everyone things getting this probiotic via yogurt is referable. Just move the knob to some position that holds 110F and put a mark there. If I found myself in that situation, Id tend to run long. Do not submerge equipmentin boilingwater. The easiest way to keep it at 110F is to put a lit 100watt bulb in the oven. These are two of the potential issues with dairy (specifically random North American bovine diary, presumed to be casein betaA1, which is provocative to some people). Perfect yogurt. Again, we made 2 batches. We have made conventional yogurt with their milk previously. Ayogurt maker is apt to have the same myopic tunnel-vision temp range design as most of the not-so-smart-pots do. Use the digital control panel to set the temperature to 36C and the time to 24-hours and then press confirm to begin incubation.12. Do you get a lot of whey? Dr.Davis has suggested that consumption in late stage pregnancy might not be wise. I have done 16 hours or so a couple times, but it morphs into a cottage cheese consistency I dont like. Place the yogurt in the fridge for at least 6 hours to set then enjoy. Also my yogurt device is a crockpot express brand and only says low or high for temperature, it doesnt say how many F it uses :(, mrojas_76 wrote: Can I use only cream or has to be half and half?. Do choose dairy with no added ingredients, i.e., no added gellan gum, xanthan gum, carrageenan, etc. Idont recall seeing any adverse reactions raised, other than perhaps the occasional person not being happy with specific dream content where vivid dreams have been restored. Having read things that suggested that a full boil cycle might not be necessary, I allowed it to cool down to 110, removed about a quarter cup of the liquid, and mixed it into a slurry with the inulin and powdered tablets. If its based on trying this particular yogurt, thats a completely different situation. re: I dont understand the 24-36 hours mentioned here.. Wheat Belly / Undoctored covers a lot more than NGNS (or NSNG, which seems to be the more common abbreviation, and is strongly identified with Vinnie Tortorich). To Maura: If your instant pot doesnt get it up to 180 you can set it on saute to get it to 180 but be sure to whisk it during and always right before taking the temp because it does get hotter on the bottom. Then I unplugged the IP, plugged it back in, and ran the Yogurt setting on Normal for 8 hours, then another 5 hours on Normal again. Pro: it likely contains just as much probiotic and metabolite content as the yogurt. Pour1/3 cup of preheated and cooled milk into a small ceramic bowl.7. Bought to make my own L. reuteri yogurt by Dr William Davis (Wheatbelly The Dr. Oz Show: Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox, Deepak Chopra: Dr. Davis and Deepak Chopra sit down to discuss his Wheat Belly Total Health Book. As a result of this experiment, Ive at least learned how to make a yogurt. That (better) would depend on the objectives. An do you leave the lid on?. re: Ocetosin tends to naturally slow down as you grow old and I am sure there is some reason for this, after all the human body is build smart but boosting this with reuteri as you age, will it cause any damage to organs., In the modern settler populations, there are various reasons for oxytocin decline, and the majority are non-ancestral. We produced a unique, yogurt-like end product but had our suspicions that it wasnt quite right. Apparently photobucket is having issues today. Where available (and it isnt in stores around here), goat milk is an attractive way to avoid some bovine diary issues, particularly casein betaA1 (goat is A2). I just tasted it, it is fabulous. re: Its just the yogurt. I think that is your problem why dont you try making it again with a quart of coconut milk without sugar you can always add sweet drops once fermentation is done. It did not say in the recipe to add sugar. ________ Blog Associate (click my user name for details). Do indeed ferment for 36 hoursno more, no less. It would appear as though other substrates, such as glucose, galactooligosaccharides (GOS), and others would be better choices than inulin or FOS. I get no taste of mint or citrus flavoring in the yogurt when using these pills as a starter. The method is below. The cholesterol house-of-cards crumbles further, The Unintended Consequences of Low-carb Diets, by Dr. Davis | Apr 7, 2018 | Diet and Lifestyle, Undoctored | 113 comments. Ive found that with full fat cream and 1/2 & 1/2 I have successfully made yogurt. Undoctored: Why Health Care Has Failed You and How You Can Become I would love to see an analysis of this yogurt. Heres what I did: * I quart of organic half-and-half (Stonyfield Farmsseems to be ultra pasturized, could that be the problem?) Luveles L Reuteri Yogurt Disclaimer:The team at Luvele are learning that making L Reuteri yogurt is still very experimental. Dont get too caught up on the precise temperature. The counts are further increased by performing fermentation in the presence of prebiotic fibers. This is just based on actual results from people trying this, and reporting on both blogs and in the subscription forum. What should I look out for that implies failure? Trending in reviews -
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