Healing After Abortion - Writing a Letter to Your Aborted Baby Everything in life was so uncertain and I had nothing and had no idea where I was going and a part of me felt pressure from everyone else. But I begged her not to go, I pleaded at times crying on the phone. And make you scream and shout, We are both unhappy . But I already feel connected and cry so hard every time I think of letting it go. The 'pro-choice' movement argues that a woman should have a choice to keep . Many of my patients have gone through the same thing, and it is never easy. I feel for you. In my heart i know that baby would have deserved better, but is it ok to feel THat way? I wish I could have kept you, but I know our lives wouldnt have been what you deserve. Well, I made it out alive. Im doing my final major project in my fashion degree and want my final collection to be inspired by my experience. But in reality I know who the dad was because of what had happened on the night we spent together but it did not help my decision as I felt so ashamed. I work a half day, then your dad picks me up and we drive to Planned Parenthood. I got married in December, I just found out that I am pregnant last week, Im running my masters degree and my husband isnt financially stable, feeling really sad and confused about what to do next. We talk about how we could make it work, but it just doesnt make sense. I pray one day my baby will cone back to me. And soon I'll get my own fingers and toes. I am so sorry you had to go through this. and I have no clue what to do. We wouldnt. Starving, I told him. My eyes fixate on her belly, and I sob. I already have a little one year old and the thoughts of having to go through it all again, deal with the depression and anxiety that I still havent healed from. I dont regret it but I do have feeling about what if. You were crying, but I was dealing with the most pain of all. Thank you so much for sharing this. I havent gone one day without thinking of it and causing major heartache, especially as family members and friend have now kids. This was so emotional ? I loved you, my first, my only." The afternoon I found out I was pregnant with you was just like any other day waiting for my period: I was late. Im booked in for abortion on Thursday, Im already a single mum to two kids. ????? I want a burrito. However I was with a married man who did not want this and it was an accident. my boyfriend has 3 daughters from 2 previous relationships age 10, 8, & 2. I did not know why you were crying at the time. Dear Mom: Letters from an Aborted Baby Week 1 Dear Mom, I know you don't know I am here yet, but I am really excited to spend the next forty weeks with you and never be apart. So at 26 years old, on April 10th, 2015, just as I had for months prior, I took a pregnancy test because I was eight days late. Ive been sobbing and my drive home I kept apologizing outloud for what I had just done. I have three healthy children 21,17 and 13 from a previous marriage. I think about you so often and wish so badly I could turn back time. God will see you through. I cry at every baby shower/kids birthday party I go to, in secret of course. Having an abortion allowed me to live my life and fulfil my dreams but I did become depressed over it and the stigma of having one can be really hurt you. I commend you for making that choice. And I was supposedly either unable to conceive or it would be extremely difficult. I had an abortion 6 years ago at 41 years old and was the one and only time to have a child I always wanted. It was beautiful. This is the worst pain Ive ever felt and the most heartbroken and devastated Ive ever been. Ive just got an amazing job that I cant afford to give up, I suffered badly with my mental health the first time round. The situation was messy and It all feels like a blur now. They told me to think about what I wanted to do and that theyd support me regardless of my choice. Please don't cry, remember that I love you and I'll be waiting for you with open arms. 4. It has the potential to work, but like you said, doesnt make sense no matter how hard you look at it. Hi Kai She gave her baby girl up for adoption, and now that baby is an adult. I feel like regardless if I keep our baby or not he is not going to be apart of my life anymore. Stay strong and stay encouraged. Everyone experiences the aftermath of abortion differently, but here is what I may have written in a letter to my aborted baby: Dear Asher, Precious boy, how I long to hold you in my arms. I never knew if I wanted kids or not or if Id make a good mother. I was accepted into the Montessori teacher training program two days prior. I aborted even though my heart ached and I loved it every day. I feel so empty and outright irresponsible. My mother killed me. I want to start by saying that I am skeptical that it is a sincere post. But tbh, by that point in our unhealthy relationship I had enough resentments of my own towards him to really care much. Like you, i have always wanted to be a mom and it was so hard to make this decision. Your words help. This brought me to tears. Mark Ruffalo On Abortion: 'I Don't Want To Turn Back The - HuffPost The copyright of all poems on this website belong to the individual authors. I support her no matter what her decision is but ultimately I feel like she is too young to make the rest of her life set and stone. I came from foster care and was 19 when I became pregnant. to NOT have to make this decision. Our relationship has been a roller coaster from start to now. I regret having the abortion because of many things and I ask hem to have another baby even if my situation was the same but he said he didnt want to have a baby he was hart broken every time he see kids he would say my baby wouldve been her or his age and that kills me inside I cry for so many nights and days I still do. Sometimes I wish I still had my baby. I pull out a second test with two pink lines, that I took while on the phone with my sister this time in the apartment, this time repeating different expletives. Now she feels she let her self and everyone else down. Unborn Child's letter to Mom !!! The abortion debate has been going on for ages. Hey, came across this after searching for something to resonate with how I feel. Then I sobbed all night and I dont even know where it was coming from and I dont know if they will ever stop. I cant be a single baby mama, with two baby daddies. The pain in my gut has not gone away. The place we live doesnt have space for a baby and we are only just building our savings. Days away from her second abortion, she wrote that getting the abortion is the "right decision for myself, my daughter, and this child." Ill always be one. We have only one flight of stairs, but I must have stood and then sat at least twenty times, unsure how to greet him. There are no words. Little Thing, I want you to be happy. A letter from an unborn baby | Count Clement II's Panorama Not how I thought I would live my life. I feel I will never stop crying and never stop being broken hearted at my loss. Hi, my story is very quite similar to yours. I want to be able to call you "Mom," and hear you say I'm yours. Jessa Duggar Seewald, best known for her role on the TLC reality show "19 Kids and Counting," recently shared in a YouTube video that she miscarried what would have been her fifth child. Tomorrow I take the pills to expel the tissue. This is your decision and you must do what feels right for you. Again, I sleep in the same room as your dad that night, and when my alarm goes off, I get ready to take the bus to work. Im ready,but am I really ready? I prayed on it and as days went on my baby grew inside me but my symptoms from the pregnancy and the disease increased. I wish I could turn back the hands of time. I dont feel like he was there for me as he should. I read this the night before my appointment for my abortion. I just recently started a new job and I want to progress. It wasnt the right time and the best way to move forward is by working to build a life in which you can raise a child in the future. Im balling my eyes out googling help topics because I miss her so much. I want to be respectful and listen to people who have been through the same as me. Immediately after I felt relief that I was not constantly nauseous and I could eat again. Maybe they never will. I dont know you but it seems to me that if you went through with it, it was 100% the right thing to do. I decide abortion at week 6. My advice to you would be do it if YOU want to, dont let nobody not your parents or partner tell you what to do, take some time and think about it because it is a situation that stays with you forever. I was clearly going to get my period. I have seen God cry when rocking little babies in His big loving arms. Raising her was not easy on my own but he convinced me to move back so he can have his family. 2. When I found out I was pregnant this time, I told him as we were arguing. We want to expand our family but we werent expecting to do it so soon. Im so sorry. Take care. I just wanted to let you know that the decision I made was very painful and still hurts at times but that it does get easier especially if you know you made it for the right reasons. This poem represents the voice of an unborn child pleading for its life. My advice to you would be to remember that at the end of the day, and your life, you have to be able to live with yourself, so forget about what your partner wants and do what is right for you. Im 27 years old and he is 32 years old. I am 31 and had an abortion in November last year at 10 weeks pregnant, which was later than I thought too. Everyday I think about my baby, Im still google searching what the baby would look like at this gestation age, what the baby would be doing. Im praying that I get an opportunity to meet her one day .. look into her sweet little face and just hold her and never ever let her go. All the best xxxx, Hi Owami, your message speaks to me because I was completely alone too. Im struggling with my decision and I almost wish someone could just make it for me. Ohio state Rep. Jean Schmidt calls pregnancies from rape an I too feel like I will regret it if I do this, After I check in, I have to take another urine test. Im 18 and also 6 weeks pregnant and my boyfriend says I have to abort it. All the best. The Dublin Declaration , signed by over 1,000 medical professionals, states "As experienced practitioners and researchers in obstetrics and gynecology, we affirm that direct abortion - the. i know its just rational thinking, but it still hurts a lot. Now he blames himself and cries like me everyday. I pray for all of you. Im in my final year in university. But like you said, when i see those two pink lines again, i know it will be my baby coming back to me. It breaks my heart to know that the only two times Ive been pregnant ended with me terminating. However, I was quite blue that I was no longer pregnant and I actually experienced a bit of anger as the situation brought up unpleasant feelings from the past. I sat on the toilet and watched as my destiny-deciding urine diluted with water, coffee, and last nights wine crept across the screen. Now, faced with having one in our early 40s is terrifying. Top human rights organizations are calling on the United Nations to intervene over the destruction of abortion rights in the US.. Im not financially free..and my boyfriend said he will literally kill me if I decide to keep the baby. Constant regret and pain . What Pro-Abortion Activists Got Wrong About Jessa Duggar's Miscarriage Then, my eyes glued to the test as if it were revealing to me the secrets of the universe, I stared. If there is a heart beat I really dont feel I can abort but Im afraid the stress he will give me will cause me to miscarry anyway. I hope you are healing well and have found happiness in other areas of life, until you and your unborn baby see each other again. I just turned 21,everyone wants me to keep the baby and I want to be a mom but I dont at the same time. What you did in your life is your history and your past and whatever you choose to share with your husband, or what he found out on his own, is a privilege; it is your truth and what he knows of that, he should consider as an honor, because it is your unique story to tell. This story is so touching and Im thankful to have come across it. Its not being selfish if you think about it deeper. To My Mother From An Aborted Baby - theodysseyonline.com Dont panic, I thought. I feel like the world makes us feel weak, like we cant handle both our dreams and a child that will love us and need us more than we could understand. I am with someone now and he is lovely. I still wonder what if. I was its mother. I never talked to people about it after. I wish this decision wasnt so hard. We were told if we wanted children we would have to make a concerned effort. My name is also Ashley and im also at the 10 year mark. Like something to be dealt with, a burden that was his cross to bear. They are a group of loving people who have been in your position. Then I panicked more I hadnt even thought about how I had a choice to make, and how this didnt only involve me, it involved your dad, too. I feel I would regret it everyday for the rest of my life. I found this whilst considering abortion. I am currently 5 months pregnant with my child. I feel like I have to get the abortion or he will resent me and our relationship will be over. 5 years after that we accidentally get pregnant and have a beautiful baby girl but even after having her I still retreat my choice and he still blaming me as he should I guess but we live a very sad life am trying to have another baby but he is not making as much trying as I do because he say am with you only for my daughter and am living for her to but she always ask for a sister or brother I dont know what to do .so much happened in our life that I think wouldnt be happening if I just have my baby and get married with him . It takes courage to share your story, especially with so much honesty. In the last twenty minutes of my lunch break, I walked to Walgreens and bought the test thinking the employees must assume Im really irresponsible (I guess I was?). This would have delayed everything. Maybe you think no one understands. More than I want good . I think. I had an abortion past the point of having the pill so had to have the surgery, It was the most painful time of my life physically and emotionally and I never expected it would continue to haunt me. I dont know how I got to this point of being so mistreated and lost. My first pregnancy ended the relationship because I betrayed him, although he would never step down from his responsibilities , and thats how he made me feel. I found your post when I was idly googling if I ever was a mother too and Im sitting here and crying. Have you done it? Don't Forget That I Was Here By Im 21, and I was 7 weeks pregnant last week but decided to terminate, after much deliberation. It all means the same thing. Maybe you feel deep regret, maybe it was a confusing time, maybe you didn't care at all. However I was so sick I could barely make it to class and I was on the verge of going to the hospital for dehydration. You will always be part of my heart, and I know that if someday I see two pink lines again, it will be you coming back to me. My heart is breaking but I cant have another child on my own. i feel deep in my heart that i made the wrong decision and if i tried again i know i would make it right. Yet we faced a third pregnancy two years after deciding that our family was complete. The connection is like no other. I know what I will do and why I feel it is the best choice I can make, but I will never forget this little tiny creature that has visited me and wanted so much to be my family, as I so wanted to be hers/his. We argued and I prayed on it. Thankyou all for sharing your stories + most of all the letter to the little light. He doesnt want to start over and says that we are too old. So we did. We started trying, but didnt expect it to come so soon. Ive been her best friend for 6 years and I never saw this coming. Sometimes I think about taking my life and then I think about my daughter . You definitely should keep it! Dear Reverend (name), It is not without much time and thought that I have decided to address myself to you. My pregnancy was miserable I was depressed and anxious all the time and often wondered if I made the right choice but the day my son was born I knew I made the right choice. I had to. I wanted an abortion but my boyfriend wanted us to keep the baby. it really makes my decision i made 10 months ago seem like the right one. I found out I was pregnant exactly two years ago this weekend. Then I sobbed when I put the phone down. A heart touching letter from a unborn baby to his mother baby is very happy when he is conceived and think that his mother is world's best mom and he share his happiness with his mother telling her all his activities and growing stages in her tummy but his parents decide to abort this baby.. prayatn Follow Advertisement Advertisement Recommended I really didn't want to die. He would have been 7 and his name was Dyno. I did have a moment of sadness and what ifs but ultimately I was so sick( 7 weeks 4 days) I could not wait to get it over with! I was 17 yrs old when I got pregnant, At that age I was not ready, alot of expectations from my parents await me plus the fact that I got pregnant by the person I dont love.so Ive decided to abort it by means of massage. My Unborn Love By I have been battling with the decision for some time now, had an appointment yesterday and didnt go because the voices of those who tell me I need to have the courage to keep the baby keep ringing in my head and those that guilt trip me on the decision of abortion and how wrong it is. Dont forget the chips! I waited for him on the couch in our front room, digging my thumb into the ridge of my index finger on both hands. Three years later, I look back on that day as the most difficult, important, unforgettable, and un-regrettable moment of my life. I want to experience the excitement of my first day at school We left the hospital with him saying we can try again. We do not have the money, the room, were too old, etc. I dont want to let you go. At 18 weeks, April and her husband found out that their baby had lethal skeletal dysplasia. Anything further than 6 weeks and I could not have possibly stood firm on my decision. I feel like Im losing either way; if I get an abortion, Ill most likely regret it, and if I dont, Ill struggle as a single mother. You will be in my thoughts and in my heart. Now, Im regretting every single day of my life. I know thats the right decision but I cant stop crying or thinking about baby . Heartfelt Letter to Aborted Baby Reveals Pain of Abortion and Hope for This is me right now,I dont know what to do its so hard. I ask for the pill and she hands me it along with a cup of water. According to Florida's Reducing Fetal and Infant Mortality law, which was implemented last July, abortions are prohibited after 15 weeks of gestation, with a few exceptions, including one that. I was promoted to junior teacher two weeks ago. I know it not quite the same but its just how I feel. I loved this poem so much, it made me cry. Reading this story and the comments gave me some of the comfort I needed. I dont know what to do, I know exactly how you feel . I was shocked. I am a teacher and take care of infants to two year olds, Im devastated because in a better situation I would have kept this child. Its been 44 years since my abortion and I think of her every day. So many people would love to give that little one a home. I have been scouring the internet for stories because keep either seeing people who wanted to do it and doesnt regret it, or people who regret it all together. None of it matters. Your dads hand squeezes mine, although I dont think its purposeful, and he asks again, Whats wrong? I look him dead in the eyes, knowing Im about to change his life forever. One abortion opponent testified that people in her life had . Have always used protection. I wish this was easier. Im so confused and torn between getting an abortion or keeping the baby. Fathers should never be bored of their children. I dont want one. Children need attention so please think about if youre equipped to care for them on your own as a single parent. I knew I wanted to finish school, and with barely making enough to keep the house stocked with I knew I would have to turn to work full time to be able to keep it. I have been looking for support from this side. I dont know what to do at all. Someone please talk and guide me into a direction. I am sitting with this sweet being I cannot support, and feeling so sad. I feel like I dont know what to do with myself. What if I still had no money, no stable place to live? We were in this sad nightmare together, weren't we? Im playing the song you listened to sobbing. Im sure it goes without saying from reading about my childhood but I have mental health issues and Im not sure having a child of my own is something I will ever be mentally ready for, but I certainly wasnt then. He tosses me the plastic bag with my burrito and chips (along with several containers of salsa that I didnt ask for but he knows me well enough to bring them anyway), and asks, with little emotion, Whats wrong? I sit down and ask him to sit too, and he does so, across the room. And each month, when it decided to, my period came. **** Truth is ive been crying my eyes out i am on birth control always on time with my pills. i know my baby will be returned to me, someday. I had an abortion many years ago and I was fine with it because I absolutely knew I was in the right place. I couldnt relate more to this paragraph you wrote: He says if i get an abortion we must split that Hell respect my decision but we cannot continue together. Im sending love your way, dear one. He had a vasectomy and yet I ended up pregnant again. All I could say was 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry, baby, I'm sorry.' As a mother, you never, ever, ever forget. I did an abortion 10 years ago and never disclosed to my them boyfriend who is now my husband. I n 1967, when Governor Ronald Reagan made California the third state in the union to liberalize its abortion laws, his hesitancy about doing so was clear from the start . From the Other Side of Abortion - A Letter From a Post-Abortive Mom I dont want having another baby to be detrimental to my current children and cant help think that it will be. There are no other words. Open Letter Concerning the Killing of "Baby Amanda" On November 3, 2022, National Public Radio (NPR) aired the sounds of the killing of a Child through abortion. But I do not regret it. Family assumes that I just dont want to have them, when in reality, now, is that no one will have one with me. I was a 19 year old college student with absolutely no plans to marry or have kids at that point. Always imagine what he or she will look like. That is my story which I have never shared. I did it because I loved that little soul so much that I knew he deserved better. I cry all the time and I dont think Ill ever stop. I dont understand how someone who has children already, can be so selfish and cold hearted. This time is different. Gone by The Head and The Heart plays, and I publicly cry at the lyric Gone are the days when the wind would touch my face, gone are the days when youre the wind. Its so unfair that guys help in making the baby. If you can handle a child, have it. Hi, Mommy. Nurse horrified as doctor orders abortion survivor to be taken to lab It is killing me to know she is alive now and she wont be in a few days. I dont have a strong conviction I can do this. We use protection and still Ive ended up pregnant once more. I dont think Ill ever forgive myself, I dropped out of school and my life is a mess. Thank you for this I hope one day Ill find a way to be okay, I really feel stupid and sad Im pregnant and everyone doesnt support my relation ship.i now want to abort and sadly get over my man. Yet, I have an appointment with my Dr on Monday. Im not pregnant. I went into the first floor bathroom and peed on that little white-tipped stick. Also it will definitely be detrimental to my relationship with my husband. Ive never allowed a man to make me feel like this. Letter To Mommy From The Womb, Cry Of An Unborn Child, Abortion Poem I would do things so differently. It breaks my heart everyday because I didnt really want to get rid of my baby I loved her ( felt she was a girl ), had a name picked out, went to multiple scans ( still got pictures ) .Today is a year since my surgery and I grieve her everyday I regret it . That, and I literally broke up with him two days prior. I too, am at the beginning of my career and am receiving more opportunities to advance as well but I have a long way to go. Im not ready for kids. I feel she was a girl. He keeps trying to make me have the child and give my child full custody and I feel like he wants to rob me because I cant afford to have a child of my own. There was no internet to look up information, and she didn't know about pregnancy . All these fears at once can seem unsurmountable, but when you help her chip away at each, she'll begin to feel more confident. No matter how much support one has, it can so easily feel like you are going through it alone. Diary of an Unborn Child - Wikipedia Must be awful. I feel awful. A Letter From Baby to His Mother Right Before Abortion (15 Photos) Its been 3 months since my abortion. Everything about the timing felt wrong, but even then I still wanted my baby. All the best to you <3. I hope that helps you make the right decision for you. Its nice to see other ladies have the same emotions and I know when the time is right my baby girl will come back to me (: This might be a bit forward and seem strange of me but I have been through this twice before so if you would like someone to talk to or any support you are welcome to contact me anytime x. I just had mine this afternoon. I have a lovely 5 year old sweets, a better partner that would totally support me should this happen again..nope. I was 5 weeks pregnant. And chips. I texted two of my closest friends. If you know you arent ready for this trust yourself. Thank you for sharing your story, I made a promise to myself my decision was not in vain and Im almost done with my bachelors degree. Gone are the days when the wind would touch my face, gone are the days when youre the wind. I was very helpless. I stared and I watched the second line darken and become more prominent. "I didn't touch you, but I felt you. I want this baby, but I know financially we wouldnt be able to afford it. I was one l with you. I just knew it was my girl I prayed for. I recently just had my second abortion in 9 months . I was afraid, honey. In a recent post on the Reddit forum TwoXChromosomes, an anonymous user shared her feelings about her upcoming abortion: Little Thing: I can feel you in there. I dont want to go through an abortion again. Hi. I dont want to lose you.
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