Big tubes to surf in, where you are quite removed from the ordinary and every day, have rolled in repeatedly. You know what they say about assumptions That said, the liquid nature of Pisces allows us to flow beyond our own boundaries and glimpse life through a more compassionate lens. It is quite essential if a new friend appears, or an old friend reappears. As I said, it ends on March 7th. If you dont have a partner of any sort, a new person will come into your life, or take centre-stage, near the 7th of March. Neptune in Pisces is with you until 2026, but Saturn in Pisces is here until then too, moving in on March 7th. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week including your Premium Extended Forecast. It can happen through being infected with COVID-19 (and isolating), having Long COVID (and retreating), going on a Buddhist retreat or through being forced to live/stay/work in an isolated place, cut off from normal life. Plutos challenge to you now, is to dig deeply inside yourself, for the aspects of your personality which have been key to a family question. Passion could swell near Thursday, too, because theres another potent transit going down this March 2. A classic example would be shacking up with a new girlfriend who owns her home, and you have nothing. The idea of rambling, wandering or footloose is really close to Neptune in Pisces in your Third House. Pluto enters Aquarius, and you are about to discover, over the next 20 years, why business, houses, apartments, heirlooms, inheritance, charity and so on, is a channel for power. If you are not already a member of Astrology and Tarot Meetups in New York, London and Australia you can join below: America - Join here. The key here is lifestyle, and you need to be aware of the sort of lifestyle that comes with the choices you are being offered, near March 23rd. I put this in earlier forecasts for you, so you can prepare. Ive seen I.V.F. You are seeing Saturn leaves your family zone, and Pluto go into your family zone, in March 2023. Public speaking is part of it, but so is podcasting. It begins with Jupiter, Uranus and the North Node all in the zodiac sign of Taurus in May. Heirs, spares and pretenders to your legacy. Saturn people arrive with challenges and given this is a long transit, you need to be a realist. What (or whom) was uncontrolled and uncontained for years, is now about to be reined in. Take your time before you accept (say) foreign trips or immigration acceptance. These lines are for entertainment purposes only. Pore over data, statistics, facts and figures. Go into new commitments or decisions near 7th March very slowly and carefully. Which means you should log as many lab hours as needed from Monday through Wednesday, when your ability to think both in and out of the box will be sharpest. For all that Neptune is about vast oceanic realms, Saturn is about heavy bands of steel. You will find a compilation of all current astrological forecasts on this page. Horoscope Online - Free Daily Horoscopes & More - CALIFORNIA PSYCHICS How you feel about each other, the way to make a success of being together. You can lighten up. It goes without saying that youd enter into decisions very, very carefully and slowly, Capricorn. Believers have angels in their midst. Hes gone on March 7th. Youve not experienced it before and may benefit from reading about both transits, then joining them together. Read your weekly horoscopes below. Skip to your Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces Without that you will be selling yourself short. Control over money is about self-control, in March. An odd feeling is common and its because you were stuck in the shallow end. Some readers have reported regular flooding of the local river (say) or a father who lives miles away but seems there all the time. Lead is his metal. So be yourself and play your own game. Ops is here to help, no matter if you need to clean up your online space or face or swear off the booze. This may have been language barriers for some Sun Sagittarius people. You are the well-oiled machine, when all is right in your world and you have your work-life balance sorted, as well as the delicate balance between mind, body and spirit. Heres your weekly horoscope from Jessica Adams. You are going to need to find out the sort of climate and conditions youll be dealing with for some time. It can also be the sort of therapist who is seriously hard work. As I said, take the best pro advice you can. This is a relief and a release for you. Home duties will finish. You will be relieved to see the end of particular people, organisations or situations in your career on the 7th of March. To date, the battle or competition has been a holiday from reality. Doesnt matter if its your cosmic secrets or the Vicar. Use. You have had since 2011 to sift and sort, socially, but somehow, its never happened. Or out you go. This is a really common outcome with Neptune, as there are fuzzy boundaries, or no boundaries, or nothing is ever said outright. Being a realist about that will help your decisions. This affects your own career, academic career or unpaid work. Chalk and cheese. With this Saturn transit in Aquarius, you may have felt shut out, or locked in. If you have been dealing with barriers, they come down on March 7th. Ill get to the duels part of the prediction in a moment, but lets focus on duets. All sense of an altered state or parallel universe that was there before (if you even had the insight) is changed once Saturn co-exists with Neptune in Pisces, your opposite sign. Trouble logging in? Monthly Horoscopes Jessica Adams: Psychic Astrologer Monthly Horoscopes Welcome to March The Taurus weather of 2023 is terrific and historic. They are also in your Ninth House of foreigners, and Mars in Gemini likely opposed them since September, so his end-retrograde in March will be a huge relief for you. Mercury enters Aries and your 2nd House of Possesions on Saturday, March 18. The effects are the same no matter if you are madly in love, getting married, divorcing, dealing with bereavement, or managing a feud. Do you have Gemini factors? A bubble to ride around in. Not surprisingly, this cycle often sees dramatic changes in the way people coming to terms with aspects of life that need decisions. This is all very new, so get good advice if you are signing or accepting signatures. Be this family inheritance or marriage and mortgage, it has been extremely challenging for you in 2022. This ends quite dramatically on 7th March and then from 23rd March you will encounter a change in your friend or group or a new friend or group which shows you what power means. Power may be based on age, gender, wealth (home ownership, budget control) or other factors. This is actually the house Virgo rules anyway, as you are as likely to be the healer as the healed. How you handle that level of power is up to you, but Pluto tends to demand extremes from people. Extended Premium horoscope forecasts, reports and podcasts are offered to Premium Members of this website. It may even arrive in an odd moment, as Pluto actually makes the ingress on the 23rd. Ive had a ton of questions about image issues from Aquarians over the last couple of years and sometimes, youve just been dealing with other people boxing you in, with their interpretation of you. New you from the old you. Your horoscope predictions from one of the world's most popular astrologers as seen in The Daily Mail and Vogue and on This Morning ITV. On Thursday, March 2, a rare and empowering alignment of tactful Venus and visionary Jupiter Keep that high-flying goal in your crosshairs, Crab. Under the influence of flowy Pisces, attractions take on a life of their own. If your telephone or internet is continually open to (insert word here) that will stop in March. This may in fact be about marriage. It is about your ancestors. Free Weekly Horoscopes | Monthly Horoscopes A monthly look at love and relationships. Leo, if you also have Scorpio factors in your chart, the importance of March is doubled, as there is karma here, with final closure in July. Saturn coming into this sector of your chart is about new restrictions, new limits, new rules. Now you know what to do in order to get ready for your day, right here on If you are single and/or lack a professional partner, one could come along. Aquarius Weekly Horoscope - Astrolis AstroStyle: Horoscopes by the AstroTwins. Heres your horoscope for Sunday March 5. That can happen too. The control is going back to people, not the elite, and it is also going back firmly to women. Dont just assume, do some homework. There will be four glass walls, so to speak. Send me a message @jessicacadams on Twitter a happy birthday message for you, a relative or a friend celebrating in April, as we pre-record the show. They come with all sorts of conditions, and restrictions, and limits and ring-fenced situations. They used to say surfing the net back in the old days, and the idea of surfing is relevant to you. Use the Tarot if you like, on this website, and ask around. The plus side of Pluto, long-term, is empowerment. There may have been legal reasons why you dont own your likeness, say, or it may have been Facebook that gave you trouble. You may end up rich it happens. Having floated, cruised and bobbed along since 2011, you now have to anchor. There will be boundaries. Last week, our sweet goddess planet of love and beauty, Venus, ignited in the heavens of Aries. Here are your yearly horoscope from Psychic Astrologer, Jessica Adams. Go to it. Over the next few years you may end up in quite a powerful position. A great deal of who you actually are and what youre all about appears to have been spun differently, for the time that you have been involved in certain group or friendship arrangements. Weekly Horoscope for Your Zodiac Sign Last Week February 20 - 26, 2023 This Week February 27 - March 5, 2023 March 6 - 12, 2023 Aries (March 20 - April 19) It's a busy start to the week for you, with plenty to keep you both occupied and interested. Chances are, those are the very things which are going to empower you next time round. What takes place could feel like the end for you as well as a new start. What makes that necessary, we dont know, but you will soon be dealing with heavy new restrictions. All this is further up the road, but you will see early signs in late March. At the end of the month, when Pluto makes the ingress, you realise March 23rd is the beginning of the end. Do you have Sagittarius factors in your natal chart? What was random, and frequently chaotic, is now under new restrictions. Weekly Horoscope by The AstroTwins, Ophira and Tali Edut Extended Premium horoscope forecasts, reports and podcasts are offered to Premium Members of this website. Transiting Pisces, in your Tenth House of roles and goals, it is really no surprise that you have washed up on this particular shore. So, for example, you may prefer not to plan some kind of world tour (even on a pandemic, natch) or begin some grand plan to get a more diverse staff in your company. You, wearing a badge for an anti-Islam political party. Dont drink the faux herbal tea please. That is why it can feel like drifting with the tides or losing yourself in a current surfing in a tube. Saturn moves into this sector of your chart, joining Neptune, which is extremely unusual. Or maybe youve tried to gain access but been denied. Jessica Adams - Your weekly forecast by psychic astrologer Jessica Adams. As this is your body we are talking about, Libra, or your mental health, take your time and take the best advice you can afford. In the Fifth House, replacing Saturn, he is about a new cycle (until 2044) when the bedroom, courtship, pregnancy, babies, children, teenagers are all part of wider questions about who top dog is. Saturn is entering Pisces, joining Neptune. Even shopping, or borrowing items, or donating your time to charity has been under the cosh on this cycle. Australian Government levied Goods and Services Tax (GST) of 10% is applied to applicable orders at checkout. No need to wait for spring to begin before rocking the rose-colored glasses and spilling the beans about your warm-fuzzy feelings. Many Happy Returns, Faith. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week #astrology #WeeklyHoroscope. Plus, this can be a chance to acquire new skills, link up with friends or negotiate a deal. Im thinking of various questions over the years from people who had this cycle before you. Your relationship with your God. Common sense says, you would be attentive when neighbour issues arise, because they can so frequently become a channel for power or control questions, and nobody really wants those when there are two dogs staring at each other over a fence. This has been a tough area for you since December 2020, and although 2021 had its benefits, 2022 was very heavy weather. From 2026, Uranus in Gemini will oppose your Sagittarius factors in the Ninth House, you see. Jobs will start. Your old life, and your old self, may seem rather shadowy and insubstantial, once you have begun this voyage. Think on your feet early this week because by Thursday, March 2, you may be swept right off them. This weeks headline news is so exciting it borders on click-bait! You have to read the ocean and know the rules. 1996-2023 Jessica Adams Proprietary Limited. Whatever you are dealing with in March, enjoy the end of the heavy, constant buffer zone of Saturn in your life, and take your time (lots and lots of time) when you are presented with new choices at the end of the month. Sagittarius, the relationship game you were trying to play, was a rehearsal, so now you can get on with the business of finding out who you really are. Image becomes even more important, as life until May 2023 is a relaunch for you, and a good one too. Free Taurus Daily Horoscope - Mar 04, 2023 | AstroStyle There has to ultimately be a compromise or share agreement. A family member may want to organise things differently. March alters the pattern. If so, Pluto in your natal Tenth House (same thing) also departs in March. If you are in a conflict, or one arises, get the best advice you can afford. Daily Archetypes. Astrologer Jessica Adams reveals what's in your horoscope every week and month, as well as yearly horoscopes and forecasts for important astrological events. What doesnt work out now, in terms of friends or groups, will have a feeling of intense finality even transformation about it. March is huge. ACN 644668431. Accessing the property market if you are a first-time home buyer is a good example. In the rare moments when they come together, that generosity multiplies. Saturn in Pisces for the first time in 29 years is unusual in March. Its VOGUE but also the BBC. Its really on that level, Gemini. Its on that level. Saturn restricts, limits and confines. Choose your battles, is good advice. Virgo, you were born with the Sun in Virgo in the Sixth House of work, duty, service, well-being, mental health and physical fitness too. It could be potent. Aquarius Maybe you can relate. For years, since 2011, there have been no boundaries with the bedroom; courtship; parenthood; other peoples children. Long-term, discussions and ideas now, take off from 2026 with new technology which is not yet invented. Ask around and get second opinions. Aquarius Weekly Horoscope Daily Planetary Love Weekly Career Romance Money February 27 - March 5, 2023 While there is a lot of change in the air and the Moon is giving you a better read on this, one of the biggest and more imminent changes is also personal. Someone's offhand remark could pierce your armor under Saturday's sensitive moon-Venus mashup. But rather than hold a grudge, tap the emotional awareness of this transit to talk about your feelings. Yet, you need to figure out the politics with this person, because its complicated and its also very new. On Thursday, March 2, the celestial "benefics," enchanting Venus and abundant Jupiter, hold their annual summit, but thats not all. Weekly challenge for Bulls: Surrender your endless quest for data and instead, hand your intuition the wheel. Now, thats not all the Ninth House rules in your chart. Neptune is nicely counterbalanced by Saturn. Having been there since 2011, you are now back there but this time with new circumstances which will keep you on the inside, or very much on the outside. Tomorrow. Powerful and empowering. Although one situation in your life is over, you are now feeling the need to look at yourself, and your social life, all over again. If we know the action we take will provide brief relief, it's fair to expect to return to something before long to put it right properly. That combination of Neptune (alternatives to reality) and Saturn (heavy reality checks) will show up. It may be helpful to keep the stakes low. Scorpio, as you have Uranus (freedom, change, revolution, independence) in your marriage and common-law marriage zone, I wouldnt be too surprised to hear you are moving out, or he/she is going.