Start as many leaves as will fit in your tray or pot without the leaves touching. How To Propagate Rex Begonia? - RayaGarden If the two asexual propagation methods of cutting and branching are adopted, we should pay attention to maintaining high environmental humidity and temperature from 20 to 25 . The stem stretches, causing the normal spacing between leaves to become excessively wide and gaping. Ideal daytime temperatures are around 70 degrees Fahrenheit, nighttime temperatures around 60 degrees, and a constant humidity level around 50 percent. Use a garden fork to dig a healthy wax begonia plant. Get daily tips & tricks to help make your best home, The 5 'It' Plants of 2021, According to the Pros, 10 Varieties of Begonias for Gardens and Containers, 9 Great Foliage Plants for Container Gardens, How to Grow and Care for Begonia Maculata, 34 Best Plants That Grow in Water Indoors, How to Grow and Care for Black Bat Flower, How to Grow and Care for Persian Silk Trees, Northeastern India, southern China, and Vietnam. You can also use artificial lights for this Begonia. You could also put your leaf cuttings in an east window as long as the temperature stays consistently warm. Easy Houseplants - Begonias. Or pink with silver edges. So, they water the plant more and more. 100K views 9 years ago In the video, Alan of The Plant Farm talks about the unique Rex Begonia and how to propagate it. This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to There are a few plant pests that love the Begonia rex. Rex begonias are a special group, because we grow them for their beautiful leaves. Tap water contains salt and other chemicals that can harm your plant. The best temperature is 65-75F (18-24C). They are resilient and thrive under that level of pruning. But they will also let you know if they feel that their water, light, and soil conditions are a bit off for their liking. She is a Master Gardener and lead gardener in a Plant-A-Row, which is a program that offers thousands of pounds of organically-grown vegetables to local food banks. Clip just above growth nodes to give the plant something to work with as it grows new leaves. You may get several cuttings depending on the size of your leaf. According to Cornell University, your Begonia is susceptible to this disease in wet or humid environments. The vast majority of begonias offered in the trade are hybrids so they cannot be accurately propagated from seed. Gently remove the Rex begonia from its nursery pot, handling the root system with care, and place in the middle of the new container. You dont want it to take off again, so keep an eye on it. Bright indirect sunlight, and can tolerate direct sunlight too. Debra LaGattuta is a gardening expert with three decades of experience in perennial and flowering plants, container gardening, and raised bed vegetable gardening. By using this service, some information may be shared with YouTube. Ultimate Guide to Rex Begonia Plant Care at Home A great way to prevent powdery mildew is through a spray mix you can make at home. Rex Begonia plants are rhizomatous plants. Water Rex begonias require regular water, but be careful not to overwater them. Flip the begonia leaf over and make a -inch cut across five or six of the largest veins with your knife. An older begonia may become leggy as the leaves on its older stems fall off. Its a very satisfying way to keep your begonias dramatic foliage. What are the Anthurium Roots Above the Soil? Its beautiful leaves are sensitive to direct sunlight. There are a few different methods that can be used to propagate rex begonias, but the most common is stem propagation. The water shouldnt flow over the pebbles. Step 4: Pin the rex begonia leaf into seed-starting mix Turn the begonia leaf back over and press it into the seed-starting mix. Here are some supplies and tools we find essential in our everyday work in the garden. When to Start Seeds Indoors Divide a Rex begonia when it begins to outgrow its pot or once the plant is at least three years old if you want to add more begonias to your houseplant collection. You Might Also Like: A Begonia rex needs porous fast-draining soil using peat moss, perlite, and vermiculite. Propagate by leaf cuttings or sections of rhizome No pruning is required. Airy, light, fast-draining soil is best for rex begonias. How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies in Plants 5 Proven Ways! Rex begonias need thorough watering but should not be overwatered. Rex begonias are a colourful addition to your indoor or patio potted plants. Examine your begonia growing environment. These mites arent actual insects but arachnids instead. - . How Much Light Do Anthuriums Need? When choosing your pot, a good general rule of thumb is no more than 20cm across the top for each begonia. Keep the temperature setting at about 70 degrees. The rex begonia plant thrives in humid environments and exposure to bright indirect sunlight. In the video, Alan of The Plant Farm talks about the unique Rex Begonia and how to propagate it. Water Rex begonias like regular water but hate being overwatered. Jenny Harrington has been a freelance writer since 2006. Whats more, dividing rex begonias reinvigorates them and makes them grow better. I have a question. Using a shovel or flat-edged spade, slice completely around the outer perimeter of the plant, a few inches away from the foliage. How to Water Houseplants But theyre covered in a cotton-like substance that protects them from outside forces. Please note the tuber I split here in the images is nowhere large enough to need splitting but it is all I had on hand to demonstrate with! Blight plant disease is challenging to battle. 2 Let the soil surface become dry to the touch before watering. It grows about 6 inches tall and wide. This Begonia species have leaves with a fun fuzzy feel. Giving your leggy begonia a haircut is the absolute best way to deal with it! Make sure you pack the soil tightly around the cutting. Because rhizomes have shallow roots, a shallow pot will do. How to Propagate Rex Begonias from Leaf Cuttings | Garden Gate You start by filling a tray with smooth pebbles. The Rex Begonia requires bright but indirect sunlight. Let the soil dry between waterings and avoid overwatering as it may cause fungal diseases or rot. How to Divide Bearded Irises. Ensure it bears at least one leaf node. Why are the leaves on my Begonia rex fading? As with other begonias, the rex and other foliage begonias prefer the same humid, gentle environment in which understory ferns thrive. To treat this disease, remove all infected leaves on the plant. Previously, she owned her own business, selling handmade items online, wholesale and at crafts fairs. How to Divide Rex Begonias | eHow UK wikiHow is a wiki, similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. The Begonia is a stunning houseplant with colored leaves that grows from a rhizome. Fill a 4-inch container with commercial potting mixture. Your begonia, regardless of variety, requires partial shade to bright, indirect light to thrive. When used sparingly, this will encourage the growth of those lovely leaves without inspiring them to reach for the stars. It can be a tattered, older leaf, but on the underside, the main veins should be plump and undamaged. have carefully selected these products for their usefulness and quality. a Few Hardy Begonias @ A temperature between 65-75F (18-24C) is ideal. Creach Greenhouse and The Plant Farm are family owned and operated. The rex begonia requires at least 50 perecnet humidity and careful watering that keeps the soil moist but not too wet. 10 Best Begonia Rex Care Tips - Growing Guide - Plantophiles Rex begonias are not only lovely and graceful, but they are also very simple to cultivate from leaf cuttings. High humidity isnt necessary for a Rex begonia. The best time to divide is during the repotting period in the spring or summer. Cut apart the tuber with a sharp knife, leaving three growing eyes on each piece. But if you place a piece of paper under your plant and shake it, you should see them fall. How to Propagate Begonias | HGTV Begonia Propagation: Rooting Begonias From Cuttings - Gardening Know How Now, set your plant on the pebbles. Avoid putting a pin through a main leaf vein, or that vein may not root. The begonia foliage should be trimmed back, and the tubers can be dried and stored in a cool, dry location through winter, just as canna or dahlia bulbs are stored. Make sure you sit your plant a few inches away instead of sitting it right under the light. Examine your growing environment and choose a location for your newly trimmed begonia that receives more light than its previous location. If you can squeeze water from the medium, it is too wet. This moisture goes straight to your plant since it sits atop the water source. Follow our step-by-step guide to dividing rex begonias and create the perfect gift for friends and family, while ensuring the continued health of your own plant. Is the Begonia rex plant toxic to animals? Simply break off rhizomes that have grown outside the pot and start them in a small pot. Expect one or two plants per cut. Jun 1, 2021 - Rex begonias make excellent house plants, and are easy to divide so you can gift them to friends. Use liquid fertilizer weekly at quarter strength or at half strength every two weeks., How to Root Succulents with Leaf Cuttings, How to Propagate Rex Begonias from Leaf Cuttings. NCBI BLAST name . Cultivar Selection Begonia rex : Evergreen perennial to 30cm, with large, obliquely ovate leaves which are metallic green with a silvery zone on the upper surface, reddish beneath; panicles of small pink flowers in winter. How to Make a Kokedama. It's best to divide the tubers in the early spring, after the buds have begun to swell. The flowers can turn orange, pink, and white. How long does it take a begonia tuber to How to start a new Virginia creeper from How to propagate and split perennial geraniums, Clemson University Extension: Growing Begonia Indoors. Silver Limbo is a compact, small-leafed variety that offers beautiful metallic-silver foliage that has purple-red backsides., How to Root Succulents with Leaf Cuttings, How to Propagate Rex Begonias from Leaf Cuttings. This begonia is rhizomatous, growing from a thick, fleshy rhizome that grows just below the surface of the soil. The Begonia rex is toxic to cats, dogs, and horses. These elegant plants arent hard to propagate. With a sharp spade, cut a piece off. Rex begonias grow at a medium speed, but they like a pot with room to grow, so you won't need to worry about repotting too often. Divide the vine into smaller pieces, ensuring each has at least two or three leaves. To do this, you want to cover the leaf-cutting in plastic wrap. How many Begonia rex plants can I put in one pot? Spray the mixture with water until it's damp clear through, but not dripping. Gather the items on the "Materials & Tools" list above. We empower you to efficiently solve each new challenge and make your life better and easier. Protecting your leaf cutting from harm while it starts to root is important. Find out to divide your rex begonia house plants, in our step-by-step guide. If you must use soils in your growing medium for any reason, make sure there is plenty of organic material scattered throughout to allow for proper drainage. Besides a pest infestation, there may be other reasons why the leaves are wilting, including the following: Rex begonias are one of the easiest houseplants to care for and happy in many conditions. How to Water Houseplants So what are you waiting for? You can use a mixture of perlite, vermiculite and peat moss, if you prefer. Begonia. Cane begonias should be pruned on a regular basis to encourage a thicker growth, and other varieties benefit from having their excessively straggly growth removed as well. Fill the plant pot with porous and fast-draining soil. Rhizomatous types grow from fleshy, caterpillar-like structures inclined to spread over the pot lips or even stand upward. But doing this can mean accidentally over-watering your plant, which makes using fast-draining soil super important. All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published. Let the soil dry between waterings and avoid overwatering as it may cause fungal diseases or rot. 4. Avoid direct sunlight, but any location with good diffuse light will encourage your begonia to bloom with an abundance of alluring foliage. Plant a tuber section per pot. Trimming a cane begonia allows you to remove up to two-thirds of any stem without fear of killing the plant. Plus, there will be minimal damage to your plant. When it comes to repotting, your choice of potting medium is critical. Her published articles have appeared in various print and online publications. Because you can only cut once, consider what you want to keep and what needs to go. The original leaf probably will have torn apart and may have even disintegrated. To be cautious, I always rinse all my supplies (and my hands) in a solution of 1 teaspoon bleach to 1 quart of water. But be careful not to let the plastic touch the leaves or you could risk fungal problems. . Get the plant pot ready. Make sure the soil is always moist. Advice on chopping top half do you have to cut where there's still green on the base or can you cut lower if there's pups growing? These strange plant pests are soft-bodied. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. It may seem brutal, but there really isnt much to it. This plant dislikes cold temperatures. Place the leaf-cutting, so its sticking out of the soil at a 45-degree angle. Dividing and conquering the fastest-growing genus: Towards a natural sectional classification of the mega-diverse genus Begonia (Begoniaceae). This is an easy method, and it doesnt cost much. Keep in mind youll want to use distilled water for this plant. Slice down several inches deepat least 6 inches for most plants and more for extremely large, well-rooted plants. You can use a pair of sterilized pruning shears to do this. Here are some supplies and tools we find essential in our everyday work in the garden. Then, to keep the cuts in contact with the mix, start pushing T-pins through the leaf into the soil. Gather the items on the "Materials & Tools" list above. We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to on this site. A few stones may help keep the begonia leaf from curling up and away from the mix, as well. . Use a well-draining soil mix to care for Begonia rex and provide bright indirect light. Theyre perfect for the pastel plant lover. Unlike other types of legginess, this is not caused by excessive growth. Mist the foliage of Rex (foliage) type begonias twice a week or provide high humidity to avoid leaf drop. Once your plant is soil-free, you must wash off the roots. Step 3: Cut the rex begonia leaf. Remove the stem with a sharp knife and slice the leaf into wedges, each piece with a main vein. wikiHow is a wiki, similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. Rex Begonia House Plants - Begonia rex Picture, Care Tips Mix a tablespoon of baking soda, a tablespoon of canola oil, and a tablespoon of dish soap. Take a close look at the shape of your begonia first. You want to switch out the saturated soil for fresh, moist soil. Begonia rex is toxic to pets such as cats, dogs, and horses, according to ASCPA. The water will evaporate over time, keeping humidity in the air at all times. If you do this too often, it can create powdery mildew. Care For Begonia Rex - Teak And Terracotta Water when the top 1" of soil becomes almost dry about once a week. Be careful not to over-water your plant, though. Gently remove the begonia from its container and immediately transplant it into the new medium. How to Divide Bearded Irises Pin the leaf down so that each cut makes good contact with the seed-starting mix. Grow them there until theyre big enough to put in the garden or transplant into more permanent pots. Active Interest Media Holdco, Inc. Copyright 2023. Fill the tray with damp potting mix and youre ready for the fun part taking the cuttings! I just call them all fancy-leaf begonias, but they divide into several structural groups: Fibrous-rooted ones have cane-like stems and often wing-like leaves. Cut the leaf into wedges to do so lay the leaf flat on your work space. The begonias eye-catching, asymmetrical leaves make it the star of any collection, but what if your begonia is more stem than a leaf? Tiny White Bugs In Soil The Truth Revealed! The soil should always be moist. The easiest method is to buy a humidifier. While this may appear barbaric, it will prompt your blushing beauty to produce not one, but two new sprouts from the trimmed tip. This is to prevent the spread of spores and fungi. Allow fleshy cuts to dry for an hour before potting. It should be getting bright indirect light. It was published in 1857. How to Care for Rex Begonias - The Spruce I like to take leaf cuttings because its so fascinating to watch a single leaf sprout a whole bunch of babies. long stem cutting from a healthy Begonia Rex. Cut a healthy leaf. Remove the diseased leaves. Trim the cutting to just below the next node along for cane or tuberous begonias. Divide the plant by prising the root ball apart from the top, being careful to keep buds on each section. Rex begonias grow from a rhizome, which is a root system that sprouts buds and roots to grow into the plant. Rex-cultorum begonias can be propagated in three ways, based on their type: by softwood cuttings, by leaf cuttings, or by dividing the rhizomes in summer. Warm spells are unavoidable I personally avoid using air conditioning if possible due to my other, more heat-loving plants but its best to keep your begonia in a cooler part of your home or office. Once the roots have dried, its time to plant them. The seeds . On the other hand separating the rhizome takes the most work since you need to get the plant out of its container. 50%. Cover your container with its dome or plastic wrap. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. 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