Your next question should be, Hows my saltiness? Find resources for personal or group Bible study. Observe whats there, and document it. Sometimes the application will simply be deeper faith and firmer belief. Now that youve come up with questions, its time to do research. It would touch as many lovely blossoms as it could, but derived absolutely no benefit from it. We will not fully comprehend the extent of the "return on our investment" until we enter Paradise and stand before our Lord at His bema (judgment) seat. 2 Chronicles This can train you to be more of an explorer in the future. The heart that stands in awe of God's word is armed against the temptations that arise from persecution (A good application). In most respects they might have been written in our own life-time. The observation phase was all about observing what the text says, but the interpretation phase is the next step. (Ps139:23, 24+; cf. Inductive Bible Study - Observation Inductive Bible Study - Interpretation Inductive Bible Study - Application Simple Study on the Power of God's Word Authority of God's Word - study on 2Timothy 3:16-17 Ezra 7:10 - Exposition of the "Ezra 7:10 Principle" Job's "Secret" of perseverance? Everyone has distractions and responsibilities vying for their attention, so it helps if you have a set time when you will read your Bible. Goldsmiths keep bottles of acid by which they test everything that is offered them for sale, whether it is gold or merely tinsel, and the Christian should keep Gods word near at hand and treasured in the soul, to test thereby all that he hears. Truth revealed brings responsibility to respond. For more on studying the Bible on your own or with others check out our Bible Studies resources. Okay, so what is inductive Bible study, exactly? When youre studying a book, youre going to end up reading it multiple times. Jesus warned that Bible study as the end in itself, can be deceptively dangerous declaring to the Jewish leaders You search the Scriptures, because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is these that bear witness of Me and you are unwilling to come to Me, that you may have life. Erroneous interpretation can lead to aberrant application. The first step in studying a passage is to observe what it actually says. Considering these things we receive the word with that trembling of heart which God so much respects. 3 John 0000000925 00000 n Create an account or log in to get started. In His Words: What Billy Graham Once Said About Eternity. How to Study the Bible | Cru - Internship opportunities with Cru's ministries. We all need to ask ourselves are we studying the Word that we might be more like Jesus or more like the Pharisees? The following books are a great place to learn more about this simple methodology: Kay Arthurs inductive method has helped millions of people learn how to study the Bible for themselves. (Basic Bible Interpretation). Then we have mentally to adjust the picture thus formed with the pictures already in our mindto hang it, so to speak, in its right place, so that it may blend with the convictions of truth already attained. So you might write that observation down: Marks beginning of the gospel story does not start at the very beginning., Youll also notice that Mark desires to tell you some good news, and this news is about Jesus. When youre first getting started with studying the Bible, its important to set some realistic goals for yourself. Eventually, if not immediately, these practices will reveal the meaning of the text (interpretation) and how to apply it (life application). Thus, interpretation flows out of observation. While we do His good will, He abides with us still, Owen wrote that To seek after mere notions of Truth, without an endeavor after an experience of its power in our hearts, is not the way to increase our understanding in spiritual things. 8. Interpretation, Illumination and Application | Avoid the temptation to try to make the text mean anything just yet. 2 Corinthians Once we know what a passage means we are responsible to live it out. You might see the word Messiah and think, I know what that means. But that can undermine your ability to discover new things. 2 John Needless to say, the group of pastors got the point! (Ro 12:2-note). It can provide details and facts that you do not yet have the capacity or training to pick up on your own. These divisions are incredibly convenient. Ezekiel A pericope is a section of the text that forms a complete thought. When you begin to study a passage, your first step will be observing the text. In the 13th century, Stephen Langton added chapters to Scripture, and in the late 16th century, Robert Stephanus added verses. Here are a few questions you can ask: There are a few essential rules to remember when attempting to interpret a passage: Make sure you spend a good chunk of time with this phase. The Bible is divine in origin. Who is allowed to ascend the mountain of the Lord? It is God's will that we should read When people started complaining, he told the congregation, "I'll preach a new sermon when you act on this one. endstream endobj 68 0 obj <> endobj 69 0 obj <> endobj 70 0 obj <>stream He had the "truth" but never acted upon it. So before moving on to the crucial step of application, pause for a time of reflection. Too much Bible study begins and ends in the wrong placewith interpretation. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. But one who looks intently (a picture of the man who meditates -- puritan Richard Baxter said "There must be inward practice by meditation and outward practice in true obedience.") But then we must allow that Word to get into us, to make a permanent difference in our character and conduct. Jeremiah One who uses the Bible as his guide Such a person is like the church who had a new pastor who preached the same sermon every Sunday. Ezra No, even though the town of Bethlehem was only only five miles down the road from Jerusalem. (How to Study the Bible and Enjoy It - see page 30). And what thou readest, thou canst not read too well; If you want to discover what these authors have to tell you, youll have to do some work. The writer of Psalm 119+ (virtually every verse of which deals with some aspect of God's holy Word) speaks to the importance of one's attitude that should undergird and stimulate right and ready application of truth gleaned Princes persecute me without cause, but (what's being contrasted?) Though he draw them they will not come to him, and when he calls them they will give him no answer. Of course, there are a few steps involved during each of these components. in my dealings with the world ? (Lk 11:28+, cp Jn 13:17), D. L. Moody quipped that "Our great problem is the problem of trafficking in unlived truth. 0000008074 00000 n It comes from knowing more about the Bible and applying it to our spiritual needs. Allow the Bible to help you understand other passages of the Bible. Look at Matthew 21:42-44 as an example. Why OIA (Observation, Interpretation, Application) is the Best Bible In other words every divine revelation demands a determinative response. Start with the obvious. Shows the way. P Is there a Promise to believe or condition to meet in order to partake of the promise? This volume incorporates insights from contemporary evangelical hermeneutics into an. Bible study consists of Observation, Interpretation and Application. 1 Showing God in action in and through His people. Good Bible study does not happen by accident. The student has sought God's blessing on the Word, and has endeavored to find out its meaning and teaching; and it remains for him to ask, How does this passage apply to me? When we have read the Bible, many passages may become "overfamiliar." We think that we know what they say and cease . Through the inductive method you follow a process of studying the Bible one book at a time. Let me ask you a serious question -- How often do you study the Word with no intention whatsoever of obeying it? See related resource: Relationship of faith and obedience, As Vance Havner wisely said "It is not the Word hidden in the head but in the heart that keeps us from sin. When the global church comes together then powerful things can happen. Acts ((this mirror = Gods Word = unique for it shows our inner nature as a regular mirror shows our exterior. Coleridge once said that, if we wish to make old truths fresh, we must turn them into action. The Word is both a glass to show us the spots of our soul and a laver to wash them away. Turn Scripture into Prayer. When in a spirit of quiet thought we have thus resolved and revolved God's Word, we are prepared to pray over it. If there is a promise to be embraced, we claim it. How about Son of God"? He had put into practice (applied) passages from God's Word, proving that they work which of course they always do! Application of God's Word will not always be "pain free", but it will always be profitable. ", Oswald Chambers in his typical "no nonsense" style reminds us that"One step forward in obedience is worth years of study about it", We have to be careful not to deceive ourselves. The religionists of Jesus' day had all of the data. B. There is more to Christian growth than knowing what the Bible says; nobody is ever nourished by memorizing menus. It is still as true today as when Martin Luther first said it that The world does not need a definition of religion as much as it needs a demonstration.. Both of these; And what thou teachest well, thou canst not too well live. 0000003614 00000 n It is more needful for you to hear God's words than that God should hear yours, though the one will always lead to the other. What kind of flavor and preserving qualities do I bring to my circle of influence? Maybe this question will lead you to pray for God to show you ways to help others and make some resolutions about things that youd like to change. In Bible study, application is putting truth you've discovered (through observation and interpretation) to use in your life with the ultimate goal of transformation or life change. If you read, He that believeth on him is not condemned, if you believe not then you are condemned already, because you have not believed in the Son of God. Not just for knowledge, but much more-- Refrain, But we never can prove the delights of His love Luke gives us the most information about Jesus birth and even provides us with a glimpse of Jesus as a child (Luke 2:4150). A Primer on the Lost Art of Biblical Meditation As youre reading along, you can check the commentary to gain insight into cultural, linguistic and interpretive considerations. 1ICR, If you choose to consult a commentary during your study, try to do it toward the end. When it comes to reading the Bible, these boundaries can hinder your ability to observe what biblical authors are saying. Inductive Bible study is a practical, relevant, and time-tested approach to interpreting Scripture. SMbN|U#t?%ux[w]z!\8U=Cdl1fNX`)5|@c!"&|q0|1"W Sfi%DaW1VC>Z(#qoR L%#GS`Kj)|%2laZxe"$[1Gf9pnY$,sfP.( +EelPEC_JjN bbBwa7$}%I$UO8 % YWAM Bible Schools: A Guide to Inductive Bible Study 2023 The Bible is an inexhaustible mine of precious gems. <<6970513041DCB34C825DECB3781DD654>]/Prev 490707>> William MacDonald explains meditation as follows Christians should meditate on the Word of God (chew the cud) and have a separated walk (the cloven hoof). How to Study the Bible Using Observation - Billy Graham Evangelistic Philippians Learn to develop your skills, desire and ability to join others on their spiritual journeys and take them closer to Jesus. In view of this truth, what specific changes should I make in my life? Psalms Inductive Bible Study method is one of the most effective bible study methods for personal bible study, quiet time or small group bible studies. As the devotional writer Matthew Henry prayerfully put it"O that we may love our Bibles more, and keep closer to them than ever! Now that you have your list of observations, you can wrestle with the questions that arise from them and the things that youve seen. Inductive Bible Study. It is one thing to know these truths, and even to fight for them with the zeal and bitterness of a controversialist, but it is quite another thing to enjoy them as our own heritage and our portion for ever. In observation, you were asking the question, What did I see? In interpretation, you ask, What does it mean? If you have not done a thorough job in the exploration phase, the interpretation phase can be difficult. For example, Peter says in 1 Peter 5:8: "Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion." Note expressions of time The relationship of events in time often sheds light on the true meaning of the text. Nevertheless our duty is clear. This speak of a personal choice that must be made) any man is willing (thelo = desires, wishes, delights [cp Ps 1:2-note], takes pleasure, is inclined to; the present tense - speaks of one's general direction of their life) to do (present tense - again speaks of one's general habit of practice = toward obedience not toward disobedience) His will, he shall know (ginosko = speaks not just of "head" knowing but of an experiential knowledge, a more intimate knowledge) of the teaching (didache - word study), whether it is of God, or whether I speak from Myself. Who may go up to his holy dwelling place?" ( Ps 24:1-3 ). What are its elements ? How foolish to look in the mirror of God's word, see spiritual "dirt" and yet fail to respond). Step 2: InterpretationWhat does the passage mean? Ecclesiastes If there is a warning to be followed, we heed it. Learn about Cru's global leadership team. It is thework of applying something (I like that -- it make take a little "holy sweat" to apply what we have learned, but it is worth the effort exerted! Some people say they cannot meditate; they do not know what it means, or they have no time, or they go to sleep when they begin. in my teaching, visiting or mission work? Right here, we have countless book Inductive Bible Study Observation Interpretation And Application Through The Lenses Of History Literature And Theology and collections to . Righteousness in simple terms is whatever God says is right on any subject. You may start with reading a specific book of the Bible for five to 10 minutes every day and setting aside one day a week for a more intentional time of studying Scripture. meditate and meditate and meditate, Devout meditation on the Word is more important to soul-health even than prayer. We must meditate upon it. Jude If you skip this step, you will never enjoy your Bible study and the Bible will never change your life. We must meditate upon it. If you skip this step, you will never enjoy your Bible study and the Bible will never change your life. Instead of studying by chapter, its smart to look at pericopes. He never reads the book, but he reads the disciple of Christ, and he judges the Christian religion, by the lives of its professors. Isaiah Practice it to be holy, Or as Skip Heitzig advises "A good perspective to adopt when reading the Bible is that of an obedient servant waiting for instruction from the master. Amos 0000001930 00000 n 1. To an active mind knowledge gives pleasure. Resources Bible Study Inductive Bible Study. The goal is to familiarize yourself with the work as a whole. Accurate interpretation and correct application rest on the accuracy of your observations. And yet, so complete is the delusion, that Christians never realize they are not living good Christian lives. Not just for information Scripture reading and Bible study always represents (so to speak) a "God sighting" ("God speaking") and as such always applies to us as His creatures. The Power of Accurate Observation In Bible Study By Anna Wishart 07/31/2017 Details Bring Meaning God's Word has a lot to communicate. Toll Free: 1-877-247-2426. His Word from day to day, MacArthur, J.: The MacArthur Study Bible Nashville: Word, MacDonald, W & Farstad, A. Believer's Bible Commentary: Thomas Nelson, Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth by Spurgeon. (Keying into the term good news early will help you understand Marks Gospel, as its a critical term that he uses repeatedly.). What He says we will do, where He sends we will go; startxref Inductive Bible Study: Observation | Precept Austin There are many ways we can study the Bible, but one of the most influential and simple approaches to reading and understanding God's Word involves three simple steps: Step 1: ObservationWhat does the passage say? For the favor He shows, for the joy He bestows, We may find something in every passage which comes before us both to pray over and to thank God over. Can abide while we trust and obey. Read Online Inductive Bible Study Observation Interpretation And The word of God reveals to us our true selves. 0 :L When we obey the Word we are demonstrating the reality of our love for the Lord (our obedience is motivated by love not legalism!) (MacArthur, J.: The MacArthur Study Bible Nashville: Word), Andrew Murray writing about the discrepancy between knowing and doing, remarked. Often, its helpful to put chapter and verse breakdowns out of your mind as you dive into Scripture. Youve observed the details in the text and drawn interpretive conclusions about what the author was saying to his original readers. Thresh them by meditation. Contact Us. 0000001036 00000 n You should desire to know Gods Word better so it can change you. It isn't enough just to be a Christian, if you aren't an obedient one. O/uE 4l"iI.l#e \c@pZFi7lq?3@hv?7 Il` It is impossible to study the Scriptures diligently without running head-on into the need for application, "for the word of God is living and active (energetic, effective) and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge (sifting and analyzing) the thoughts and intentions of the heart and there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are open (the bending back of the neck thoroughly exposing it to the eye of the skillful surgeon or the criminal on trial with a sharp dagger bound to his neck with the point just below the chin, so that he could not bow his head but had to face the court) and laid bare to the eyes of Him with Whom we must give account." A single revealed fact cherished in the heart and acted upon is more vital to our growth than a head filled with lofty ideas about God. What can He have to do with such as we are He is faithful, but will He be so to us? +t8HL~Y,/0B_<7)K]JOSTx*=JOlgTx*=kp]un?VHk?Z,u-tglS Men may have in their study of the Scriptures other ends also, as the profit and edification of others. How do I propose to carry out these changes? BGEA is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Leading Inductive Bible Study | InterVarsity If not why not? -- David Shepherd, Be alert for the following deceptive dangers regarding application. Apply yourself to the Scriptures The well known Puritan writer John Owen had some pithy comments on the need to study the Scriptures with the ultimate intent to apply them to one's life. Although the Bible tells one cohesive story, it does so through the work of many authors who wrote during times hundreds of years apart. You can help us reach children and their families to know Jesus. The third rule for our guide should be Read And Apply. This is not the fruit of slavish fear, but of holy love; it is not afraid of the Word, but delighting in it, as it discovers the mind of God to us; as in the next verse it is written, "I rejoice at Thy word." EP !HOz The gospel is a very solemn thing to every man, because if it be not a savour of life unto life, since it must always be a savour of some sort, it therefore becomes a savour of death unto death. After studying the importance of salt to first-century Judean people, you would have a clear picture of its significance to Jesus original audience. Inductive Bible Study: Observation, Interpretation, and Application Exodus 10 Questions the Internet Is Asking about the KJV. Apply yourself to the whole text, and apply the whole text to yourself. The questions that might come out of your observations about Mark might include: Why does Mark not include the Christmas story in the beginning? 0000004118 00000 n We need to be specific here. 1 Jn 1:7, 8, 9; Pr 28:13), (2) Response of faith: One of our reasons for meditating on the Word is to develop and build our faith. He is a prayer-hearing God, but will He hear our prayers? Saturate the study of Scripture with prayer. Here are 14 important reasons to read it. 0000000536 00000 n This is the ultimate step: we submit to Scripture and let it transform our lives. Memorizing God's Word - Why? As for the doctrines, recollect that a doctrine killeth except as it is personally grasped and as you feel your interest in it. Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide, and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and many are those who enter by it. It is not enough just to study the Bible. As you make it your practice to study God's Word, you will experience the joy of having Him directly unveil His truth and reveal His purpose in your life. He would take notes and later study them with great care. Youre attempting to get a sense of the whole before you begin to break down the parts. The following steps follow the inductive method's process of observation, interpretation, and application. Lifting verses out of their immediate context is a sure way to find yourself in heresy land. Leave not off reading the Bible till you find your hearts warmed. You can discuss this post and others in the Faithlife Today group. Every promise must be grasped and realized as true : every precept must be registered in the heart, and acted out in the life, in the strength of God. Refrain, Not a burden we bear, not a sorrow we share, Its apowerful toolfor those who want to learn how to study Scripture well. What a terrible delusion to be content with, to delight in hearing the word, and yet not do it. How do you do that? In Psalm 119:18, David said, "Open my eyes so I can truly see the marvelous things in your . So when Mark tells you hes starting at the beginning, its safe to say hes talking about the beginning of Christs ministry. The good hand of the LORD will be upon us even as it was upon Ezra the scribe! The more honest question is"Am I ready and willing believe this truth and to apply it in my life? (Self deception is the worst form of deception and occurs when we come to believe there is virtue in hearing the truth of God but failing to apply it.) But as helpful as these tools are, theyre not always ideal for personal study. This awe is called by a proper name, reverence, or godly fear; when we consider Whose Word it is, namely, the Word of the Lord, Who is our God, and has a right to command what He pleases; to Whose will and word we have already yielded obedience, and devoted ourselves to walk worthy of Him in all well pleasing (Col 1:10-note, Ep 4:1-note, Php 3:17,18-note, 1Th 2:12-note); who can find us out in all our failings, as knowing our very thoughts afar of (Psalms 139:2), and having all our ways before Him, and being one of Whom we read, -- "He is a holy God; He is a jealous God; He will not forgive your transgressions nor your sins" (Joshua 24:19), that is to say, if we impenitently continue in them. Once you know what the passage means (interpretation), you are responsible to put it into practice in your own life. Helping students know Jesus, grow in their faith and go to the world to tell others. Matthew Henry adds: Every gracious soul stands in awe of the word of God, of the authority of its precepts and the terror of its threatenings; and to those that do so nothing appears, in the power and wrath of man, at all formidable. Are we spiritual or are we natural? Ask yourself all of the important questions above, and answer them as honestly as you are able. Both reflect what is really there. For the gate is small, and the way is narrow that leads to life, and few are those who find it. (MacArthur, J.: The MacArthur Study Bible Nashville: Word or Logos). Of the three steps of Bible studyobservation, interpretation, and applicationthe middle one is often the most daunting. Kay Arthur on Inductive Bible Study: Observation, Interpretation & Application,Christy Tennant - Read more about spiritual life growth, Christian living, and faith. ", Application is the most neglected yet the most needed stage in the process. It is packed with revelation, lessons, instruction, and theology. THE THREE COMPONENTS --Hess, Robert Cook wisely advises that we should "Never leave a passage of Scripture until it has said something to you." hb```vV^af`B@#g|3h Take care, nonetheless, to seek for the application of precepts. Goes the way, You want to be able to trace the authors argument all the way through. Samuel addressing King Saul after his serious "miscalculation" (sin) said "Has the Lord as much delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Search the Scriptures Chapter Analysis FormatBible study consists of Observation, Interpretation and Application.1.Observation is discovering what the author is saying looking specifically at Who, What, When, Where, Cause & Effect. Whenever (every time) we read the Scriptures, the question we should always honestly seek to ask is How does the meaning of this text apply to me? Part of this work is supernatural: As you study the Bible, the Holy Spirit reveals truth from the text that applies to your life. Application takes place as you are confronted with the truth and you respond to that truth in obedience (in faith). Thats the kind of serious-minded response to truth application calls for. Never fear, only trust and obey. But His smile quickly drives it away; 2 Timothy The goal is that we live holy, in conformity to God's will in thought, purpose and action and that in so doing we are made adequate and equipped for every good ("God") work, which represents only those works He initiates and empowers.