Kirsten wont grow out of hers, Bernadette took that chance from her. Kristen had it well deserved. It has her sister cutting vegetables with a ridiculously long knife too, and Kirstens parents were right who cuts up vegetables with a knife that long that they keep in the car? Maybe you need to hear one of those shooters moms speak on YouTube on the Ted talks. Heres how to party like its 1969, See some slimming and sexy 1960s stretch pants, Print Color Fun: Free coloring pages & more fun for kids, Quotes Quotes Quotes: 1000s of clever & inspiring quotations, Find answers to lifes little questions. Kirsten May of been Stuck up and Caddy, most teen girls are, but she got along with almost everyone, she got along with Bernadette at first, till Bernadette kept trying to be her friend. Her family was not the same. Im not sure about that case, but Kirsten I cant picture her being a bully, yes telling how she felt, that she did well. Like I said, Im sure theres a purpose somewhere to where she can make a difference in someones life today, she was a lot like Kirsten Costas. Bernadette was just as nice as we were on swim team together growing up. I forgive her to a degree, but wont accept what she did to Kirsten, she will live with that the rest of her life. Some of these girls ( not Nancy or Joanna) acted like Hoes, and ppl dont take kindly to that. Whos to say she hasnt Murdered again, if so, she Covered her tracks better, and probaly let an innocent person take the blame and maybe jailed for it. And How!!! Yes the guys should of paid for it, but the Judicial System is funny that way, unfortunately the girls paid for it. I didnt know either girl, but there are people who knew them both, they were both described as Sweet, Kirsten was more Outgoing, and Bernadette was more shyer. Thats teens for you, its tough being a teen, most of them are smart alecky at some time or another, but we outgrow it. Im embarrassed for her. She refused to. Bernadette is no more and she doesnt exist anymore, so why keep bringing up the past, my goodness look at the times the World is in now. You all sound a bit like the people you are gossiping about. They went to parties or ran off with guys, guys had no right to take advantage of them, yes it was wrong, but they put themselves in that situation to where it could of been prevented. I feel if it was true bullying she would be afraid to be near Kirsten and these people who call Kirsten a snot and said she was a Bully and deserved it, Karens right youre the Bullies cause you know Zilch about any of this. Talking peoples business again, McDonald may not like her name being used. Even a Mother of one of her friends said, Kirsten was like a Puppy and hugged people,,not exclusive and liked everyone. I just dont understand cant people just be happy with what god has made them. She wasnt mean or that just high maintenance. Everyone loved my friends because they were funny and not rich. They had to leave school. Thats a much more obvious motive. I didnt kill anyone, I went to college, had a successful career, a loving family and am happily retired with my husband who I met right after I graduated college in 1983. She fit it fine and was considered to be popular in her own way. I dont care what anyone says to another person, it does not give you the right to kill them. I didnt know Kirsten that well, talked to her a few times in passing but we didnt know each other. Bernadette was kind to. I just hear she stays mostly to herself and dont see much of former classmates. One girl here posted that one girl accused Football players of Sexual Assault at a Party and she was driven out of that School also. Menu. Heres what I think happened, Bernadette wanted Kirstens approval badly cause everyone else had Kirstens approval and Bernadette became dangerously obsessed over the whole deal, and she invited Kirsten out that night to make friends, and I think she said something to her that went horribly wrong to Kirsten, like make a clumsy pass at her and it terrified Kirsten, and Kirsten threatened to expose it to everyone, and Bernadette just freaked out and it possible she just found the knife by chance and got scared that a secret was going to be revealed, so she went to scare her, and maybe she didnt mean to kill her, but she meant to harm her (thats a fact). The future is right around the corner, its a waste to go after someone cause the law didnt do their job. There is no justification for murder, and I am not siding with the criminals, but you can push someone so far. Bernadette protti longed to be popular and she decided to kill an innocent person just because she couldnt have things get way.thats sad. Maybe I made a mistake somewhere in the story (not sure youre mostly just saying I was not being honest what is that about?). Did you ever stop and think that Bernadette was a fragile human being? As for me, Im the same age as the girls involved in the case. Your comments continue to reiterate the plot for the movie Death of a Cheerleader. I cant believe they made a movie that was so offensive to the real victim. So whoever wrote Miramonte was a bad school and everyone cut everyone down, maybe it was you cause you werent socially accepted, and probably didnt make the best choices, or embarrassed yourself wanting the attention and. We had our own group, and we didnt really talk much to them, (other than hello) Some of those kids there that were misfits, hate to tell you, some of them werent Angels They dressed rough and acted (Bad) and cussed. A couple of them did, Bern just looked the other way. Bernadette admitted to many friends she craved the wealthy life, and hated that her own parents (whom I feel sorry for) were so old. Where are you these days? She was then driven to an empty car- park at night and was justifiably angry with Bernadette over it. (Yes at times) Kirsten teased Bernadette, but they were still mutually acquainted Bernadette never could figure out why she thought she was a Bullied failure. What teen isnt? Kirsten from what I heard was arrogant and self absorbed, but no bully, just a typical teen girl who didnt deserve to die even if she was a bully. She looks like she would have lit up a room. It was a strange time growing up around religious freaks. Of course its done and over with, and people arent forgiving and never let you forget anything you did, she made a enormous mistake, that cant change, but she does regret it and as for her and the Costas family making Peace, cant even tell you how much truth is in that, but Im sure she reached out and owned her part, but nothing she can do to change what the outcome cost them. Her parents poor,.. yes, but spent money on that. She is Crazy obviously, has enough problems and has to deal with murdering Kirsten and that doesnt help. I believe the conversation was very bizarre to, about desperation of a friendship. [1] According to Protti's later testimony, she had planned to take Costas to the party to befriend her, but Costas became angry when she was told that there was no dinner for the new "Bobbies." Karen I believe on that fateful night In The car Bernadette was pushing a friendship was was adamant and persistent about it. Leave a review . If you want to know what is wrong with her get on her YouTube channel where she makes pies. Bernadette was a Snob also. Others didnt want any part of them cause Orinda kids want to be liked and accepted, and if you hang out with kids who arent you make yourself and outcast to. I think Kristen called Bernadette out on being a lesbian. Anonymous, Kirsten had a bigger heart than people knew about. Whats wrong with you? as bad as she wanted her friendship. I had an English class with Kirsten and her friends, we were all put in pairs in order to read off as part of a project, Kirsten and them just acted as though I was invisible and everyone in our group (but me) got to read a part. I saw the film Death of a Cheerleader this January, 2021. Bernadette was described as homely. She was not some vulnerable lost soul who was bullied mercilessly. Where Is Angela Delvecchio Aka Bernadette Protti Today? Actress Kellie Im not saying Kirsten was totally innocent, for it takes 2, but to Murder in Cold blood. I do remember all the stories before and after the killing. The real death of a cheerleader story (1985) - Click Americana I would suggest that you should be able to distinguish between a fictional depiction and reality, but judging from your comments it is clearly beyond your capacity to do so. She is a Sociopath. Bernadette chased her. Shes obviously mentally ill . She watched 2 girls take the blame and did absolutely nothing about it. I hear Kirsten was a Sweet Adorable girl, and I heard she was a Bully. A popular and pretty cheerleader, Kirsten Costas, was dead, and sheriff's deputies were searching for the girl who stabbed her. Patient Perspective. We dont see the others, dont mix with their lives, not care for them, stay away or just say Its better that something happens to others, not me, but we dont get the message to be just more polite. And anyone messed with one of us they had to take on all of us. Later, Protti stated in her testimony that she had planned to bring Costas to the party so that the two of them might become friends, but she changed her mind after learning that there would be no meal supplied for the new Bobbies. [Case in point:]. Murder of Kirsten Costas - Wikipedia Guys just didnt really notice her. So Kirsten should have been perfectly okay with the fact that Bernadette lied to her to get her out of her house alone and then drove her to an empty car-park and appears to have confessed feelings of admiration for her? I just think Bernadette had underlying issues and pressure on her to get to the top, but that was no right for murder. She got a short sentence because she was tried as a minor. I just believe Bernadette pushed to hard on Kirsten and it weirded out. Top 3 Results for Angela Delvecchio. She didnt have time to (bully). Bern wasnt one of them, in fact, (as I said) she was well liked and in with a lot of the i crowd. So she had money, her family did. I only talked to Angela Delvecchio's Rating . Maybe they were misunderstood, I didnt hate any of them, I just got the feeling they looked down on me, and didnt feel as though I belonged. What was the most heart wrenching about this was a classmate girl was blamed and attacked by certain people for killing Kirsten, obviously she didnt. I dont care how old your comment is, I just have to reply to that bullst. I cant picture Kirsten being Mean or Rude, so hard to picture that one. Bernadette fit in fine and lived in a lovely area. Feeling bad for Bernadette bc was a pathetic, weak, emotionally unstable girl, fragile or whatever doesnt change the fact that shes also a murderer. Most people would find that bizarre and off-putting and would certainly not deserve to be killed over it. So Mats read the Definition Sweet, it doesnt line up,with Murder. You never give examples of what Kirsten did. Kirsten probaly spotted she wasnt all there and was going to out her on it. Those bullied girls like I said were loose or cussed and smoked and (dressed roughly).. It put a huge impact on our lives, first dealing with the loss of Kirsten, then finding out a girl we all trusted was the one responsible, that is something g that scattered our lives. Angela Delvecchio Profiles | Facebook Kirsten was described mostly Vibrant and friendly by others, and so was Bernadette. They obviously made some bad decisions and theres repurcussions for your poor decisions, thats not Kirstens fault, you mad that decisions, not Kirsten. How is that possible. She only had certain friends. It was on the Murder still haunts Moraga Residents. Senseless. Bernadette will loose it again if she lost it once. I agree bullying is so terrible but there wasnt much evidence that Kirsten was a bully apart from Bernadette saying Kirsten once mentioned that her ski boots looked cheap, I think Kirsten was a lesbian with a crush on Kirsten but was taking that secret to her grave. She was to busy of a girl. We should educate our children, our minds and our souls. They were ususally strange. I think Kirsten probably threatened to tell everybody their bizarre conversation in the car that night. The goth was actually into New Wave music and was not goth people at the school just thought she was weird for dying her hair New Wave because it was such a conservative school. The day after the murder in June 1984, rumors had already spread at the tennis courts, down oak-shaded lanes and at poolside. Is it so hard to do without hurt someone? Kirsten was Cute and funny from my Standpoint. Theyre not looking forward to seeing her. I hear Bernadette is depressed a lot these days. She was mean and Stuck up also. That Dee if it is who I think she was always in trouble and never listened. I got the impression they were both Stuckup ( Bernadette and Kirsten) they were friends to. the fact is bullying had nothing to do with it she was a sick and twisted individual and still is! She looked like Kirsten with her curly hair, and the Life of the Party like Kirsten. As they drove, Kirsten seemed unconcerned when Arnold saw the mustard-colored Pinto tailing them. Art became an executive with the 3M Corporation, and Berit stayed home, looking after the kids and the house. You are right, (Kirsten didnt really bully Bernadette) around a friend she would throw ice at Bernadette, and tease her to show off in front of thier friend, (but girls will be girls). If Bernadette respected Kirstens feelings, she would have left Kirsten alone when she fled Bernadettes car and wouldnt have stalked her to her house. She was released the following year. No single human being has the effrontery to kill a fellow human being; talk less of a supposed child. Cant see her making fun of anyone. She couldnt of been or she never would of killed, and watch the town accuse 2 Innocent girls and harrass,them over it. Angela Delvecchio's Instagram, Twitter & Facebook on IDCrawl I was informed Kirsten was highly popularand a Cheerleader and cheerful, even if she was a bully no right for her to be savagely Murdered. I so disagree with some of the posters. Kirsten would probaly still be today to if she was still alive. Current Celebrity News: Angela Delvecchio - Blogger She is still Crazy as always. Are you bullied in school? You cant force somebody to be friends with you. Bernadette was a Sociopath and stalked her, and dwelled on her for Months about Kirsten not liking her when in fact Kirsten had nothing against Bernadette till that Fateful Night. She practiced constantly at home in the family room and sometimes at Diane MacDonalds house, in front of the windows at night, to see her reflection. People make their own reputation and choices in life whether they are bad or good. You have no idea what you are talking about with Columbine. Too bad Bernadette WAS a pathetic psychopathic freak. LOL. Was Kirsten a smart aleck , dont know but tell me a teen girl who isnt! After the terrible event, Protti legally changed her name and shifted to another place to start a new family. As I also wrote to you in a previous comment, judging from your malicious, reprehensible comments and utter ignorance and delusion, your moral fiber is rotten to the core, and I pity any child subjected to your skewed guidance as their moral fiber will no doubt succumb to decay. Home Faculty and Staff Directory All Faculty Angela J Delvecchio. Her clumsiness makes her a liability on offense, but on defense it almost helps her." Angela Delvecchio (player ID: 3) is a female player and the third of the 30 backyard kids in terms of alphabetical order. She wasnt into that game. I live in LA and know people on the Bay Area that know all about the case, and know people who knew Kirsten, and they say the Movie was offbeatfar from Kirstens Personality. Was she snotty to? Angela Del Vecchio (@angidelvecchio1) | Twitter The release of Protti was met with vehement opposition from Costass parents. NEXT: Netflix's Cheer: Where the Cheerleaders Are Now, 10 Awesome Facts You Need To Know About The Lifetime Film, A Friend To Die For, 90210's Tori Spelling Can't Be on Real Housewives Because She's 'Too Nice', 10 Best High School Movies Of All Time (Ranked By Rotten Tomatoes), Heroes: How Saving The Cheerleader Saved The World (It's Not What You Think, Netflix's Cheer: Where the Cheerleaders Are Now. She is evil and a Monster (with a very dark Soul). Probally Berns Relatives saying all that, or, very close friends. [5] He thought that he was witnessing a fistfight, but in fact Protti had stabbed Costas five times with a butcher knife and fled. Either way, it doesnt matter because Bernadette is a bitch, which is more important any day than looks. I heard from an article from her friends mom, Kirsten wasnt exclusive and liked everyone. Yes we all feel that way, but nothing can be done about it, decision has already been made. This is what makes me sad the most. How did Kirsten push Bernadette so far? Maybe she did say some things that you didnt like, but for real! The girls quarreled and Costas fled to the home of Alex and Mary Jane Arnold, telling them that her friend had gone "weird. A lot of murder cases they get s light sentence or aquitted, but they also get harassed by the public and media so they dont get off all the way, the media torments them. There was one that wrote in the1986 alumni that she wasnt desiring to be found cause the 4 years at Miramonte wasnt the best for her. Bernadette then appears to have confessed her feelings of admiration for Kirsten in the empty car-park at night. I think she had a crush on Kirsten and was terrified of Kirsten telling everyone she was a lesbian. Most cheerleader s are friendly, and yes at the same time, kind of stuck up, to a degree, they only run with certain groups, but they will say hello to you, and help you if you need it. The girl that stole her life from her shouldve never been released from prison. She was not in a popular group, just a group. She just got irritated cause Bernadette lied to her and lured her out under false Circumstances, Id be annoyed and Angry to. Hostile people do. She dont go hardly anywhere anymore. The father was so ignorant and submerged in his cars he didnt even notice his daughters pain and problems. She looked like a nice person that had a good life ahead of her. I bet she finally became an outcast fro supporting Bernadette. Did Kirsten deserve to die over it. So I would say to any bully, we all have our weaknesses,. How is sweet referred to Murder? You the one telling about the Bullied girls who were accused of the Crime. 1. Rest In Peace Kirsten. Her inadequacies were all created by her and in her own head and she murdered Kirsten as a result. Too bad Bernadette couldnt see that.. Sarah, well, MURDER IS NOT AN OPTION!! Kirsten was just trying to find her way like we all were in a snobby, competitive crappy little town through the Caldecott tunnel. Move on. She didnt deserve to die. As for Bernadette, I didnt know her well, but said hello to her a few times in passing at school, and when she came to get the attendance slips. Even if you werent rich, if you were smart and acted sensible you were accepted. I know beauty is all a matter of perception, not that it matters but in no universe would Bernadette be considered better looking. I agree with Miss Kiwi, I believe Bernadette was dangerously obsessed with Kirsten. Berit and Bob Costas live in Hawaii. Those girls like Chris she hung with has changed, theyre not like they were in school, Kirsten would of changed also as she got older. We all have someone we dont like, and we wont be liked by everybody. A little over an hour later, an agitated Kirsten rang the bell at a strangers door. I wasnt there, but it sounded like she was holding her till she agreed to be friends on her terms, (Bernadettes). This Mats person youre either Bernadette, or sister, or a very good friend. We are no longer in the 80 s and never will be again. The person I knew didnt hate Kirsten, she just thought she was Snooty or Misunderstood. This whole story is just disgusting. Heres what I think came down, the 2 girls had an argument and Bernadette was afraid she would of been kicked out of the (Bobbies) and excluded from that group. So she had a different view of Kirsten, Bern wasnt nice to of murdered. Her house was nice to,(as nice as Kirstens) so she wasnt a lonely poor girl who struggled for friends. Cause Bernadette was stuck up to, or thats how Bernadette appeared. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I honestly thought Bernadette wouldve looked worse. I been bullied to. I think Bernadettes Youtube is fake now. You can also get our free newsletter, follow us on Facebook & Pinterest. They were friends from what I seen, they traveled in the same group and walked together with them. But would a real student please come forward and reveal yourself. Why isnt anyone talking about the incompetency of the police here? Arnold followed her for about a quarter of a mile before giving up the chase. Sorry but the parents are to blame. On June 23, 1984, Costas was duped into attending a meal for the schools sorority-like Bob-o-Links by a bogus invitation. I think Bernadette went about it in the wrong way. Kirsten May of had moments and been a Stuck up person, but that dont Justify murdering her. Bernadette then drove Kirsten to an empty car park at night and appears to have confessed feelings of admiration for Kirsten. Youre not now Bullying a dead girl, makes you worse than her, you will be the one to Answer for it, not her, she already has, Bernadette sure isnt any Angel shes a Cold Blooded Killer, dont care what her reasons are, she is the Bully, and Kirsten is the Victim. I heard Bernadette was Snobbish also as well. It sounds like she was only mean one time about her having cheap ski boots. Its possible they forgave her and moved on. Angela DelVecchio - Facebook If every teen girl was to be murdered due to bullying and being Stuck up, and also Loose with boys then we wouldnt have any teen,girls at all. Born Today Most Popular Celebs Most Popular Celebs Celebrity News. Kirsten fell and sprang up again. i feel sorry.for any poor sap who has to live in her neighborhood because like the investigator wisehart said she has a hidden trigger that anyone can pull just by not giving her what she thinks she.should get in a relationship. Bernadette lived in a bigger house than Kirsten, and family had just as much money as the Costas family, if not more. Kirsten and Bernadette were both friendly and nice girls. I didnt kill them. Just hearsay. Well it is best to not bother the girl anymore sick or not, cause she moved on and so did the Costas family, so why keep the fuel burning, its just best to let folks live their lives. Bernadette had plenty of other friends, she was in that group, Kirsten didnt have anything against Bernadette, if she would of left her alone, eventually they may of became friends, no she couldnt wait, wanted it all right now and pushed and forced her way into it. Nancy was Sweet, she just took things the wrong way. That was 36 years ago, and the Memory still lingers on. By the time theyre 23 they grow out of it completely most ususally. She was given a sentence of nine years in jail before she could begin her life on her own, but she was granted parole after serving only seven of those years. Bernadette was and most likely still is a highly disturbed individual. It is done and over and over 3 decades. She didnt make fun of people like that Mats girl claimed, probaly Bernadettes BFF commenting or Virginia or Bernadette herself, truth be told, cause Kirsten wasnt a thing like that Stacy Lockwood in the Movie. I hear a lot of them still get together on Occasions, and others have moved on. Yes Kirsten May of been Snooty, but she was also adorable to those who knew her. I dont really care about your accusation, but its unnecessary and youre wrong. John Grisham, Kirsten was nothing like Tori Spelling at all. Birthday: 12/20. Please explain how Bernadette was pushed to the brink? Very few that arent. Abe that was your downfall. Her parole would have gone ahead sooner apparently but in 1992 one of the parole board Victor Wisehart voted to keep her in jail as she showed an inability to control her anger and he felt that she was still a danger to the public, she had had a violent altercation with a boyfriend in the prison/school system, he said there was a hidden trigger that switched on when she didnt get her own way! She didnt give examples because she wasnt bullied by Kirsten. Well as I said its like that in any School, I think high school is a setting where everyone is competing and wanting to race tot he top and cut down anyone who gets in thier way. They dont even bother to investigate her alibi to see if she was telling the truth? Bernadette had jealousy issues. Dont matter, been what 37 years.