This combined rating takes effectif your other condition qualifies for a rating, such as VA disability rating for shoulder bursitis. The VA opened this claim up and I'm not sure why because I did not make a request a Cue. Except for traumatic arthritis, the VA regulations state it is essential for your exam to cover all major joints. And I have the new neck problems. Does the VA look at and rate arthrosis the same as arthritis? I've taken methotrexate for a few years. The presence of pain would qualify for a minimum 10% per knee. So now I have a letter from the DOD saying they have evidence about 25 items LHI was supposed to check. Thank you for your time and have a great day. The pain issues in my foot have been ongoing for years. Thanks for the quick reply, I currently have a rating of 10% for the lateral collateral ligament sprain with degenerative arthritis of the left ankle. Sir, I got a bit of bad news today as the VA denied my claim for multilevel facet arthropathy or as they call it "cervical spondylosis". When the muscles are overused or experience undue force, the tendons often tear from the stress. 10% for pain in my leg from back problems. According to Title 38, for a minor shoulder that can raise between 25 and 90 degrees is 20% disability. Therefore, the C&P examiner ought to test for active and passive, weightbearing and non-weightbearing, motion pain. Three months after returning from Balad in 2008 I had open heart surgery to replace my failing Aortic Valve at St Josephs Hosp in Syracuse NY. Arthritis is the most common disability and affects 52.5 million adults in the United States, or one in every five. Fill out the short form below to contact us. As with all VAdisability claims, proving service connection is the first important step. In late 2017, VA began a multi-year effort to revise and update the VASRD, or VA Schedule for Rating Disabilities. You may be owed compensation. Degenerative arthritis will be rated at 10 or 20 percent based upon the number of joints/joint groups affected and the level of incapacitation. Yes, as long as they consider the arthropathy as service-connected, you have potential for getting headaches covered as secondary. It is primarily in my L4-L-5-S1 region. They will look at the overall symptoms and assign the highest rating they can based on those symptoms. All of these conditions are rated on the general rating formula which is baed on limited motion. But it served like a big red herring and made me look like a liar every time I repoted trouble on my left ear jaw neck elbow hip knee and ankle. Chondromalacia patella is rated on either limited motion of the knee or a minimum 10% analogously under arthritis. The ratings are 10% lower if they are on your non-dominant side from the 70% rating level downward. I recently had an MRI done of my cervical spine which indicated mild multilevel degenerative changes of the cervical spine, most pronounced at C4-C7. Only one rating per joint. I figure doing an entire new claim and submit evidence this issue could possibly be exasperated from my time as a parachute specialist would be better than filing an appeal as a secondary condition for my ankle. So yes, the correct way is the one you suggested, but your claim should still process correctly. Ok thank you I had a visit with my Primary Care Doctor and she mention my Sleep Apnea maybe the cause. Unfortunately, the MEB Attorney's response is valid. Because that was defunite they changed the diagnosis to rid themselves of my puzzling case. Compensation Mild bilateral neuroforaminal narrowing. Not at all. Get more resources at As long as they have evidence that the shoulder condition worsened and caused arthritis, then it should still be processed correctly. I've started a secondary claim for arthritis and joint pain. Our firm was founded in 1986 in Orlando, Florida. Carefully read our discussions of, More Jobs for More Vets Fixing the Unemployment Problem, Fighting the Military Disability and VA Disability Systems, The Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES), Combat Related Special Compensation (CRSC), Concurrent Retirement & Disability Pay (CRDP), conditions that are rated as Degenerative Arthritis, VA Processing All PACT Act Claims January 1st. I did get my new GP to approve hip imaging after somehowe I got into a non VA cinic during a bad day only to learn I most certainly need a hernia looked at that up till very revently I could not feel like a normal person would. have hearing loss, VA plans, budget, finances, and performance. If limited motion is not present, then you will receive one overall combinedrating under VA diagnostic code 5003 for degenerative arthritis. I had issues with PTSD over the years from my time in the Army. To establish service connection through continuity of symptomatology, the claimed disability must be considered chronic pursuant to 38 CFR 3.309(a), symptoms must be documented in service and after discharge, and there must be a connection between your post-service symptoms and your current disability. Also would Cervical Radiculopathy be a possible secondary condition to cervical degenerative disc disease (two separate ratings). I attempted to let the same doctor writing my appeal to go over them. What do you think, 2020 - All rights reserved, There are all sorts of tricky rules in the. If you want to learn how to implement these strategies to get the VA benefits you deserve, click here to speak with a VA claim expert for free. AC separation patients may also experience arthritis because the shoulder separation damages the ligaments surrounding the AC joint. It would make you unfit for duty. The revision, effective Feb. 7, ensures that this portion of the VASRD uses current medical terminology by removing obsolete conditions, clarifying ambiguities, and providing detailed and updated criteria for the evaluation of musculoskeletal and muscle injury disabilities, including adding conditions that previously did not have diagnostic codes. The author of my 2nd board did try by sending me to Nuclear med for imaging. The first VASRD update, in September 2017, was for dental and oral conditions. The VASRD's 15 body systems had seen periodic updates, but this continuing effort reflects the first comprehensive review in 70+ years. But, rheumatoid arthritis will only be rated either as an active condition or for its chronic residuals. C7/T1: Disc desiccation without posterior protrusion. There is precedent of connection there too, though it is impossible for me to opine on your case. You can get a rating higher than 20%, but only if your range of motion worsens. VA Disability Ratings for Shoulder Rotator Cuff Repair The VA will rate rotator cuff surgery based on the severity of the pain and the thickness rotator cuff tears, often So what Im pointing out is that I managed to stubbornly function because well meaning people refused to look past the surface mearly based on my lack of documentation which could refute their layers of partial My question to you is could the VA be looking at one of my service connected disabilities and potentially give me an increased rating or could this be a possible downgrade in a rating where they are looking to take something away from me. I am overseas working and at a loss how to communicate with the doctors here. Also, what is an "incapacitating episode"? It affects daily life and job. Basically I was trying to convince the VA that the pain issues with my neck was caused by my left ankle when walking ect. *If you have already received a rating for Limited Motion of a joint, then you cannot receive a rating for arthritis in that joint. These surgical procedures for your arthritis may open the door to other claims, higher ratings, and VAdisability benefits. Many veterans develop their arthritis later in life as the cartilage wears down. or should I have a totally different one as arthritis due to service connected injury? ). You can file your claimonline, by mail, in person, or with the help of a trained and accredited representative like Woods and Woods, The Veterans Firm. If you believe there has been an error in your VA disability filing or that you are entitled to higher compensation, you can submit an appeal. With my experience, I would recommend their service to others, in respect to anyone who is struggling I would highly recommend Woods and Woods. Los Angeles, CA: 10880 Wilshire Blvd., Ste 1101, Los Angeles, CA 90025 As the condition worsens, the bone may harden, change shape or develop bone spurs. Because of the nature of the condition, there doesnt need to be a traumatic event, or injury, to prove service connection for osteoarthritis. Copyright 2023 Hill & Ponton, P.A.. All Rights Reserved. The VA saves me with a surgery when they absolutely must because I got a POA to present an affidavitt. The examiner documented this as two incapacitating episodes as well as two non-incapacitating episodes. It is also possible to establish a secondary service-connection under 38 CFR 4.58, which states that if you have received an amputation or a leg shortening and arthritis appears later in life, it may be service-connected on a secondary basis (so long as the arthritis is attributed to those conditions). Worth a shot to apply. Good question. We even pay for the postage for all of the documentation you send to our office. 1. They kept pointing to the VA as the answer. Your treatments may also vary depending on your other conditions. Learn more about us, Veterans Disability Claim I also have a question about Administrative Decision For Cue. I was very skeptical working with an attorney at first. Is there ever any service connected disability awarded when a vets service RECORDS are never located even after 40 years of health complaints? No, the VA will only give you a single spine rating for your cervical spine. Rheumatoid arthritis, or more commonly known as RA, is an autoimmune disease in which the bodys immune system mistakenly attacks the joints. Bilateral Factor & Your VA Disability Rating However, it is still very important to provide evidence that the arthritis is secondary along with the claim. We also connect veterans with independent medical professionals in our referral network for medical examinations, disability evaluations, and credible independent medical opinions and nexus statements (medical nexus letters) for a wide range of disability conditions. My iimited duty post was to security call in hourly at a 5 story barracks full of guys all awaiting boards. Under the schedule of ratings in the VA regulations, arthritis may be rated under degenerative arthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. 3. Symptoms of Acromioclavicular Joint Separation, VA Disability Applications for Acromioclavicular Joint Separation, Establishing a Service Connection for VA Disabilities, VA Disability Rating for Acromioclavicular Joint Separation, Secondary Conditions to Acromioclavicular Joint Separation, Amputations Resulting From Shoulder and Arm Conditions. since you already have 10%, the pain is rated and won't allow for additional. You might also receive a VA disability rating for shoulder rotator cuff tear. Tucson, AZ: One South Church Avenue, 12th Floor, Tucson, AZ, 85701 I guess they needed to test me with the Ucmj and heavy sea duty. You can file a Notice of Disagreement, take the higher review lane, orsubmit a supplemental claim. But depending on the quality of in service evidence, it could be enough. I did some research online and read headaches can sometimes arise from problems in the neck, and degenerative conditions like osteoarthritis in the neck. Rheumatoid arthritis, in terms of chronic residuals, will be rated under the appropriatediagnostic code for the group of minor joints involved, major joints, etc. VA requires that limitation of So, if your arthritis gives a higher rating than the meniscus condition, then it is rated, and the other is ignored. Because these measurements are vital in the arthritis rating, a physician must record the exact range of motion measurements using a goniometer. -Amber, Dr. George P Johnson I have been officially diagnosed with chandramalicia patella I am receiving 10% on my VA for it but now I am gonna be in a knee brace and using a tens unit how much will my rating go up to due to having those items to use. A Veteran with arthritis might receive either a 10 or a 20 percent rating, depending on the specifics of their condition. Repetitive stress on your joints with documented symptoms can be sufficient to establish your claim since service connection for arthritis may be proven through continued symptomology. Surgery can sometimes improve the function of the affected joints. Is range of motion the only thing VA considers or do they actually look at what you can and cannot do for daily living purposes? What causes shoulder arthritis?Osteoarthritis. Injury to the shoulder joints. Rotator cuff muscle injuries ("cuff tear arthropathy") Injuries to the rotator cuff muscles, such as a large tear, can also increase the risk of developing osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint.Rheumatoid arthritis. Its FREE to get started, so click Go Elite Now below to complete our 3-step intake process. This has happened about 3 times since that first occurrence. Moreover, if there is pain (without limited motion), then the VAs painful motion principle kicks in. Havent filed a claim yet or know that you are underrated? An official website of theU.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Looking for U.S. government information and services? The painful motion principle does apply. If you cant show that it is directly related to a fall, shot, or other injury documented while you were in the service, the VA wont consider it as service-connected. Dont post your vaccination card photo on social media, VA Schedule for Rating Disabilities (VASRD), infectious diseases, immune disorders and nutritional deficiencies, VA releases dashboard to measure the PACT Acts impact on Veterans and survivors, 100 years of advancing health care for women Veterans, You can request a VA home loan Certificate of Eligibility through, Call TTY if you Also my ankle hurts when I move it so can I apply the painful motion principle to my already existing ankle rating to get an increase? If it causes significantly new or progressed symptoms, it could contribute to having your overall cervical spine condition increased. VA rates disability from 0% to 100% in 10% increments (e.g. In contrast torheumatoid arthritis a chronic, inflammatory, autoimmune disorder that can affect more than your joints degenerative arthritis results from the wearing down of the protective cartilage that cushions the ends of your bones. L4-L5 disc protrusion and acute L5-S1 disc protrusion. The VASRD determines how much disability compensation veterans will receive each month in addition to their eligibility for other VA benefits. 100%- Completely incapacitated and bedridden, regardless of how many joints are affected. It is medically indicated that the ankle would cause this condition, so it makes sense that the VA denied it. Hello, I was awarded service connection at 0% for both my left and right knee in 2011. The complete list of updates to the rating schedule is also availableonline.VA remains committed to staying at the forefront of modern medicine to provide the best service to Veterans and their families. yet assertive representation for our clients. VA Disability for Shoulder and Arm Injuries - Woods and Woods, My question is, did my DDD cause my arthritis in my neck- is there any kind of connection there? Mild to moderate neural foraminal narrowing is present at L4-S1 levels 3. VA Ratings for Spine Issues are Based on Movement, Pain, and X-Rays Different Types of Arthritis Can Get Different VA Ratings Bone Spurs Cause Burning or Tingling in Your Hands or Feet Dont Wait Until Arthritis and Back Pain is Unbearable Get a Free Consultation from our Certified VA Lawyer Team For the average person, the cartilage breaks down gradually but for veterans, the breakdown often occurs suddenly within one or two years post injury. If you have used steroids as a treatment for a service-connected condition, then it could qualify that way. Symptoms and signsof AC shoulder separation include: Before you canapplyfor VA disability for AC joint separation, you need to gather evidence and supporting documents to file with your claim. 38 CFR Book C, Schedule for Rating Disabilities - Web Automated How does the VA rate this condition? 2. Finally, it is also possible to receive a secondary service-connection if it is determined that an already service-connected condition is causing arthritis. A lock ( However, a shoulder can only be given a single rating, so the VA would ultimately not rate the arthritis as a separate condition. Well I got a letter today stating THEY made a calculation error when I submitted a claim for two painful scars. The process can be overwhelming and confusing thats where your attorney steps in. The most common cause of epidural lipomatosis is steroid use. Because of this, it probably won't cause a problem that it was claimed this way. I DONT MIND a delay so long ad they look at my knee & all the many items I listed earlier. Never hurts to strengthen your case by getting a NEXUS letter from your physician, however. I am on methotrexate and REALLY thinking about the switch to Humira. 10%, 20%, 30% etc. This means you do NOT currently have the VA disability rating and compensation YOU deserve, and you could be missing out on thousands of dollars of tax-free compensation and benefits each month. Are ratings based on range of motion for example to get 10%, flexion measures more than 30 but less than 45. WebWhen there is an award based on pain with motion with movement of the shoulder. Rating Arthritis The condition claimed is less likely than not (less than 50% probability) proximately due to or the result of the Veteran's service connected condition.". I have had sleep issues for years including while I was in. There are two main types of arthritis: degenerative arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Thank you. A VA disability rating percentage is awarded in multiples of 10, representing the severity of the impact of the disease or injury. You haveone yearto appeal the claim from the date ofthe denial. so they are taking 10% away from me. Columbus, OH: 100 E. Campus View Boulevard, Suite #250, Columbus, OH, 43235 If you are a Veteran in crisis If two or more major or minor jointgroups are affected, but there are no incapacitating exacerbations, a 10% rating may be assigned. The VSOs work directly with the VA and not for the individual (me the veteran). What to Expect When Filing Your Initial VA Claim, Top 10 Questions About Military Sexual Trauma (MST). It does mention in my rating paperwork arthritis in my back as well. Regardless of the code, however, most spine conditions are all rated on the same system: limited motion. VA medical records and hospital records relating to your Acromioclavicular Joint Separation or that show it has gotten worse. If accepted into our ELITE membership program, youll get free up-front access and permission to use $13,119 worth of proprietary VA claim resources, including access to our network of independent medical professionals for medical examinations, disability evaluations, and credible Medical Nexus Letters, which could help you get a HIGHER VA rating in LESS time. This shoulder disability diagnostic code is 38 C.F.R. Sir, you sent me a reply to my question about Administrative Decision For Cue the VA initiated. 38 CFR Part 4 section B details all of the diagnostic codes for musculoskeletal problems with your shoulder. Major Minor. Veterans granted TDIU receive payment at the 100% rate the highest compensation for VA disability awards. Under 4.71a,Diagnostic Code 5203, the VA assigns shoulder separations a 20% rating for either arm, regardless of severity. If it isn't too late to request the change, you can submit it as secondary, but if it would delay things too much, you will probably still be fine as is. How Can You Increase Your Shoulder Injury VA Disability Rating? If possible, the examiner should also test your unaffected joint for an accurate evaluation of your range of motion.