He is often characterized as laughing at a situation even if it is inappropriate, a result of when he previously possessed a fourteen-year-old girl. She places Anna under hypnosis, which restores to Anna her memories of being an angel. Arthur's continuing impertinence and defiance enrage Asmodeus who brutally beats him. When the Alpha Shapeshifter will not talk, Crowley kills him through decapitation. Many commit chaos at their own accord, doing so because they find it fun. Steven Williams - IMDb Although the group is unable to find Samuel, they do succeed in locating the box which is able to trap and kill demons. Dean and Benny hunt down and kill Desmond, but Martin tries to kill Benny, using Elizabeth as a hostage. When Sam, Dean and Bobby run into Rufus, and the Campbells all hunting the cause of an upsurge in supernatural activity, tensions erupt into violence.When Sam, Dean and Bobby run into Rufus, and the Campbells all hunting the cause of an upsurge in supernatural activity, tensions erupt into violence.When Sam, Dean and Bobby run into Rufus, and the Campbells all hunting the cause of an upsurge in supernatural activity, tensions erupt into violence. Nick succeeds in bringing Lucifer back from the Empty, but is interrupted by Jack and Mary. In "The Rupture," possessing a doctor at a hospital, Ardat kills a nurse and confronts a recovering Arthur over his failure to follow through on assassinating Belphegor. Sam manages to bash in the head of one of the male djinn with a golf club while the other is killed from behind by Samuel Campbell with a silver knife dipped in lamb's blood. Asa Fox, portrayed by Shaine Jones as an adult and Jack Moore as a child is a legendary Canadian hunter appearing in Supernatural. Dean eventually discovers that the true wraith is the nurse who admitted them to the mental hospital, having taken the chance to infect them at the time. Abraxas reveals to Nick that Lucifer ordered him to commit the murders and Abraxas had chosen him by throwing a dart at the phone book. When Lucifer arrives at the Elysium Motel upon being summoned by Mercury, he kills Mercury and the pagan gods until only Kali remains. Arthur once again encounters the Winchesters who have Castiel knock him unconscious and lock him in the Impala's trunk, intending to kill him and scatter his ashes to make his death permanent. Dark Kaia admits that Kaia's death was an accident as she was aiming for Claire and displays knowledge of Kaia's interactions with the Winchesters, Dean in particular, from having seen through Kaia's eyes due to their connection. Frank finally reveals that he responded to a 911 call from Nick's wife reporting a prowler only to meet a man named Abraxas outside of Nick's house and then wake up in his police cruiser covered in Sarah's blood. That night, Arthur explains that his job is to "strongly encourage" the Winchesters cooperation with the British Men of Letters and was sent by Mick Davies after Sam called him and hung up. With a giant monster approaching and the rift about to close, the Winchesters drag a reluctant Claire back through the rift which closes moments later. Lucifer warns Castiel of the danger of Kevin working to open another rift for Michael who intends to invade their world. Due to his proficiency with spells, Magnus made himself immortal, looking forever to be in his 30s despite being much older. Cain claimed to Dean that there was no cure for the Mark of Cain and it was better to give into its rage. Castiel reveals that Kevin is a Prophet and can thus read the tablet which talks about the Leviathans. After freeing herself, Abaddon flees in Josie's body. Eileen's letter causes the Winchesters to check the bunker and find Arthur Ketch's monitoring equipment. Amara, however, realizes that Chuck has never changed as a person, and leaves him trapped on earth. Agent Adams is persistent, and Sheriff Mills tries to distract him, but Adams finds the spot where the okami was buried. While reminiscing with Bobby about her deceased counterpart, Mary learns that in Apocalypse World, her counterpart never made the deal with Azazel to bring back John as seen in season 4's "In The Beginning." After Ramiel nearly kills Dean, Sam steals the Lance of Michael from him with the help of a distraction by Mary and impales the Prince with the weapon. Later, a suspicious grocery store clerk calls Donna about Nick searching for Mary. Dean slaughters the nest and gets the blood of his sire which is used in a concoction invented by the Campbell Family to cure him. Magnus' ideas got so radical that after he created the Werther Box, a vault designed to protect an important decryption codex but with a deadly alarm system, he was kicked out of the Men of Letters on May 16, 1956. When Naomi shows up to tell Dean and Castiel that Metatron is really trying to expel all angels from Heaven, Kevin listens, but is unable to confirm what she has said. When Dean arrives, he tries to apologize to Adam, but the archangel tells him that "Adam isn't home right now." He and Dean call upon Garth to look after Linda and Kevin and he takes them to a houseboat he uses as a safe house. He describes how Arthur took over Site 94 before the Government decided to shut it down completely. Kevin is so freaked out he hides in a closet and later hides his half of the tablet somewhere, believing it will take the pressure off of him. Dean then cuts off her head and states an intention to cut the body up into tiny pieces and bury her in cement to forever entomb Abaddon. As Sierra goes after the Winchesters, Harrington goes after Donatello and pins him to a wall as Harrington prepares to stab the man. According to Bobby, he did not keep kosher, but would try to get out of burying bodies if it was Sabbath. His bravery impresses Becky who immediately abandons her pursuit of Sam for a relationship with Chuck. Dean tricks her into walking into a Devil's Trap, and frees her in exchange for releasing the man from his contract. Asmodeus dismisses Arthur until he is ready to see the man, and is less than pleased to learn that Arthur knew that Castiel was in Syria seeking out the Tree of Life. In her nightmare, she is trapped in a video game she stole as a kid, recreated, and gave out for free, and where she must endlessly protect her hospitalized mother from super-soldier vampires. The American hunters then destroy the British compound, ending their operation and threat in America. Sam and Dean recruit a terrified Charlie to retrieve Frank's hard drive to protect the information there, as well as to break into Dick's office and hack his emails to gain information for their side. One of the ghouls took on Adam's identity to lure John to them. In "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid", Death goes to Bobby's hometown of Sioux Falls and resurrects many deceased locals as undead; this includes Bobby's wife. Unknown to them, the helpful bartender is the pack leader and she directs them right into a trap. "Pac-Man Fever" delves into her past and it is indicated that "Charlie's" true surname is Middleton. Later Dean helps Ben out in an encounter with some bullies. In season one, Sam and Dean encounter the Vanir (performed by Mike Carpenter) in the episode "Scarecrow" where one of them appears as a scarecrow. As a favor to Bobby, Sheriff Mills called in favors to have Rufus extradited to Sioux Falls and allowed him to "escape custody" so that Rufus could deliver the signet ring to Bobby. Magnus was a powerful magician who was so good at spells, he was made the Men of Letters Master of Spells right after he was initiated into the order. Bucky then framed Asa's death as his having been murdered by Jael. However, while Mick admits that all of his instincts are telling him to do it, he's starting to understand that his instincts are wrong and instead plans to tie up and sedate Claire. He returned to active hunting after Lilith began to break the 66 Seals. She and Sam Winchester meet when he hits a dog and brings it into her place of work. Cole Trenton, portrayed by Travis Aaron Wade, is a military brat and an ex-Marine whose father, Edward, was killed by Dean Winchester in 2003, making him bent for revenge against his father's killer all his life. He is neither demon nor angel, and states he is "as old as God.". Due to his sheer power as a Prince of Hell, Ramiel shrugs off all attempts to kill him and mortally wounds the angel Castiel with the Lance of Michael. Sam offers to help Claire hack her mother's credit card records which she is intrigued by and with what they learn from that combined with what Castiel and Dean learn from Ronnie, they track Amelia to a farm run by a faith healer named Peter Holloway. When they are unable to reach Sam and Castiel, Dean allows Claire to join him in the rescue, even giving her a gun. The next morning, Claire calls Jody and leaves her a voicemail telling Jody the truth. In season 11, still in the process of creating her coven, Rowena is asked by the Winchesters about a way to enter Lucifer's Cage in Hell, so they may find a way to stop the Darkness; while it is successful, Lucifer uses the opening to escape from the Cage. Dean Winchester went to his home in Canaan, Vermont talk to him armed with a bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue Label, as suggested by Bobby. In a scene reminiscent of The Exorcist, two priests tie Anthony to a bed and attempt to exorcise him from the girl ineptly. Kevin nervously tells Sam they have to leave because more Leviathans will be coming, but Crowley shows up and reveals he has it taken care of and kidnaps Kevin as a prize. Reese dedicated her life toward retribution, acquiring magic and special blades that could kill imaginary friends from witches, and systematically began attacking Sully's immediate friend circle, starting with Sparkle and Nicky Mermaid, and almost fatally wounding air guitar playing Weems. Dean meanwhile tries to protect Russell Wellington, the man who killed Charlie's parents, but Dark Charlie tricks Dean, kills Russell, and follows Dean to Clive's house where they fight and he brutally beats her, hurting Good Charlie who is still connected to her. After Nick kills Abraxas, Donna shoots Nick in the leg to keep him from harming Mary and arrests Nick for his murder spree. Kelly Kline, portrayed by Courtney Ford, is the mother of Jack Kline. Luther refuses to help Asmodeus and exorcises the messenger instead. In the first three episodes of season 15, the Winchesters and their allies attempt to contain Constance Welch, Mary Worthington, John Wayne Gacy, Lizzie Borden's ghost, Francis Tumblety's ghost, and other unnamed Hell Ghosts to Harlan, Kansas where they emerged and find a way to send all of them back to Hell. The Yellow-Eyed demon Azazel was established to be impervious to holy water. Though the Winchesters find the package, the device is destroyed by Michael before they can use it. In "Tombstone", Castiel tells Jack that Kelly would be proud of him. Creator Eric Kripke originally did not want angels to be featured in the series, believing God worked through hunters rather than angels. Believing someone to have gotten to Arty, Nick attacks him and demands to know the truth. Kelly agrees to help them lure Rooney in so they can use the Hyperbolic Pulse Generator to expel Lucifer from him. In The Executioner's Song, it is revealed that killing Abaddon's demons caused Cain to fall back under the influence of the Mark of Cain. The Winchesters return to find Claire gone and Mick waking up. Even aided by the Winchesters Lily proves to be no match for Ishim who fights through her telekinesis and prepares to kill her with his angel blade. Both kinds of djinn, the regular djinn and the bastard offshoot can be killed by a silver knife dipped in lamb's blood. Supernatural VR Fitness Review 2023 - Insider The two men find only one vampire hiding in the nest and Arthur beats upon her before Dean stops him to try things his way. It is revealed that Gerry is Gilda's master; he has unrequited feelings for Charlie and has bought a spellbook with which to control Gilda and force her to kill other players as part of a scheme to make Charlie fall in love with him. There's little better to lift the spirit and get your feet moving . [6] At times, their culture is compared to normal humans, with the third-season episode "Sin City" introducing their religious side. Maeve tells them that it is Adam who is still stuck in Hell with Lucifer. In the following episode, the season finale "Sacrifice," she arrives in response to Crowley's distress call but attacks him rather than help him. While on a visit to Jody, Mary's children Sam and Dean learned of Asa's death and decided to accompany Jody to his funeral. She was once a part of the Grand Coven, but was expelled due to her violent and forceful tendencies. The Winchesters decide to give Kate a chance and do not hunt her down. The bottle is not seen again until Jody Mills finds it in one of the boxes she brought over for Sam with Rufus's note still on it and they both drink the contents to honor Bobby's life since he had recently died. However, the Okami is revealed to still be alive and is subsequently dispatched by Bobby. Demon mutations do not have to possess humans and can even materialize in the shape of a young girl to attract people nearby to kill them. When Dean tries to kill Arthur again, he flees and is later seen being employed by the Prince of Hell Asmodeus who is preparing to procure Jack for the Alternate Michael's invasion. I've always looked up to you. In season 14's "The Scar," the Winchesters and Jody hunt down Dark Kaia where she been living in the woods near Sioux Falls after Dean remembers that it was Dark Kaia who injured the alternate reality Michael while he was still possessing Dean. As Doug has not yet fed, Dean uses Marlon's blood to cure him. They become estranged after the incident. In "Bad Day at Black Rock," Gordon is shown to be in prison, where he convinces a visiting fellow hunter to go after Sam Winchester, convinced that Sam was involved in the opening of the Devil's Trap regardless of Bobby's claims that Sam was actually trying to stop it. When Sam escapes, Cole follows him as the latter is about to meet Dean at a bar. With the help of Jack and a Reaper named Merle, the Winchesters open another rift to The Bad Place and locate Kaia who has been living in Dark Kaia's old home. Dean promises that when he inevitably returns, he will hunt them down and kill them for revenge. In "Weekend at Bobby's", Rufus visited Bobby and informed him that he had the police on his tail and needed Bobby's help in disposing of the body of an Okami that he'd found in Billings, Montana. Missouri first met John on December 17, 1983, when he came to her for a reading. In turn, Donna is annoyed when Jody defends her from her husband who is extremely rude to her and unknowingly makes a rude comment about Jody's own lost husband, something Donna immediately regrets when she realizes what she's done. His father and mother divorced when Rufus was still a baby. Edgar is left to the Alpha with a warning to keep his head away from the rest of his body. Sam and Dean regularly use iron objects and rock salt shotgun pellets to battle ghosts as iron and salt repel them for a while. Rather than trying the sales pitch of the other British Men of Letters, Arthur is frank with Dean about his motives, telling Dean that he is a killer and the British Men of Letters offer him the best chance to express his talents. In "Like A Virgin", Bobby made the excuse that he needed to watch the phones for Rufus in order to avoid going on a hunt with Sam, still skittish from his nearly fatal encounter with soul-less Sam. Kevin's mom wins the auction by bidding her soul, but Crowley possesses her and gets away with the tablet. Super Facts About Supernatural - Factinate At the same time, Billie confirms that the Shadow was telling the truth about her plans and that she really did lie to and manipulate the being. On camera, their eyes give off a glow referred to as a retinal flare which helps to identify them. Sam tracked her down after she committed a series of murders. Along with another demon, the Bearded Demon openly mocks Crowley's failures and laughs at his bluster. Victor Henriksen, played by Charles Malik Whitfield, was an FBI agent who pursued the Winchesters since the bank "robbery" in the season two episode "Nightshifter". Loki later double-crossed him and then went after Gabriel years later to exact revenge for what Lucifer did to Odin. After Arthur points out that the blade can only be used to kill an archangel by another archangel, Asmodeus introduces him to the captive archangel Gabriel who has been believed dead for nearly eight years. Anthony argues that he's "just having a little fun." Abaddon also uses the time travel spell that Henry had used to escape to 2013 in order to kidnap Crowley's son Gavin from the past as leverage against him. Mary is forced to explain that she stole the gun from Ramiel. Rufus nodded to him with a saddened expression on his face. The broken seals he reported were: ten species declared extinct in Key West, a fishing crew of fifteen struck blind in Alaska, and a teacher in New York killed 66 students, all in one day. Having been promised by Michael that he will be reunited with his mother in Heaven, a desperate Kevin refuses to be talked down and activates a sigil burned into his chest that effectively turns Kevin into a suicide bomb. In "The Devil You Know", Bobby temporarily sells his soul to Crowley to locate Death. Also, the sire werewolf has to be alive when the blood is drawn, complicating matters even further. In "All Along the Watchtower", Kelly prepares for the birth of her child in a remote location with Castiel and laments that she will not be around to raise it. The next day, Mick joins the Winchesters in investigating Hayden's "mysterious" death, seeming conflicted by his actions. Lucifer also implies that Asmodeus is the youngest of the Princes of Hell. Samhain is unable to tell that Sam and Dean are alive due to a "mask" of blood they smeared on their faces so he leaves them alone. In "Twigs & Twine & Tasha Banes" and "There's Something About Mary", Toni returns to brainwash Mary into being a remorseless killer for the British Men of Letters. Lucifer, appearing in the form of Nick's dead wife, approaches Nick openly eventually and asks for Nick's permission to take Nick as his vessel. A case he worked during his year spent hunting with Sam is seen in the episode, "Unforgiven", during which Samuel was shown to be disturbed at soulless-Sam's actions, using one of their current allies as bait to trap a monster. Lily and Sam arrive as Ishim prepares to kill Dean and Lily engages Ishim in battle. Driven by a need for revenge for the loss of his brother, Jesse has returned with Cesar to hunt the monsters down. She has a dragon killing sword - the Sword of Brunswick (or Braunschweig) - in her basement, which is stuck in a large rock. However, the three are too late to stop Kit from succumbing to the parasite even further, and Sam has to kill him because of it. Chuck, however, reveals that he has decided to let them suffer in a lifeless world. Once Rufus completed the sigil, the Soul Eater was trapped inside the house and Bobby was saved. Completely fed up with the demon, Lucifer calls him an idiot and exorcises Anthony with a snap of his fingers. To ensure Mick's compliance, Doctor Hess sends her lackey Renny Rawlings to watch over him. Mick then removes the vial of blood from Justin's back and uses it to cure Claire. Samhain is a powerful whitish-eyed demon and the Origin of Halloween in season 4. Hydeker is immortal, superhumanly strong and fast and nearly invulnerable to harm with lore stating that shtriga cannot be killed any weapon forged by God or man. Drawing all of the souls inside of herself, Rowena says a final goodbye to Sam and Dean before throwing herself into Hell, saving the world. Sam and Dean choose to let the two men leave, agreeing that a hunter who gets their revenge and actually decides to leave the life deserves to have that chance. When the Winchesters call Mick to check in, Arthur answers and claims that Mick was recalled to London and "has a lot to answer for" after what happened with Dagon so they will now report to him. Now under a different alias, Carrie Heinlein, she is the queen of one of four kingdoms of the LARPing game of Moondoor. Christian Campbell, portrayed by Corin Nemec, is a hunter, and a third cousin related to Sam and Dean's mother's side of the family. His body is later found by the Winchesters who identify Rowena through the spell, one that she herself had created centuries before. After confronting him about his seemingly omniscient knowledge of their escapades, it is revealed that he is a Prophet of the Lord, and his works will become new gospels. They were also used as plot devices, in the season nine episode "Thinman" Ed and Harry face a conflict similar to one Sam and Dean face, creating a parallel between the characters, at the end of that episode we see an end to the Ghostfacers after Ed invents the monster Thinman to keep Harry from leaving for a normal life. Lady Antonia "Toni" Bevell, portrayed by Elizabeth Blackmore, is a Woman of Letters from British Men of Letters. Sam loved his son, and his house was filled with family photos so that Dean, his parents, and everyone else they ever loved were never far from sight and mind. As Sam and Castiel try to treat the traumatized Gabriel, Asmodeus uses his powers to seek Gabriel out, eventually locating him in the Winchester's bunker. Benjamin "Benny" Lafitte (Ty Olsson) is a vampire who was a vampire pirate during his first lifetime until he met Andrea Kormos and fell in love with her, leaving his nest and stopping feeding on humans. The wraith later captures Patience who is located by Dean and Jody with the help of Patience's father James. Lacking a silver knife dipped in lamb's blood, Dean bashes Neil's head in with a heavy metal bookend, killing him and then fires several more shots into his head, ending Neil's manifestations. The group later encounters Samuel and Gwen Campbell, and discover that the monster is a new breed created by Eve, the "Khan Worm." Unaware of how to hide his kills and having just come of age, he drew too much attention with his actions. Cain killed many people, eventually being discovered by Sam and Dean when he kidnapped serial killer Tommy Tolliver. She is implied to have failed Lucifer in some way at some point. Despite this, she is unaware of his family's strange occupation. The nest was what Benny had belonged to before changing to good and he seeks revenge upon them for killing him. After the death of Asmodeus, the Princes of Hell were extinguished. Luther quickly kills Grab with Ruby's Knife and his body is later found by Alice. Henry's arrival and search for John creates much confusion for the Winchesters who only knew of him as their grandfather who had supposedly run out on John when he was four. Even if we find a way to keep the world spinnin', not everyone's gonna be on that bus ride home. According to Death, the Leviathans were among God's earliest creations but were sealed in Purgatory because they were a threat to His other creations. Following the accidental death of Renny at the hands of Eileen Leahy and the Colt, Doctor Hess personally comes to the British Men of Letters compound, leaving Britain for apparently the first time. In "The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo", it is revealed that Dick Roman took Frank's hard drive, which he gives to the IT expert Charlie to hack. Kaia's killer is revealed to be the alternate reality version of Kaia from The Bad Place. I was scared because when it all came down to it, it was always you and me. At the same time, he interrogates the Prophet Donatello Redfield, learning of the Winchesters' plot to open the door to Apocalypse World. He is defeated once again, but Dean offers to explain his motive of why he killed Edward: Edward was a monster who had killed many people and eaten their livers, and he would have killed Cole and his mother had Dean not killed him earlier. After the Fall of the Angels in 2013, Lily took advantage of the angels' weakened state to kill two of Ishim's garrison that had participated in murdering her family over the next few years. During the argument, Bucky shoved Asa who fell and hit his head on a rock and died. Before he is released from The Nest, Bobby sees Dean; the real Dean from 2016. In the earlier seasons, witches are more often than not killed by demons they have been dealing with than the Winchesters themselves. However, Sam discovers that they are still vulnerable to decapitation which allows him and the other hunters to kill the four enhanced werewolves. It's MeDean Winchester". Later Ben is one of the children taken by a mother Changeling, and one of her offspring imitates Ben and starts feeding on Lisa. As Dean hands over the gun, he punches Toni unconscious, having recognized that she was using a Chinese mind control technique and that knocking her out would end its effects. Tore down all the walls up here. Rufus heads to a town he thinks is under attack from demons, based on omens of a polluted river and a falling star. Instead, Ramiel suggests that Crowley take power, but warns that if anyone disturbs him, there will be severe consequences. In "Family Feud," Sam mentions that Henry had previously used the spell when the Winchesters prepare to use it to return Gavin to his own time. It is subsequently revealed that he was possessed by the Khan worm and is shot dead by Sam. Jo and Rufus capture Sam, thinking he is possessed. In The Winchesters, Dean Winchester narrates the story of how his parents John Winchester and Mary Campbell met, fell in love and fought monsters together while in search for their missing fathers. It can be inferred that Bobby messed up on the hunt and caused the death of someone that Rufus cared for, and Rufus says that he will never forgive Bobby for what happened. Revealing his true identity as God himself to Becky, Chuck causes her to vanish into thin air also with a snap of his fingers. This draws the attention of the Winchesters and the angels as the raising of Samhain is one of the 66 Seals. Arthur sees Dean as the same as him and the two decide to take down a vampire nest together. Dagon continues her role as protector of Lucifer's child in "The British Invasion". Castiel reminds Nick that it was the murder of Nick's family that caused Nick to consent to Lucifer's possession, causing Nick to experience flashbacks of how Lucifer tortured him to get Nick to say "yes." Together, Dean and Arthur raid a POW camp, killing several angels and liberating Charlie and several other human prisoners. It is revealed that her parents had been involved in a car accident when driving over to pick Charlie up from a sleepover, resulting in her father dying and her mother rendered brain-dead. "Supernatural" And Then There Were None (TV Episode 2011) - IMDb The Devil's Gate and the Colt gun are linked togetherthe gun serves as the key to the gate, allowing it to be opened by inserting the Colt's muzzle into the key hole. Dean lives with Lisa and Ben for a year, but after an attack he insists they move and is conflicted by his desire to remain with his new family, his desire to hunt and the fear that he is raising Ben as his father raised him. She also possesses a powerful spear of unknown origin that can hurt and possibly kill an archangel. Unharmed and more annoyed than anything, Raul snaps Tiana's neck in retaliation and takes to wearing an eyepatch to cover up his missing eye. Eve was last on Earth 10,000 years ago. I must have stood outside your door for hours because I didn't know what you would say. In season 7, Sam's hallucinations of Lucifer take on the form of Nick. At the same time, Sam discovers that the most recent murders were committed by Jennifer's teenage son. In "Beyond the Mat," Simmons helps Lucifer coordinate his search for another Hand of God and enjoys Lucifer's tormenting of Crowley. Upon Lucifer's rise, Pestilence spreads Swine Flu on Earth. After they leave, Donna apologizes to Doug for her treatment of him due to her bad experience with her ex-husband Doug who was also a cop. She has been living as a professor of medieval studies at San Francisco University. Dean tells him that the Winchesters consider both him and Castiel to be family and would die to protect him if need be. Despite trapping the Soul Eater in The Nest and forced the souls out of it, Harvey never woke up. Jody tells Castiel that Claire has been obsessed with hunting Dark Kaia for revenge for two years and is ironically out of cellphone range in Yosemite chasing a woman in a black cloak when they finally get Dark Kaia. Over the course of the episode, which pokes fun at many popular vampire portrayals, Dean gets turned into a vampire himself and the soulless Sam lets him, something that later creates friction between them. When Edgar insults Eve, the Alpha attacks him, throwing Borax in his face, but Edgar overpowers him. Dean is able to break the ghost's possession of the young woman and Donna makes up a story and lets her go as she's innocent. Following Gerald's death, Crowley becomes more accepting of Rowena while it is revealed that Rowena and Trish lied and used Gerald as a scapegoat to gain Crowley's trust.