Lord, You walked on the earth, understood the broken world, yet also rose from death into resurrected life. In Jesus name, Amen. Remind us that as we are praying, you are equally blessing us with equal joy, love, hope, and courage and preparing us before we go to heaven. Thank you God for everything you do for us. We give thanks as always to you Lord. Regardless of how you accomplish it, the healing you give is always miraculous. Guide our way, Lord, as we go on with our lives today. Be with their hands and feet as they serve as yours. WebA Coronavirus Prayer #1. O Lord the oil of your healing flows through me like a living stream. Also, be our shield as we go back home later. However you choose to accomplish that is up to youand okay with me. WebSET A Let us pray to God, who alone makes us dwell in safety: For all who are affected by coronavirus, through illness or isolation or anxiety, that they may find relief and recovery: Lord, hear us, Lord, graciously hear us. Carry them high far above till they see Your rainbow of promise, real hope lies ahead. All of us have met people who inspire us through their affliction. Thank you, Thank you God. Amen & Amen. Heavenly Father, be with those who care for the ill. Bless the doctors and nurses and all the medical practitioners who are putting themselves on the frontline to bring healing and comfort to those afflicted. I believe in God,The Father Almighty,The Son,Our Lord Jesus Christ,and The Holy Spirit. You know exactly why I have been ill for so long. Tend with Your goodness the pain that they bear Heal now their sickness with miracle care. Join over 10.000 ChristiansTT members receiving Prayers and Devotionals twice weekly! Keep praying I know we will be for all of you and then be still and let God this is my story so let this become yours. Heal your sons and daughters and revive them. And to what degree are we going to be healed? It is praying time and let us pray for mass conversion that even in this people will search for God and give Him their life. Cover their wounds with Your grace feathered wings, Shield them from sorrow, breathe hope songs within. Forgive us for forgetting how much we need you, above everyone and everything else. I thank almighty God for his Devine healing, mercy and strength upon my house hold. Amen & Amen, I receive this prayer I have great faith in.Your Words. I pray with thanksgiving and reverence to your sovereignty and reign toward us your children. May the Lord bless you and protect you. All these we ask in Your Name, Amen. Today,I am in Christ Jesus, Thank you Jesus for listening and answering our prayers. No illness that is incurable in Your blessed name,Lord Jesus. Amen. Thank you, Lord for your Marvelous Mercies Let it always be a restful place for our tired bodies at the end of the day. Does the Bible Mention What to Give Up for Lent? I come to you this day, asking you to heal my friend ______. May we be filled to the brim with love, that it may overflow and we may share it with our families. God, I thank you that [name of the person who needs healing] belongs to you and that you are in control of everything that happens from our first breath to our last sigh. Please Lord Jesus have pity upon them and bring healing and comfort and bring them back to full health. Send forth your Word and heal their diseases. Thy will be done I began searching for prayers to pray for people who got the virus and having something that was all ready written out was very helpful and as I was led by the Holy Spirit, I became more free in commanding the virus to leave and for healing. Speed their healing if it is your will, and give them an extra measure of patienceas they wait for you to work all these things for their good (Romans 8:28);through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Father, we come before You to pray for those infected with this virus. Living Lord, Your love has held me and kept me through this suffering. Jeremiah 17:14. May your resurrection life bring healing and wellness into their being. Lord, Your scripture says that you heal all diseases and whoever believes in You will not perish but have everlasting life. I come in agreement with all these prayers asking for your divine mercy and grace. You gave us life, and you also give us the gift of infinite joy. In Jesus Mighty Name I pray I plead your blood on every door post of every household. I am having a lot of pain in my ear, a disorder in my jaw. So wherever there is a sickness, there is an opportunity for God to display his glory. Help me to demonstrate trust in you to my family. I tried to imagine her not walking again how her whole life would change never run and play at the parks, riding a bike and even if she grew to love sports she could never do them how could I keep telling my child no honey you cant do those things. Please help me to point my family to you, even though I feel so lost and confused. Thy will be done We love you. Inspirational Prayer for Healthcare Workers. All our times are in Thy hand. Give them the peace that transcends understanding. WebFor all who have contracted coronavirus, We pray for care and healing. Allow them not to be influenced further by the works and powers of evil, and assist them in fighting their own spiritual battle. Source: Gregorian Sacramentary, 8th Century, Historic Collect for the Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany, Dear God, Im sorry for my sin. It was a deliberate and evil act. restore strength to my body and joy to my spirit, so that in my renewed health, I may bless and serve you, now and forevermore. You are utterly faithful, and you have never failed us. Bible Verses to Pray Over Your Family. Father, we come before You to pray for those infected with this virus. But you God thru our walking by Faith not by sight, we can do all things thru Jesus Christ who holds me up and strengthen me, I claim healing by the precious blood of Jesus. I started noticing her limping and she went back to crawling alot more and she cried in pain when changed her diapers. Thank you for the blood of Jesus covering us from all diseases. Matthew 8:26 But He said to them, Why are you fearful, O you of little faith? Then He arose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm. Praise the name of the Lord. Free Ebook : "How To Pray With Power & Conviction "Connect With Your Higher Power, Strengthen Your Faith, And Find Peace, Purpose, And Clarity. I come to you this day, asking you to heal my friend ______. O Holy Spirit, please come like a dove Shield and protect now the one that I love. A thousand may fall at my side, ten thousand at my right hand, but nothing will harm me. Amen. Photo credit: Getty Images/Sigital Skillet. In Jesus mighty name I pray. God please hear the prayers of your humble servant and grant my heart desires in Jesus name. In Jesus, I pray. Prayer for Healing of those afflicted with Coronavirus. Read through this collection of healing prayers to ask God for mercy, grace, and peace for those dealing with sickness. You died and rose for our sins and that we may have eternal life, Lord. Thank you Lord for your loving kindness and mercies everyday! For these, we pray in your name and grace. All these we pray in Your Name, Amen. We understand the world is afraid but help us as Your children to pray for the world and live godly examples for the world to see You through is. Let it be done in Your glory, Lord. Allow no evil to influence their hearts. Let peace reign in our homes and let compassion fill each of our hearts. Remove all fear, Lord, and replace this fear with affirmation from your word. I pray I dont have to go to court over it and God gives me mercy along with grace to get it paid with my first pay check when I start working next Monday! In Jesus name I pray. Learn how to overcome obstacles, pain points and unlock the full potential of your prayers. I ask that you would heal this disease, that you would have compassion and bring healing from all sickness. We bless Thee, that Thou hast heard our prayer, and commanded deliverances for our friend and Thy servant, who has been under Thine afflicting hand. Welcome those who have passed on into the joy of your eternal home, a home where there is no more sickness nor pain. I have great faith in Your Words. Use these healing prayers to ask God for the recovery of ill loved ones and the cleansing of sins. Amen. I pray for my loved one that they would be held at this time in your loving arms. Walk closely beside me during my journey to healing and recovery that I know is possible through Your power alone. In the name of our love Jesus Christ Touch them with Your Healing Hands, Lord. Prayers and discussion during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please pray for and with me for my babys immunity, health and healing. Build her up again, look after her emotions and may she know your loving arms are around her at this time. In the name of Jesus Amen, I claim healing for all those suffering from the Coronavirus, God be with them I ask that you would heal this disease, that you would have compassion and bring healing from all sickness. California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Hi can I get a prayer for my grandson and daughter my grandson has been going to his other grandmas and they just found out she is infected with covid 19 and hes been going over to her house and I need a prayer hoping he has not caught this virus thank u and God bless, Father God I come boldly before Your Throne to ask for this Coronovirus be eradicated now in Jesus Name.Father I declare and decree it is done in Jesus Name. Fill me with the healing power of your spirit. Allow both care and loyalty to grow within the members of every family. Heavenly Father, You are our ultimate source of strength. Life can hand us many different challenges that we know we cannot face on our own. He wants us to be whole, not just in our spirit and soul but also in our body. St. Padre Pio Prayer Loving Father, touch me now with your healing hands, for I believe that your will is for me to be well in mind, body, soul and spirit. So that could be part of their testimony, but God is still healing them. But all of us will be healed ultimately, and it's not a cop-out to say that our healing with happen on the other side of death. Really they gave me no options just cut off the leg. Fill me with Your truth and compel me to fearlessly tell the truth with love. I offer you no promises, no bargains, no deals to exchange for my health. We have faith in you as you take over the life of (name of a family member who has fallen ill), as we know that you are the one and only great physician. For those who are particularly vulnerable, We pray for safety and protection. May You be the comfort of our family members who are physically in pain right now. I looked at her and said your booboo stopped hurting you thats good baby she said nope I saw a Angel and he kissed my booboo and all better now at that sec. Thank you. Dear Lord, we lift to You our concern for people at high risk of becoming severely ill from COVID-19 the elderly and people with chronic health conditions. I know that you hate what their illness is doing to them/me. For these, we pray in Jesus name. You are utterly faithful, and you have never failed us. Please bring healing and comfort to those have fallen ill with the coronavirus. In Jesus Almighty Name. I ask that you would heal this disease, that you would have compassion and bring healing from all sickness. Mighty GOD.thank you Jesus. Help me to demonstrate trust in you to my family. May the Lord bless you and protect you. WebPrayer for Healing Merciful Lord, You are our Creator, and you are our Healer. Amen. We ask your peaceful spirit to heal our family and all other families broken by divorce. And to let God speak to that and to comfort us, to bring wisdom into that part of our lives. There's so much I don't understand about life. Save this free PDF to your phone or share it with loved ones! You are our refuge and my fortress, in You we confidently trust. Dear Lord, we lift to You our concern for people at high risk of becoming severely ill from COVID-19 the elderly and people with chronic health conditions. Thank You Lord,for heal us all from the coronavirus diseases. O Lord, hear our prayer. For those who are guiding our nation at this time, and shaping national policies, that they may make wise decisions: God please put your protective shield of armor around my children, grandchildren, sister, neice and me so that we will not succumb to the coronovisrus or any other disease or viruses. Guide us each day as we walk through life with our families, wherever each of us may be. Lord Jesus,I ask You.today, Give them hope. You know where we need to be set free. Christianity.com is a member of the Salem Web Network of sites including: Copyright 2023, Christianity.com. And no matter what, I choose to honor you and give you glory. But we also admit, Lord, that we cannot do this on our own. Thank you for waking us up this morning in our sound mind, as we are privileged to worship you. Sustain him as he lays sick in his bed. Allow us to be grateful for your mighty power as our loving father, and enable us to seek forgiveness from one another as we glorify your precious name and acknowledge that you are the eternal one. May they be strengthened and brought back to full health. I choose to bathe in these clear waters each day. Remember to also pray for the salvation of sick family and friends, asking that their transgressions be forgiven and that God will have mercy on them in sickness and health. nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that roams in darkness, nor the plague that ravages at noon. Hallelujah. You are our Healer; we give thanks for all who serve as instruments of healing. Bless every family affected and give them your comforting embrace and please give them your peace to those who grieve of their loved ones who passed. You are Jehovah Rapha - the God who heals. Cover them with the precious blood of Christ. Most gracious and loving Father, I want to thank You for all the blessings You've given me, my family and friends, and all those I hold dear. So Be It, Amen! And you deserve all the praise. May we seek comfort from God whenever sick or depressed and know that He will console our mind, body, and spirit. Please lift me out of this pit and show me the way, Lord. Even when my faith is weak, you say it is enough, and my love for you is strong. But boy, he is such an example. I simply bow my heart before you to tell you the desire of my heart: that I want to spend as many years as I can loving you here, loving others, and wanting to become more like you. May they grow in Christ Jesus and become responsible stewards of the Lord, spreading His words to the ends of the world. Carry them high far above till they see The weapons of warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God in pulling down strongholds. A household individual who has been in serious constant contact with someone who subsequently was dismissed with CoVid19, deliberately came downstairs and picked up my baby and started kissing and talking to him breathing all over him before I could get him and take him away. Jesuitresource.org is developed by The Center for Mission and Identity at Xavier University with support from the Conway Institute for Jesuit Education. Will you be healed gradually? I'm coming to you today as your child, longing to hear from you and asking for your divine healing. In the time of my hospitalization, You Lord remain as my rock and my anchor. Download this free PDF: Hope for Healing - Prayer and Scripture Guide. I declare that every organ, tissue, cell in my body is functioning as God created it to function. My dear Father in Heaven, "And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. In Jesus mighty name I pray. This is the day You have made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. Thank You Lord Jesus,for everything. That happens quite often. Protect us from hateful thoughts, and let us not be the reason for causing chaos in our homes. 2. I claim healing by the blood of Jesus Cover their wounds with Your grace feathered wings, Shield them from sorrow, breathe hope songs within. I ask for your life giving water to pour down upon her. And pray for this individual that they would be loosed from every evil demonic force that influences them. Thank You Lord,for heal us all from the coronavirus disease. Help all affected to believe in you powerful word that heals,that delivers and that makes whole. Physical Healing Prayers for Sick Family Members. So in the book I say you can expect to be healed. I believe in the healing power of faith and prayer and I ask you to begin your mighty work in the life of my friend. Whether for yourself, a loved one, or a friend, we can turn to God for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. In Jesus Name, Amen. Amen and Amen. Jesus, our family, has been facing attacks from the enemy in the form of sickness and disease. I pray that You would, in Your mercy, give me back the health and strength I need. I declare that I am blessed, made whole and set apart for your use. I enjoy your daily scriptures, its a blessings to me. Hear this family healing prayer and let your holy spirit take over the body of (name of a sick family). Protect her from Satan's lies and discouragement and let her miraculous healing begin. Thank You for new revelation. Carry them high far above till they see 20 Healing Prayers for Sickness of Body, Mind, and Soul, Healing Prayers to Heal the Body, Mind, and Soul, The Serenity Prayer: Bible Meaning and Use Today, Top 5 Daily Prayer Devotionals to Guide Your Faith Each Day. You are our Healer; we give thanks for all who serve as instruments of healing. Allow us to be instruments of Your blessings to them. Remove all fear, Lord, and replace this fear with affirmation from your word. Amen. There are times when we let anger, strife, and bitterness rule over our hearts and because of this, we end up hurting our families. We therefore pray that You bless our friend with Your loving care, renew his/her strength, and heal what ails him/her in Your loving name. May it continue to be a sanctuary of blessing, comfort, and love for each one of us. In Jesus mighty name I pray for my family and vaccinate us with the precious blood of Jesus.No corona virus or any deadly diseases shall come near our tents in Jesus name. There are times in our families when we fight and bicker with each other. Physical Healing Prayers for Sick Family Members. Praying also for everyone who are affected by the virus and may you restore everyone to full health. In Jesus's name, Amen. I pray that this morning. As I raise my daughter, allow me to be as stern as I can be, but at the same time, as gentle as the breeze. Your mercy is from everlasting to everlasting.