Residential Land Use Report Future Development Projects Under Review Resolution 2023-R-003 Public Improvement District Policies Recent Resolution Regarding Public Improvement Districts (PID) City of Round Rock Design and Construction Standards View All Contact Us 512-548-5519 Pay Online Utility Billing Such resolution shall be incorporated as an Appendix to this Code. Where complete separation of pedestrians and vehicles and bicycles is not possible, potential hazards shall be minimized by the use of techniques such as special paving, grade separations, pavement marking, signs or striping, bollards, median refuge areas, traffic calming features, landscaping, lighting or other means to clearly delineate pedestrian areas, for both day and night use. 3. If, in accordance with the provisions of this Code and 211.006 of the Texas Local Government Code, as amended, changes are made in the district boundaries or other matter portrayed on the Official Zoning Map, such changes shall be entered on the Official Zoning Map, within (15) business days after the amendment has been approved by the City Council and signed by the Mayor. An interregional road conveying traffic between growth areas. The following are commercial recreational use types: Indoor Sports and Recreation. Approval Criteria. Wildlife Corridor. The City Administrator shall have the authority to make all written interpretations of this Code. New developments or improvements of existing developments should consult the City of Liberty Hill for compliance. The 2010 Census showed the City to have a population of 967 and the 2020 Census estimate showed the population to be 3,346. Should Chapter 245 be repealed by the Legislature it shall remain effective as part of this Code for one year from the date of such repeal. A historic district includes all property within its boundaries, and may overlay any zoning district. Adequacy and convenience of off-street parking and loading facilities. The City Administrator shall consider any other conditions that may arise as a result of the temporary use. C. Land Clearing and Modification. A sign relating to: a political party, the election of a person to public office, or a matter to be voted upon at an election called by a public body. C. Violations Continue - Any violation of the previous zoning and sign ordinances or subdivision and site development regulations of the City shall continue to be a violation under this Code and shall be subject to penalties and enforcement under Chapter 6 [7], Enforcement, unless the use, development, construction or other activity is consistent with the express terms of this Code, in which case enforcement action shall cease, except to the extent of collecting penalties for violations that occurred prior to the effective date of this Code. A. 1. Existing on-premises advertising may be replaced with like size and structure, not to exceed the square footage and height of the original sign. For residential subdivisions using a cluster development, minimum lot standards may be decreased based on a Planned Unit Development Concept. However, sign area shall not include any sign structures that are esthetically pleasing. It is conveyed to waterways through natural processes, such as rainfall, storm runoff, or groundwater seepage rather than by deliberate discharge. F. No tree shall be planted in a public right-of-way without prior authorization from the City Administrator and any other applicable entity (e.g., Williamson County, TxDoT). No sign permit of any kind shall be issued for an existing or proposed sign unless such sign is consistent with the requirements of this Section (including those protecting existing signs) in every respect and with the Master or Common Signage Plan in effect for the property, if applicable. The City Council shall have the authority to hear and grant requests for a variance from the development standards of this Code. They must be reviewed and approved before any final action may be taken by the City Administrator or the developer. Apartment Building. A type of Fiscal Surety that can be used to guarantee site improvements. The regulations and restrictions of the City Council for the City of Liberty Hill will be pursuant to the provisions of applicable statutory requirements of the State of Texas. The notice will contain the time and place of such public meeting or hearing and a description of the agenda items that may be considered or reviewed. 2. The location and design of curbcuts and ramps shall meet the requirements of the Uniform Building Code and the Americans with Disabilities Act ramp standards and shall avoid crossing or funneling traffic through loading areas, drive-in lanes and outdoor trash storage/collection areas. If the TIA threshold is exceeded, the applicant shall be so advised on the TIA Determination Worksheet and referred to the City Administrator or his designee for consultation concerning the preparation of a TIA. Duplex. C. Cooperate with area governmental entities to ensure water quantity. 2. B. Pedestrian/Vehicle Separation. Buffer. The entire system of sewage collection, treatment, and disposal. J. No more than two (2) dwellings units shall be contained within said separation. Assurance of a variety of housing types, employment opportunities or commercial services to achieve a balanced community for families of all ages, sizes and levels of income. The City and its agents shall enforce and ensure compliance with the provisions of this Code and shall take necessary and appropriate actions to prevent or cease any violations of the provisions of this Code. A. Compliance with rules and regulations that were enacted after the application for recognition of vested rights would cause a substantial economic hardship to the developer/property owner that would preclude the capability of completing the project in a reasonable and prudent manner. Repair of trucks, tractors, construction equipment, agricultural implements, and similar heavy equipment. The impervious cover standards are essential in order to manage or avoid the adverse problems of excessive quantity and degraded quality of urban stormwater runoff, increased erosion of downstream channels and waterways, reduced interception and absorption of rainfall and runoff by the soil and vegetative cover, increased reradiating of excessive heat from large pavement surfaces, and other related problems that can arise as a result of intensive urban development. SCRAP AND SALVAGE SERVICES. The total area of all floors of a building measured to the outside surfaces of the exterior walls. The careful and planned removal of trees, shrubs, and plants using specific standards and protection measures under an approved forest conservation plan. Material which that [sic] is capable of causing injury to living organisms by chemical reaction or is capable of causing detrimental effects upon the physical or economic well-being of individuals. Stormwater Management. H. Location, lighting and type of signs; and relation of sills to traffic control and adverse effect on adjacent properties. Off-street Loading Facilities. Adequate on-site solid waste containers may also be required. A dwelling not a mobile home or manufactured home, on its own lot, and designed, arranged, or used exclusively for the use and occupancy of two families living independently of each other. 3. (3) At least 50% of the dedicated parkland shall be level, well-drained, and suitable for use as an open playfield. An individual, or business entity, that has applied for a vested rights determination may request a variance from the time limit, required action, or term that would otherwise cause the vested rights to expire. Building Setback Line. Mobile Home. Areas that erode two (2) feet or more per year. A portion of a subdivision or tract of land having frontage on a street or road which that [sic] is intended for development and which meets the requirements as a legal building site per this Ordinance Code [sic]. Download PDF file Ladd's Addition Conservation District Design Guidelines (1990) 25.66 MB. Nuisance. Building, Principal. ____ of the City of Liberty Hill, Texas.. 4. Residential Sign. A Zoning Verification Letter is a letter that indicates to a property owner that a specified use, clearly identified in the application, is permitted within the zoning district. Where complete separation of pedestrian and vehicles is not feasible, potential hazards shall be minimized by using landscaping, bollards, special paving, lighting and other similar means to clearly delineate pedestrian areas. D. Limitations. Mobile Home Park.. Any site, lot, parcel, or tract of land that is improved, used, or intended for the accommodation of mobile homes that are used for living purposes. D. That the conditions applicable to approval are the minimum necessary to minimize potentially unfavorable impacts on nearby uses and ensure compatibility with existing or permitted uses in the same district and the surrounding area, and that the prescribed Site Development Regulations do not provide enough mitigation of the impacts identified, thus warranting stricter standards, if so recommended. Outparcel. Subdivisions and plats of land shall be reviewed using the criteria in this Code and any technical criteria referenced by this Code. Any minor plat, replat, amending plat, preliminary plat, or final plat approved pursuant to Subdivision Regulations in effect prior to the date of enactment of this Code that is dormant according to the provisions of Texas LGC 245.005 will expire within three years of the adoption of this Code. Sediment. A condition where landforms or biological communities, or both, have developed by natural process in the absence of human intervention. The City Administrator shall review all signage in conjunction with the issuance of the permit. Any accessory use may be permitted provided there is association with a primary use that may be permitted in accordance with Section 4.8 [sic] of this Code. B. C. Priority Growth Areas should be recognized and planned for by developing an infrastructure plan to encourage development in specific areas of the community. A business or organization being the sole business occupant of a premises. E. The City Administrator may develop administrative rules or additional procedures to clarify implementation of this Code, provided that such rules or procedures are approved by the City Council prior to their implementation or enforcement, and provided further that additional procedures do not violate any other provisions of this Code. Community service signs, as approved by the City Council, are exceptions to this definition. A supporting structure erected, used or intended for identification or to attract attention, with or without a sign thereon, situated upon or attached to the premises, upon which any sign may be fastened, affixed, displayed or applied, provided, however, this definition shall not include a building, fence, wall or earthen berm. The subdividers professional engineer certifying the plans is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the documents and the soundness of the designs as submitted for review and actual construction. Digital maps, created through the use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) technology, may be used in the administration and enforcement of this Code, but will not replace the paper originals of official maps required by this Code. D. Lighting fixtures and illumination requirements imposed by TxDOT within TxDOT right-of-way. See Rules of Measurement. Table 4-4 identifies the standards for lots within each zoning district that have been identified in Section 4.05. Review and Approval. The applicant must ensure that the application for a stormwater permit was prepared or reviewed and approved in writing by a licensed professional engineer prior to submission to the City. No plat shall be recommended without a determination that the plat conforms to the following: 1. Ecosystem. Natural Vegetation. A written statement or certificate issued by the City Administrator (or his designee) authorizing buildings, structures, or uses in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance Code [sic]. 4. Except as otherwise defined herein, any sign with a valid permit that was erected or displayed prior to the effective date of this subchapter, or any subsequent amendment hereto, and does not conform with one or more of its provisions. A project developed pursuant to a subdivision or site plan, proposed to be developed in sections. Low Density Residential (SF1). For new developments or remodels of existing developments, off-street parking shall be provided according to the parking requirements found in Chapter 5 and 6 of this Code. The following are exempt from the provisions of this Code: A. A commercial sign identifying more than one business or organization located on the premises. Any person who violates any provision of this Code is subject to a civil penalty of up to one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) and not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00), or more as permitted by law, for each act of violation and for each day of violation. When an appeal is taken to the Board of Adjustment, the City Administrators or other administrative officials action is presumed to be valid. Criteria for Approval. Trees to remain after construction is complete shall be protected from possible injury during construction. D. Light Industrial/Warehousing (I1). City of Round Rock Design and Construction Standards. M. The City Administrators report may include a recommendation for final action. Typical uses include pet clinics, dog and cat hospitals, and veterinary hospitals for livestock and large animals. The City Administrator or City Engineer may require the provision of mutual access and/or cross-access easements for circulation control. CULTURAL SERVICES. To prohibit all signs not expressly permitted by this Section; and, 5. Freestanding signs may have more than one section, one of which may be changeable. Natural Ground Surface. If the subject property has a Master Sign Plan, development agreement or ordinance governing it, whether the plans, specifications and intended use of such building or structures or part thereof, including the proposed sign, conform in all respects to the development agreement or ordinance. 12-2022) This Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current . C. The BOA will be constituted and conduct all activities in accordance with the Code and all other applicable Codes, and any adopted Bylaws. RESEARCH SERVICES. Because zoning only applies to areas within the City limits, these standards are nonbinding guidelines for development in the ETJ. On a corner lot, the front lot line is defined as that lot line which contains the narrowest of all street frontages abutting a public street or public/private right-of-way. The lowest floor of the lowest enclosed area of a building or structure, including the basement.