According to the Mexican Social Security Institute, as a result of the law 2.7 million workers of the 4.6 million subcontractors moved from formal subcontracting status to a formal direct employment status. As of October the special unit had reissued arrest warrants for 11 of the 78 released detainees, including municipal police officers, but made no arrests. The midterms marked a large increase in female candidates. Federal law sets six eight-hour days and 48 hours per week as the legal workweek. An additional February reform mandated pretrial detention for femicides, sexual violence against minors, forced disappearances, and corruption. In May voting in prisons occurred for the first time in the countrys modern history after the Federal Electoral Tribunal ruled prisoners in pretrial detention had the right to vote. Efforts focused on implementation of the 2019 labor law reform that transformed the labor justice system. Figueroa collaborated with criminal organizations to kidnap the prosecutor general of Ixtapan de la Sal, state of Mexico, and others in 2019, resulting in the death of one of the prosecutor generals bodyguards. As of September authorities made no arrests regarding the 2020 killing of prominent indigenous and environmental rights defender Homero Gomez. Authorities accused the suspects of smuggling 20 to 80 migrants per day through Baja California into the United States for more than a decade. The law mandates that all discrimination cases, including sexual harassment, bypass formerly mandatory conciliation and proceed directly to the labor courts. OSAC's public-private partnership currently consists of over 5,400 organization and 18,000 individual members. Many companies evaded taxes and social security payments by employing workers through subcontracting regimes or by submitting falsified payroll records to the Mexican Social Security Institute. Several indigenous communities denounced the governments plan to build the Mayan Train, an estimated $7.5 billion dual cargo-passenger railroad to cross the Yucatan Peninsula through indigenous lands. A 2016 ruling by the Supreme Court removed the cap on fines for moral damages, leaving journalists vulnerable to exorbitant fines. Some companies reportedly did not implement effective protective measures for employees, and one factory, owned by Eaton Corporation in Baja California, was operating illegally and was closed after it placed chains on its doors to prevent 800 workers from leaving. The government approved the National Work and Employment Program for People with Disabilities 2021-2024, aimed at strengthening labor inclusion of persons with disabilities and supporting the employment of persons with disabilities in decent work. Federal law provides citizens the ability to choose their government through free and fair periodic elections held by secret ballot and based on universal and equal suffrage. On August 7, Yucatan governor Mauricio Villa announced the arrest of four police officers, but on August 14, a judge set them free due to a lack of evidence. In June another priest died in a cartel crossfire on the Durango-Zacatecas border. On August 31, the government suspended the two agents for inappropriate conduct. The report singled out Hidalgo, Nayarit, Puebla, Sinaloa, Sonora, and Tamaulipas as the states with the worst prison conditions. The 45,000-person Jewish community experienced low levels of anti-Semitism. The army and the navy have human rights units to create protocols and training. Journalists who asked difficult questions of government officials during press engagements received attacks via Twitter. State commissions do not have uniform reporting requirements, making it difficult to compare state data and therefore compile nationwide statistics. As of July, 39 percent of active unions under local jurisdiction had registered required amendments to their amended statutes to incorporate new secret ballot and gender equity requirements with the CABs. US Government Issues Another Travel Warning for Mexico On May 1, the role of verifying the process for unions to organize a secret ballot vote for workers to approve or reject existing collective bargaining agreements within the four-year period established by the reforms (legitimization process) transitioned from the STPS to the Federal Center. Use this as a starting point to plan your trip to Mexico and you can be sure you'll have a safe and enjoyable time. In June the Federal Telecommunications Institute, an autonomous agency created to increase the transparency of media regulation, released internet neutrality guidelines for internet service providers. There were accusations of sexual abuse against authorities during arrest and detention. In June media outlets reported that a fight between two rival groups of inmates left six inmates dead and nine wounded at a prison in Villahermosa, Tabasco. Spousal rape is criminalized in 26 of the 32 states. See the Department of States Annual Report on International Parental Child Abduction at Flores received temporary protection from the Interior Secretariat protection mechanism. After denying they existed, in 2019 the Prosecutor Generals Office provided evidence of Pegasus licensing contracts in 2016 and 2017. In July Public Safety Secretary Rosa Isela Rodriguez revealed that the Felipe Calderon and Enrique Pena Nieto administrations signed 31 contracts for $61 million to buy Pegasus spy software. The government investigated and prosecuted some of these crimes, but the vast majority remained uninvestigated and unprosecuted. They often experienced racism and discrimination and were frequently victims of violence. According to the NGO, institutional staff in Baja California reported that four children with disabilities died within days of each other with no known investigations. Astd Minato 6 Star With Orb, Furnished Apartments Prescott, Az, Are There Leeches In The Potomac River, Ucd Dublin Vet School Tuition . Municipal police arrested eight women and one man, later releasing all detainees. World Report 2021: Guatemala | Human Rights Watch Womens rights activists supported the law as critical to combat the increasingly prevalent problem of online sexual harassment. Administration: Authorities did not always conduct investigations into credible allegations of mistreatment. The Federal Center and the new federal labor courts are designed to handle all matters related to collective bargaining agreements, but until the Federal Center establishes its offices in all the states, labor disputes in states without a Federal Center presence are to be handled by the CABs. In October 2020 authorities announced they would release Brenda Quevedo Cruz, who had been in prison without trial since 2007. Overseas Security Advisory Council - U.S. Embassy in Honduras As a result the number of pretrial detainees increased 25 percent since 2018, and pretrial detainees comprised 40 percent of all prisoners, according to government figures. State-level prosecutors reported investigating at least 199 cases involving child trafficking victims in 2020. The law provides for the right of indigenous persons to elect representatives to local office according to uses and customs law (see section 6, Indigenous Peoples) rather than federal and state electoral law. The NGO Mexican Commission for the Defense and Promotion of Human Rights identified 15 incidents between January and July of mass forced internal displacement (defined as the displacement of at least 10 families or 50 individuals) due to violence. There is no real history of political unrest in the state. This represented an increase of 11 percent of children from the 2017 INEGI survey. Access to Asylum: Federal law provides for granting asylum, refugee status, or complementary protection to those fleeing persecution or facing possible threats to their life, security, or liberty in their country of origin; this right was generally respected. Drug traffickers involved in illegal logging recruited and kidnapped indigenous persons and children in isolated or displaced communities, withheld their wages, forced them to conduct illicit activities, and often threatened death if they tried to leave. As of August, 25 of 32 states had specialized prosecutors offices for investigating torture, or specialized investigative units within the state attorney generals office as called for by law. Voting centers for federal elections were generally accessible for persons with disabilities, and ballots were available with a braille overlay for federal elections in Mexico City, but these services were inconsistently available for local elections elsewhere in the country. The CNDH maintained a human rights program to inform and assist members of indigenous communities. Also see the Department of Labors Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor at as well as the Department of Labors List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor at GitHub export from English Wikipedia. As of September workers had reviewed and voted on 1,790 collective bargaining agreements, less than 1 percent of the total number of agreements. Between 2017 and August the Office of the Special Prosecutor for Crimes against Journalists, a unit in the Prosecutor Generals Office, charged 136 public servants for crimes against journalists. The NGO also reported the existence of multiple unregistered private institutions without licenses operating as orphanages. The state commissions are funded by state legislatures and are semiautonomous. This Standards Bulletin from the Organization of Scientific Area Committees (OSAC) for Forensic Science provides a monthly update on: Standards moving through the OSAC Registry approval processes for published and OSAC Proposed Standards. Federal and state labor inspectorates conducted nearly 30,000 labor inspections in formally registered businesses in 2020 but did not conduct inspections in the informal sector. Criminal groups became increasingly involved in the illegal timber trade in Chihuahua, which accounted for 70 percent of the wood consumed in the country. The investigation continued as of August 30. On April 24, congress approved a reform to the labor law aimed at banning subcontracting of personnel for core or main economic activities in the public and private sectors. According to a 2019 National Child Labor Survey, the number of children ages five to 17 in child labor, including in hazardous household work, was 3.3 million, or approximately 11.5 percent of children in the country. The government worked with UNHCR to improve access to refugee status and the procedure to determine refugee status, reception conditions for vulnerable migrants and refugee applicants, and integration in local communities (including access to school, work, and other social services) for those approved for refugee and complementary protection status. Mexico has relied heavily on the military to control drugs and fight organized crime, leading to widespread human rights violations. NGOs operated 85 percent of the facilities, and government organizations operated the remaining 15 percent. During the COVID-19 pandemic, indigenous persons faced additional hardships in accessing educational services. PDF U.S. Department of State - United States Department of State Also in June a federal judge sentenced the former mayor of Chinipas, Chihuahua, Hugo Amed Schultz Alcaraz, to eight years in prison for his role in the 2017 murder of Miroslava Breach, a prominent La Jornada newspaper correspondent who reported on organized crime and corruption. According to a 2017 INEGI survey, the most recent information available, 12 percent of women were illegally asked to take a pregnancy test as a prerequisite to being hired. In July the Supreme Court ruled that authorities at all levels must investigate enforced disappearances, search for disappeared persons, and inform victims of the process. A Mexico City municipal law provides increased penalties for hate crimes based on sexual orientation and gender identity. This decision prevented a protection union from attempting to stop the strike by filing a challenge to the Mineros Unions control of the existing collective bargaining agreement at the San Martin mine in Sombrerete, Zacatecas. On August 7, several journalist organizations, including the Puebla Network of Journalists, National Network of Journalists, Communication, and Information on Women, and International Network of Journalists with a Gender Vision, issued a statement denouncing increased levels of violence against female journalists in Puebla from security forces and criminal organizations. Penalties for violations of the law were commensurate with those for other similar laws. By law workers may remove themselves from situations that endanger health or safety without jeopardy to their employment. Occupational Safety and Health: The law requires employers to observe occupational safety and health regulations, issued jointly by the STPS and Institute for Social Security. The Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) was created in 1985 under the Federal Advisory Committee Act to promote security cooperation between American private-sector interests worldwide and the U.S. Department of State. Between August 23 and August 27, hundreds of migrants from Haiti, Cuba, and Central America protested in front of the National Migration Institute offices in Tapachula, Chiapas, to demand expedited refugee proceedings that would allow them to move freely throughout the country. The CNDHs 2020 National Diagnostic of Penitentiary Supervision reported that state prisons were understaffed and suffered from poor sanitary conditions as well as a lack of separation between those sentenced and those awaiting trial. These included low wages, contentious labor management, long work hours, unjustified dismissals, a lack of social security benefits, unsafe workplaces, and no freedom of association. In 2019 the Federal Police was disbanded, and in May 2020 all remaining assets and personnel transferred to the National Guard. Defendants have the right to a presumption of innocence and to a fair and public trial without undue delay. osac crime and safety report: mexico - U.S. Department of State - United States Department of State The group reported 16 acts of aggression against female journalists between January and July and called on the Puebla governor to guarantee the adoption of public policies to respect, protect, and guarantee the exercise of journalism. Nonetheless, Quevedo Cruz remained in detention as of September 11. The CNDH noted significant understaffing at all levels in federal prisons, which affected access to programs, activities, medical services, and opportunities to report possible human rights abuses. On August 3, Ravelo died from his injuries. The National Migration Institute, under the authority of the Interior Secretariat, is responsible for enforcing migration law. Security experts said government candidate protection programs, which did not cover all those eligible, had a negligible impact on curbing political violence. February 27, 2023 endeavor air pilot contract No Comments . Western Hemisphere > Mexico > Merida 8/8/2013 Overall Crime and Safety Situation. There were reports of security forces using excessive force against demonstrators. Between January and August the CNDH recorded 123 complaints of arbitrary detention. That means the homicide crime rate was 29 per 100,000 in 2020. As a result other unions, including a new union formed by workers after the vote, gained the right to seek representation rights and negotiate a new agreement. As of October the accused were in a military prison awaiting trial. Government officials stated that the harassment of Catholic priests and evangelical Protestant pastors reflected high levels of generalized violence throughout the country and not targeted attacks based on religious faith. Nationwide the CNB reported the exhumation of the remains of at least 3,025 persons in 1,749 clandestine graves between December 1, 2018, and June 30. The government did not enforce the law effectively. In June the Supreme Court issued a unanimous decision confirming that the exercise of the right to strike suspends the processing of collective conflicts of an economic nature that may be pending before the court and the topics that they present, unless the workers express in writing their agreement to submit the conflict to the decision of the court. Arbitrary Deprivation of Life and Other Unlawful or Politically Motivated Killings, c. Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Arrest Procedures and Treatment of Detainees, f. Arbitrary or Unlawful Interference with Privacy, Family, Home, or Correspondence, a. The government, in conjunction with international organizations, made efforts to promote the safe, voluntary return, resettlement, or local integration of IDPs. The CNDH in its report on COVID-19 measures in holding facilities found most detention facilities could not comply with social distancing measures or several other health recommendations due to lack of space, personnel, or equipment. Participation of Women and Members of Minority Groups: No laws limit the participation of women or members of minority groups in the political process, and they did participate. According to the measurement, which offers a balance for 2020, the capital of Potos has a rate of 37,400 victims per 100,000 inhabitants, only below Toluca, capital of the State of Mexico, with 38,300. As of July the CNB reported that there were 89,572 missing or disappeared persons in the country. As of July, 94 percent of active unions under federal jurisdiction had registered their amended statutes with the Secretariat of Labor and Social Welfare (STPS), but only 39 percent of active unions under local jurisdiction had registered their amendments with the CABs.
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