Q: What do you recommend for enema systems, particularly for children? Answer: This child put out a baseball size tapeworm on her first enema. Call our office, 314-432-7802, to make an appointment with our acupuncturist Dr. Liu. Some people can handle higher doses of stronger medications. Either hit parasites hard and fast with the correct medications, or dont try to hit at all. I did suppositories nightly for at least 60 days with whatever was testing well for my parasites, and I often switched it up during those 60 days. We know what parasite medication works on what parasites. Often parasites need to be hit with several medications at once to die [2]. !(!0*21/*.-4;K@48G9-.BYBGNPTUT3? endobj I have yet to see an herb-only protocol that works. I think if someone has no beneficial bacteria in the colon, then MMS might be an interesting idea. We felt very ill. Drawing on experiences in Western, Eastern and US Army medicine, Simon Yu, MD blends story-telling with strategies, testing and protocols to detect and treat "asymmetric threats" fueling cancer, Lyme and chronic diseases. But isn't it true that most parasites in the body live outside of the GI tract? Her ophthalmologist can see parasites in the eye, and she was losing eyesight every week. Here is what I recommend for parasite testing, and my comments on each one, in order from most effective to least effective: Here are the details of what we ended up having. Diethyl tablets were OK as-is for suppositories and enemas. endobj Im hearing reports of this in both America and Europe. However, we never saw a single worm or fluke come out with any of the above therapies. Bio-Cybernetics & Energy Medicine - Dr. Simon Yu - YouTube I would put them on natural parasite remedies like wormwood, black walnut, clove oil, and patients generally got better. Home - Prevention & Healing Inc. He does so quickly and aggressively to eliminate the problem and improve the quality of your life. Note that Dr. Simon Yus medical practice is thriving, and the staple of his business seems to be cancer patients who actually need parasite medications. I have yet to see any insurance that covers parasite medications. From a recent article of Dr. Simon Yu, Most parasite problems may manifest outside of the GI tract, i.e. 16 0 obj I don't have any formal training in parasites, just purely from experience from the military, and then applying that in different combinations to produce a better successful outcome. <> AutismOne on Healing Autism: Accidental Cure by Optimists endobj But fortunately for us, we have Dr. Simon Yu, MD. Q: My question to you is, did you start losing weight after you dewormed? Read COVID-19 and Hidden Coinfections in The Health Care Blog. Diethyl 100mg tabs, encapsulated before taking. To learn more about our data collection practices, please visit our Privacy Policy. Donese. Dr. Yu: Actually, I do not separate them. Dr. Yu continued to look for more answers. Is it Possible to Bend Time? indicates that he still prescribes parasite medications 2-3 times per year to some elderly patients, even after they are initially clear. Dr. Simon Yu, MD Medical Director at Prevention and Healing, Inc. Besides chelation, we didnt observe any negative reactions from taking parasite medications with any other supplements. <> for Dr. Simon Yu: Parasite Patient Testimonial - YouTube He uses a zapper in his office to agitate the parasites so he can detect them with his AMA machine. Information is intended for the reader's personal use only. This link will provide you with information on parasites and diseases of humans world-wide. Light therapy: We tried various versions of this. Attention the information on this page can save your life! Information presented is based on my journey working with my doctors and other practitioners as well as things I have learned from conferences and other helpful resources. Cancer Patient Freedom does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. 1.5 tabs, 2x/day, continued from previous round, NO BREAK! I started doing this when I noticed that our worms were becoming resistant to Mebendazole (Mebex), so I switched to Diethyl. Dr. Yu is an expert in finding many of the key things other doctors may miss; namely parasites, fungal, and dental issues. The described approach(es), suggestions and advice may not work for you at all, or may require modification to suit your individual case. In 2001, I was in Bolivia on a mission for Indian natives. Dr. Yu identifies and addresses five main causes of chronic illnesses which are commonly overlooked: heavy metals, food allergies and sensitivities, dental problems, diet and nutrition, and parasites and fungal problems. My body could have perhaps tolerated larger, longer doses of parasite medications had I first cleaned up my liver a bit. How do you prevent parasites in humans from becoming established? Dr. Yu recommends a quarterly gallbladder liver flush, even for healthy people. The ones testing well I then test in combinations to see how many our bodies can tolerate at a time. Check here first - this is an excellent resource. Helminth infectioninduced malignancy PLOS Pathogens, July 2017. The best for getting parasite symptoms to temporarily disappear was probably the Seroyal Black Walnut capsules. Not only do you need to know who your enemy is, but you also need to know yourself. Dr. Yu put me on a three month protocol with alternating cycles focused on the parasites and the fungal colonization as well as detoxification and drainage support including several liver-gallbladder flushes. Our family had to learn this the very hard way (See 5 years and thousands of dollars in the previous section). Vision variations (f,w,h) NOTE: I went from -6.5 and -7 prescription to -4.5 after clearing up the majority of my parasites! I see migraine headaches go away all the time. Search on Ebay or DuckDuckGo for piperazine citrate. In the allergy immunology point, I see heavy metal problems, fungal problems, mycotoxins, environmental toxins, and even electromagnetic fields. endobj I'll go through the meridian testing. After about 4-6 months, we shifted the timing of our rounds to 1 week before the new moon. we have used but not in the context of helping with parasites. Sometimes our parasite symptoms would go away for 1-2 months, but then the symptoms would come back, often stronger. Many parasites spend part of their life cycle in the digestive tract. endobj I have heard from several practitioners that Albendazole (Albenda) and Alinia are hard on the liver and that they should be monitored and taken with caution. If one has parasites, I would do a Gallbladder Liver Flush and Liver Massage. Here is a Youtube Video with details about the glass jar method. To my knowledge, none of these other children have ever been de-wormed. Bio-Cybernetics & Energy Medicine - Dr. Simon Yu 2,662 views Aug 17, 2013 Dr. Simon Yu, founder of the Prevention & Healing clinic, provides a preview of his presentation at the 8th. The amounts do not come close to what you took.. She educates patients and families on the regimens, protocols, and therapies that detoxify and/or build the immune system. <> There are also excellent pictures in Kerri Riveras book.). Every time I eat I cannot taste the food but the medicine. Our family has worked on parasite symptoms with every kind of local practitioner MDs, Dos, NDs, DAOMs, GI Specialists, Homeopaths, Acupuncturists. Although coffee enemas are very popular at the time of writing, I havent found them to be any more effective than just plain water. I keep testing, especially starting one week before the full and new moons. I go through the sequence and use "oil pulling" because I see dental problems all the time. I'm not interested in naming the name of the parasite. To learn more:http://www.preventionandhealing.com. They also start to acclimate to the medications. Hardly anyone de-worms their dogs either. By. endobj In this case, we still take the parasite medications. However, we saw no evidence that it helped with our parasite issues. MMS Protocol for Parasites: Chlorine Dioxide enemas - activate as instructed by your practitioner. What is your opinion of it? endobj Weve been taking Chlorella for many years, I havent seen that clinically or energetically showing up as beneficial for parasites. That was developed by German acupuncturist, Dr. Reinhard Voll. Ideas of where to get these medications can be found in where to get parasite medications. Klinghardt has suggested that when it comes to parasites, this is where some of the pharmaceutical options really shine and are often necessary. Quote from Better Health Guy.com. The allergy immunology point and the dental point are not classical Chinese acupuncture points. Other binders like Zeolite, Charcoal, etc. Nothing seemed to be working. Dr. Simon Yu in St. Louis diagnoses parasites with AMA - Acupuncture Meridian Assessment - which in our experience has been accurate. endobj So I use Pyrantel pamoate or Mebendazole depending on how they tested. 3 0 obj We have tested these medications at home, and with ZYTO. Any thoughts on Diatomaceous earth? He served as a medical officer in the US Army Reserves for 25 years, retiring as a full colonel. He has also organized three meetings in Europe for doctors and dentists with Dr. Yu. Information is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. Levamisole was also not well tolerated for our family, despite encapsulation. If these debugging techniques are new, check out the Overview Video first. After the enema, I disinfect with 91% alcohol from the drugstore, wash with water, let everything dry, and then reuse. <>/F 4/A<>>> 32 0 obj A: Here and here are some common lists of anti-parasitic foods. In case you missed them, here they are listed for easier reading. As usual, they are in rank order from the most important puzzle piece to the least important puzzle piece. Its possible that some of the herbal or more natural remedies might work too for these small infestations. We gave parasite medication every day for two weeks to about 10,000 people. We help patients on their journey and quest for health, developing tailored plans to combat hidden health threats, and restore the bodys condition of a healthy terrain. PDF Parasite Remedies: Guidelines for Taking Medication Kerri Riveras book adds MMS / CD / CDS to the original Kalcker protocol. Unfortunately the easy-to-use Kalcker chart has been deleted from the internet, so I have created a modified Kalcker Protocol Chart from my old printout. Why? However, this does not mean that all parasites are gone, it just means that they are no longer effecting the acupuncture meridians. Feb 14, 2022 3:17 AM. All medications listed in a round were taken at the same time. 771. Parasitetesting In hindsight, I wonder if we would have reduced our reactions to parasite medications had we first done a gallbladder liver flush. Pinterest. Below is a list of our personal primary symptoms. Parasite treatment z Simon Yu protocols (sequential use of medical drugs): ivermectin, pyrantel pamoate, albendazole, nitazoxanide, biltricide z Herbal protocols (Hulda Clarke, etc.) If they respond to Alinia or Tinidazole, maybe I'm dealing with protozoa. Another physician that has been doing training with Dr. Simon Yu is Dr. Retzeks respected colleague in Cologne, Germany, Dr. Atel Hemat. In August, I wrote a blog about attending Dr. Simon Yu's Acupuncture Meridian Assessment (AMA) Training course. endobj So in August 2019, Dr. Yu evaluated me and found that all of my meridians were initially balanced. ]c\RbKSTQ C''Q6.6QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ = {" The Kalcker protocol includes the RX parasite medications Mebendazole and Pyrantel Pamoate. He practices Internal Medicine with an emphasis on Alternative Medicine to use the best each has to offer. Dogs poo all over our parks and lawns. At first I was totally grossed out and freeeked out when I saw these things coming out of us. Dr. Yu's findings are quite compelling, and, if true, offer hope to terminal cancer patients that are willing to use these cutting edge treatments. This was based on our home energy testing and ZYTO. Antiparasitic foods This is a decent list of. I always use some kind of intestinal cleansing to make sure you have one or two bowel movements a day. Q: What your thoughts are on treating with anti viral medication along side parasite meds? Although we got lots of worms out whole before putting her on parasite medications, we still werent able to get them all out whole. His recent bookAcciDental Blow Up in Medicine: Battle Plan for Your Lifeis a fantastic resource for patients and clinicians alike. HeliR - July 7, 2019. \$F`SUgWo>v3&KM)T+e7n/;`6W|?;;}Ym3Bu@AcO1 W ;h[9_O JDU1Dtk(xHSlvoP>RZ'Rzr8EB=/Lt Some vets sell it. <> <> 30 0 obj PDF Protocols/Treatments Detailed Within The Presentation Slides If I'm picking up the signal in the liver, gallbladder, pancreas that can be liver flukes, pancreatic flukes, or maybe nematode or possibly protozoa. Worms: Ascaris (ve), Round (ve), Tape (v), Taxonomy unknown (v), Flukes: We had thousands of them. 1T, 2x/day when not on Pyrantel in Kalcker for 10 days, (oil of oregano) 1 tab, 3x/day all month long, 3 tabs WB & 1 tab CP, 6 days on & 1 day off, 30min before largest meal, 1 tab 3x/day, before meals for first 2 months, 1tsp 3x/day for 2 months, 30 min before food in 6oz water, 3 tabs WB & 1 tab CP, 1x/day for 3 months, 6 days on & 1 day off, 30min before largest meal, 710 mg 2x/day for 3.5 days, then repeated in 1 month, 6 pills 2x/day continued from previous month, 2 pills 2x/day plus prazi in castor oil on skin near liver for 4 weeks, 1T 2x/day for 1 week, then 1tsp 2x/day for 3 weeks, 710 mg 2x/day for 4 days, then 1 week off, then again 4 days. If these debugging techniques are new, check out the Overview Video first. As Clinical Supervisor, she assists Dr. Yu with office duties that support the business, and manages staff. I have found that this is a comprehensive formula that has helped several of my patients. I have a patient who is going blind, losing eyesight. Everyone is unique and what may be right for me may not be right for others. Prevention and Healing, Simon Yu, M.D. That's one of the major misunderstandings because parasites migrate. He is the only doctor we know of who is having some success diagnosing and treating parasites in humans. To contact Chaplain Paul, call 314-440-1527, our office, or email pjoh420@aol.com. Dr. Simon Yu is a Board-Certified internist who founded Prevention and Healing Incorporated to offer integrative medicine to patients from St. Louis, across the nation, and around the world. This is not just about cleanliness. ToxinAbsorbmax, Lumbrokinase, L-Methylfolate, E3 Live, Lumbrokinase, Liposomal Vitamin C, Liposomal C, Vitamin C, Dessicated Hypothalmus, Praziquantel, Mebendazole (Mebex), Diethyl, Vascular Terrain, Stomach Terrain, Liver Terrain, Praziquantel, Lumbrokinase, Neem tincture, 1 tab, 2x/day for 10 days before meals, then repeated 3 weeks later, 2 tabs, 2x/day for 10 days before meals, then repeated 3 weeks later, 1 tab, 2x/day all month long (note: antifungal for Tinidazole), 1 tsp, 2x/day, for 20 days (when not on Kalcker Pyrantel), 1.5 tabs, 2x/day, for the rest of the month NOTE: Diethyl started after complaining of itchy bum & testing well on Diethyl. Thankful for extra energy and increased vitality for the whole family! The systemic worms were closer to 1-2 years. Watch Dr. Yus presentation at The Forum for Integrative Medicine conference in March 2020. We have noticed a huge improvement in our health from changing our diet, but I think that was because it helped heal our guts, not because it was eradicating parasites. It is technically in the class of antibiotics). Donese Worden. He then did a provocation technique which puts additional stress on the system to find previously hidden or unrevealed issues. So how do you know when youre done? If the pH and resistivity are perfect, but the redox is out of balance, then the body just doesn't function well. You can also attend a free monthly presentation and discussion on . 15 0 obj Everything else was status quo. Mama. React. Piperazine: This link is constantly breaking. Dr. Yu encountered several miracle-improvements using parasite medication and wrote two books about his experiences:Accidental Cure: Extraordinary Medicine for Extraordinary Patients, and Accidental Blow Up in Medicine: Battle Plan for Your Life. While he's not requesting to see me again for a year, I'll definitely be back. z Prof. G.Steidl protocol: Rizol Gamma - 10 drops in water, t.i.d. After that it was not well tolerated. I actually found the fungal cycles to be more difficult to tolerate than the parasite cycles. Vitamin D and Vitamin C, that were for general immune support but not necessarily for parasites. If it is in the brain, it can be anything. Quoting from a friend who described it very well, It is definitely the most difficult protocol I have tried. Dr. Yu makes frequent lecture and study trips in the US and overseas, speaking at many innovative medical and biological dental conferences, including Medicine Week in Germany, as part of his lifelong quest for learning. The article Are Parasite Medications Safe? goes into more detail about each of these medications. <> MDs put people on seizure medication when they really need parasite medication, and I find it absolutely heartbreaking. As has always been the case, this event was simply superb and enlightening. I look back now and cringe at how my family suffered. When she visited Dr. Helmut Retzek of Austria, the first time she brought pictures of Ascaris (roundworm) larvae creeping out of her eye. 1 0 obj Home. endobj I have a whole binder of negative parasite stool test results. Every time I excrete it smells pretty foul. Dr. Diane Love. Many say that heavy metals act as an antennae for EMFs. <> can be found in How To Give a Child an Enema. Since then, she has had tremendous improvement. I do acupuncture meridian assessment. Furthermore, some may need higher doses of Mebex and Pyrantel taken for a longer period of time than in the Kalcker protocol. It is very hard to break their cycle as long as dental problems persist. We learned a lot from Dr. Yu, but unfortunately he was also missing some key pieces of the parasite puzzle. However, one relatively small dose of parasite medications usually clears things right up. I went over to the neighbors house at 8pm on a weekday, borrowed all their bleach, and started bleaching the whole house. Ph (480) 588-2233. endobj I use my knowledge of any symptoms that might be going on, like a flu going around school, chelation work, or parasite medications. Note that I havent done final blood testing to confirm that the anemia is 100% gone yet, but preliminary tests indicate that it is. 23 0 obj The good thing is I believe it is doing its job. They love to go to the lung, to the liver, pancreas, spleen, even to the brain and eyes. This will hopefully keep them away from the parasites that tend to be active and feeding at night. This is why the example parasite medication testing videos above are so important. Most adult gallbladders and livers are filthy from years of toxins, chemicals & parasites. [ 13 0 R] Is this belly distended or normal? We test at home what to put in the enema for a given person at a given time. endobj ( Watch Dr. Yus interview on his new book by Doug Kaufmann of Know the Cause on YouTube. This time, we found all of the meridians were balanced. 6 0 obj endobj The Kalcker protocol is a great starting place for treating worms. How about this belly? A: DE is part of the Kalcker Protocol, which I do recommend. BetterHealthGuy.com is intended to share my personal experience in recovering from my own chronic illness. I tried to minimize the number of rounds with Tinidazole, since it required 3-4 months of very strict dieting and anti-fungals. We ended up only taking Levamisole orally for a few days at a time. This has the added benefits of being able to properly digest food and assimilate minerals. Information is intended for the reader's personal use only. I found the protocols tolerable, but not easily. This leads me to the theory that I have had flukes for a long time (maybe passed from my mother?) For more articles and information about integrative medicine, patient success stories, and Dr. Yu's new book, AcciDental Blow Up in Medicine: Battle Plan for Your Life, visit his website at www.preventionandhealing.com or call Prevention and Healing, Inc., 314-432-7802. As you work through your customized protocol, you'll positively influence your terrain by supporting your body's drainage pathways, your natural detoxification processes, the health of your gut microbiome, and your body's ability to repair cells and tissues.*. Books & Pub's - Prevention & Healing Inc. So I'm reverse engineering pharmacologys information. His office joked that they need to make certificates for his graduates. % endobj Parasites - Debug Your Health Dr. Yu offers Training on Acupuncture Meridian Assessment (AMA) twice a year in St. Louis for doctors, dentists and health professionals. Dr. Yu often recommends Tinidazole, technically an antibiotic. Slowly, I became thankful that these creatures were coming out. All rights reserved. Sometimes they are praziquantel/mebex/diethyl, sometimes nutrients, sometimes drainage/ detox remedies. Used as rectal enemas, and by oral . for Dr. Simon Yu: Parasite Patient Testimonial - YouTube Patient was working for months in Egypt. Dr. Yu discovered parasites are an underestimated source of many diseases after serving as a Reserve Medical Corps Officer in South America doing parasite treatment for large numbers of people. JFIF C Dr. Yu: Absolutely, based on what the meridian showing. Zapper: Yes, we even have a Hulda Clark Zapper. <> I use the plastic bucket to get the water started in the tubing, but then actually deliver the enema from a glass jar. The following educational videos show how we figured out which parasite medications to take, in what doses. Then you can do a gallbladder and liver flush. Q: Were you totally freeked out when you saw all those flukes and worms coming out? It also seemed that around this time the parasites built up some immunity to Mebendazole (Mebex). I dont think they are necessary; they are optional. PDF PARASITES - Dr. Lee Merritt Theyre overlooked because there are no reliable ways to detect parasites, and we assume parasites are only in third world countries One of the hardest parts of treating parasites as a physician is that there are no reliable tests available. For dental and allergy points, what I see not only the hidden dental materials like amalgam, mercury, cadmium, palladium, nickel, or those environmental toxins and the infections, especially parasites. Parasites & CIRS Update | Biotoxin Journey The list is both so long and complete that it is easy to come to the conclusion that many of our modern uncureable ailments must be due to parasites. endobj Toxoplasmosis Parasite Deceiving Medicine - The Healthy Planet We have done a few rounds of Alinia with our oldest, and didnt notice any issues. Homeopathics: Cina, rounds of custom UNDA#s, Para-chord, Para-Solve, various NET Remedies, Constitutional Remedies. BetterHealthGuy.com. Note that before starting the Kalcker protocol, I would do Enemas for at least a few weeks. Noone is deworming themselves, let alone their pets these days! Barb is a nurse focusing in holistic/integrative medicine. Twitter. Below is a list of the sources we use. We invite you to sign up for my newsletter. I eventually realized that the flush was much more effective if done fasting, so I switched to only flushing after every 2 rounds of parasite medications instead of after every round. We found that Diethyl is not always well tolerated. Detox Gut Health Protocols - Wholesale Patient Protocols - CellCore I dont remember using parasite medications in my medical training or any experiences treating medical conditions related to parasite infestations, Dr. Simon Yu [2]. We have found them equivalent to what we got from two compounding pharmacies in the US. Use of this website and videos signifies your agreement to this disclaimer. As always, any medical decisions should be made only with the guidance of your own personal medical authority. Our experience was consistent with his theories. Mebex and Pyrantel Pamoate in the Kalcker Protocol are great for worms. Q: Is it OK to take parasite medications with other medications? I think most people with chronic illness, such as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, Lyme disease, MS, Parkinson's, and other neurologic disorders or cancer, at least 90% of the time, have problems with parasites and dental problems. For so long. WhatsApp. Dr. Simon Yu combines Internal Medicine with Integrative Medicine, and founded Prevention and Healing, Inc. in 1996. An article from Dr. Simon Yu, MD AutismOne on Healing Autism: An Accidental Cure by Optimists Dr. Yu has written an extremely interesting article mentioning Kerri, Andreas Kalcker and their successes healing autism with the help of chlorine dioxide and ridding the body of parasites. Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073, United States. No responsibility, legal or otherwise, is assumed for any errors or omissions in the content of this web site. Stay up to date with the latest from Prevention and Healing, Inc. Acupuncture is offered in our office by Pingfan Liu, O.M.D., L.Ac., (Oriental Medical Doctor, Licensed Acupuncturist). I have no scientific evidence to back this up. The kids are constantly picking them up at school. While Debugyourhealth.com uses reasonable efforts to provide accurate information, no warranties or representations are made as to the accuracy, validity, or reliability of any information which may be presented. No longer testing well on parasite medications. <> Biltricide (praziquatel) 4 times each day for 4 days. ;l0 7@'g?M\* r4f`[FTolAVYJqQzmtv~s%:}~=S I wrote a few articles on the issue of parasites and mind control, or parasites, and mental illness. My husband had his RX change temporarily while he was excreting the majority of his parasites, but he didnt have a permanent change.
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