There are eight main types. There are four major categories within the ABO group: A, B, O, and AB. Thats so strange, my family ancestry is Irish- Siux on my dads side and French-Scottish on moms side. ongoing discussion on the Jewish Genealogy Portal on Facebook,,,, 100 Traits that Rh Negatives might have in common. The most common blood type in the United States is O-positive, with around 38 percent of the population. Without the new Testament there is no forgiveness. But some of the comments on there are great and have helped lead me in the right direction. I did ask my Mom.. LOL she wasnt happy about that question. My B Blood Group (Mongolian) History | Michelle Robert Smith So now if you have read the bible some may have like myself, why is God choosing favorites, He is not You Me & all our friends & family are not the Gentiles WE ARE THE ISRAELITESGods Chosen 1sCool Uhh? The 1917 Bolshevik War, 65Million Russian Christians were slaughteredby Jews. if (d.getElementById(id)) return; Rh factor is a big determinant in both fertility and pregnancy, Get fertility advice personalized for you. 1 talking about this. The word Jew didnt exist until 1775. Clark, please note that the Roman Catholic Church removed over 500 books from the Bible after 1610. Than Eve conceived Cain and Abel, Cain was unrighteous, Abel a righteous soul, ending up a slaughtered victim, which would have killed out his righteous bloodline. Westcott and Hort. Middle East Instrument, but ironically Harps are back in play in Israel and we are seeing many Harp Players going to contests in Israel. According to the Jewish Genetic Disease Consortium, it is estimated that nearly one in two Ashkenazi Jews in the United Statesthe descendants of European Jewsis a carrier of at least one of 38 genetic diseases, including Tay-Sachs Disease, Gaucher Disease, and Bloom Syndrome. Do you have access to a study regarding blood type frequencies (especially rh factor) of Australian Aboriginals? What is the latest research on the form of cancer Jimmy Carter has? As kingship and priesthood was passed on through the first son to the first son, this method is still used amongst the european monarchies. Antigens are molecules that can trigger an immune system response. After the 12 apostles coverts a good few amongst the lost sheep of the house of Israel to Christiantity, Jesus than sends 70 or 72 out to declare his arrival to the gentile and pagan nations and cities, and guess what these 70 or 72 in the new testament parallels with the 72 elders from the old testament when God told Moses to bring 70 elders to the tabernacle, And the LORD said unto Moses, Gather unto me seventy men of the elders of Israel, whom thou knowest to be the elders of the people, and officers over them; and bring them unto the tabernacle of the congregation, that they may stand there with thee. especially the book of Enoch, it states that Adam, was the son of God, and HE had direct communication with God and interaction with the spirit realm. but its only certain tribes. The IEW meant people living in Judea. I have since posted Westcott and Hort were involved in this, they were occult members and made several changes that affect its interpretation in a negative way. Noah was born not only different having the genetic features of what many would claim as albanism, but albinos have been born into all nationalities. Sorrynotsorry. What Your Blood Type Says About You: A Fun, Educational Look at Your You can find references to these peer reviewed journal articles on a web search. Many of the true Israelites became pagans worshipping many idols and gods during their captivity, exile and those that have returned to Israel, and thus God had to bring them back to him, but sending any more prophets their way, was out of the question because they have killed his prophets in the past and did not heed to their warnings of their prophesied destruction, captivity and exile that was coming, as is written in 2 Esdras 1:32 I sent unto you my servants the prophets, whom ye have taken and slain, and torn their bodies in pieces, whose blood I will require of your hands, saith the Lord. Hi there! Among Ashkenazi Jews, a higher incidence of specific genetic disorders and hereditary diseases has been verified, including: Alport syndrome [28] Colorectal cancer due to hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer [29] Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (nonclassical form) [30] Congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis [31] This site is pretty interesting. The bible only tells us that Methuselah was the father of Lamech which was the father of Noah, but the book of Jasher states that Lamech had a brother, whos name was Eliakim. Ashkenazi blood type b positive - Carrier screening is less sensitive and less informative in non-Jewish individuals. The Celt post is older and probably lacking lots of new research that has come my way. Ethnic codes and blood donations: Whats the big deal? A blood transfusion is a procedure that restores blood to the body. However, I do not prescribe to being one particular religion and believe many truths come from many different religions. Israel 's rh negative frequencies are reportedly low with only 10%. Because of compatibility issues between blood groups, its critical that appropriate donors are matched with a person who needs a blood transfusion: If you mix blood from two people with wrong blood types, the antibodies in the blood of the person receiving the transfusion will fight the cells of the donors blood, resulting in a potentially fatal toxic reaction. (2017). Than after the flood. In fact, women with blood type O are thought to have a more difficult time getting pregnant than women with any other blood type, especially type A. I too did a DNA test 7 years ago to find Jewish ancestry because of my Messianic Jewish faith. Sign up today, get DeepDyve free for 14 days. Learn how transfusion reactions occur and how to minimize. King Solomon was involved in that type of idolatry. Am I a Celt, Portuguese Jewish by blood or the common last name found even in the bible but nowhere in Israel today. Click here to learn more about blood types. Also learn how to find your blood, Blood is a lot more complex than it looks. The blood groups of 13 skeletons were undiagnosable and the remaining 55 showed the following distribution: 30.91% A-group, 14.54% B-group, 50.91% AB-group and 3.64% O-group. My mom was 0+ Native American and Irish, My dad is O-and Bohemian Czech. For example, only 2% of donors have a rare subtype of blood that doctors often use to treat sickle cell disease, but demand for it is increasing by 1015% each year. After the 10 tribes were dispersed, only the southern kingdom remained the kingdom of Judah before it was conquered by the Babylonians whom carried the 2 remaining tribes of into exile, that would be tribe of judah & Benjamin. The rarest of these is type AB. This is significant since these sons and tribes will be associated with the priesthood and kingship later in the history of Israel, and at least in some streams of Judaism, with a coming messiah. ABO-typing of ancient skeletons from Israel - PubMed We link primary sources including studies, scientific references, and statistics within each article and also list them in the resources section at the bottom of our articles. Raised A and B levels are considered characteristic for the, American Journal of Physical Anthropology I, too have been interested in biblical bloodlines. According to a 2014 study conducted at Columbia University and published in the journal Nature Communications, today's worldwide population of roughly 10 million Ashkenazi Jews is descended from . What this means is an unbroken line of Kings from that tribe. All this is coming out now. Right now they are destroying that nation and all that are connected to it. As to Judah : the scripture states that the scepter shall not pass from Judah until Shiloh. 20% higher change of developing stomach cancer compared with types O and B. Blood type distribution U.S. 2021 | Statista 1977 Jul;47(1):89-91. doi: 10.1002/ajpa.1330470115. In addition to his current work, Dr. Amos is using his vast experience to launch Obie, a science-based app that offers personalized fertility advice. Blood types are passed down genetically. (n.d.). so she had to take shots for me with A- Negative. The 12 tribes of Israel were considered Jews, not just because of the king from the tribe of Judah, but because they practiced the same religion as one people under God. On the other hand, a 45% frequency of A group has been recorded in Sephardic Jews (Margolis, Gurevitch and Hennoni, in press), which is close to the figure found in Ashkenazim. Unfortunately many do not understand this and trust these Bibles. The Talmud is a very interesting group of books. I have a little bit of middle eastern (about 1.something percent) and the regions were Yemen (it also mentioned Yemeni jews), western part of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Palestine, Israel, Syria and Jordan. There is a lot more to bloodlines than meets the eye. What are the benefits of being rh negative? js.src = "//"; What does anyone think about a connection? These people that God is referring to as my people are the believers and followers of Christ and amongst them are the heathen dispersed lost ISRAELITES that have forgotten their ancestry, their sacred rituals, and even the law of the prophets, which God has united back to Him through Christ and christianity based on the PRINCIPLE OF FAITH and GRACE alone. My grandmother came with her mother because she lost her father young. Blood Types Explained - A, B, AB and O - Red Cross Blood Eliakim had 3 daughters which Noah took as wives for his 3 sons. They also note that this procedure saves 4.5 million lives each year. That is the House of Nun. Here is some information related and as more comes our way, it will be added: Looking at blood type frequencies of European Jews, numbers are very similar to the general populations, especially regarding rh factor. If that has been taken, use your full first and last name. js = d.createElement(s); = id; Most modern bibles are corrupt in their translations . I truly say that the more you discover of the LORD, the more narrow the path becomes. DNA and Ancestry proves this. Right there tells it all on most Jews are not Gods children or do Zionist belong in Israel, & the USA should not be supporting them, for that is turning your back on God.You cant serve to Masters. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Therefore, not sure if maybe sine Germans came over here taking the name Mazoch too. Ive been doing a bit of research but everything i read seems to attribute along the lines back to Sumerians. I paint with both my right and left hand equally. That religion is known as Judaism. But for all the World Travels and Single life Ive led, I only married once and even w/ uncountable sexual encounters have just one son. Please note that comments will not be approved unless you use your real name. Everything to know about this blood disorder. *African 2.6% [Ambigious]. I know its been 3 years since you posted this information, but I just read your comment here and I have studied through Forensic Pathology (I just graduated last year). Genetics & the Jews | Discover Magazine Is a person with lupus eligible to donate blood? Not only was Noahs genetics original and pure, Noah himself came from a bloodline of Kings and Priests before the flood, these descended from the bloodline of Seth. These tribes are the Bloodline of the JEWS, 90% of the 1% Elite Rich. Plus through the Genetics in of Irish being Celts and now finding out that they could very well be the lost Tribe of Dan. The rarity of, and demand for, this type of blood emphasizes the importance of blood donors. The question is where are the rest of the tribes of Israel if only 3 or 4 tribes returned to their homeland?. I got a little bit Central Asian (about 1. something percent) Afghanistan. (2015). Anthony, Could this affect our current science which mandates the rare AB blood as inherited from the A type of one parent, and the B type of the other? Do not surround your terms in double-quotes ("") in this field. Thank you for putting all of this together :). Well according to these books. Ashkenazi Jews and Blood Type "B" : r/Judaism - reddit Here is some information related and as more comes our way, it will be added: Disclaimer: This blog, all of its content and all of my posts are for Entertainment Purposes Only. I have to really go deep for info, cause I believe the tablets or books that should be in the bible e,g., Enoch, either taken & hid with the Black Pope is still un-discovered. Seth grows up close to his parents, walking in their footsteps, relationship with God, ends up becoming the righteous bloodline of the Sethites, and are also in direct communication with God. I have only begun to scratch the surface, but what I am reading from you here, you are correct. A Jew can be either through descent of the Jewish bloodline, or though conversion to the religion of Judaism, but at this time during the reign of King David and his son Solomon, all of the people of Israel which makes up the 10 tribes of the Northern kingdom and the 2 tribes known as Judah and Benjamin from the southern Kingdom were considered Jews due to their religion and the unification as one people under king David. RESULTS A N D DISCUSSION The distribution of the ABO blood groups found in Ashkenazim is given in table 1. This of course is a small study and does not represent blood type frequencies of the ancient Hebrews in general. Some Jews have converted to Christianity & some only believe in the Hebrew Bible. King Richards bones were found and a DNA test performed. These would be the Jews that have mixed with the pagan nations around them as well as the non jews living in Israel. The Danube river. ABO-typing of ancient skeletons from Israel Am J Phys Anthropol. A, B, O and the youngest about 1000 old http://AB.As Jews started to leave what is now Israel it was mostly men that left.They then married the local women where they settled.Accordind to Dr.D'Adamo,the B blood type has the strongest immune system , they are the only ones to drink and absorb dairy products.The percentage of the B blo True or false: All U.S. Presidents but one are/were Rh negative, Assortative mating on blood type: Evidence from one million Chinese pregnancies. According to those who believe this theory, these are the personality traits associated with the A+ blood type: Eat Right for Your Type is a best-selling book that suggests you can achieve your ideal weight and be healthier by choosing a diet based on your blood type. Notice the pattern that traces not just from Judah and Levi to Shem the son of Noah, but it also traces back to the lineage or call it bloodline or traits of the kings and high priests before the great flood.
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